Roostophe Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 Tribute Pt2: Listening to the whole Dangerous album for the first time in years. During those long, cramping car trips to our holiday destination (somewhere north of Aberystwyth.) my parents would bang this tape on and have it played for most of the journey. This means this is the first time I've listened to this album without feeling carsick.
Molly Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 Daft said: Seriously, is this a guy or a girl? I'm gonna go with a guy... on oestrogen. I just realised I haven't commented on this. I haven't been emotionally affected by his death, but I have just added 5 of his songs to my spotify playlist! THE MUSIC WILL LIVE ON :p
Happenstance Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 Was reading this earlier, wonder if its true: Quote Jordan Chandler admits he lied about Michael Jackson?? After the sudden death of Michael Jackson Evan Chandler tells the truth. In 1993, Chandler told a psychiatrist and police that he and Jackson had engaged in sexual acts that included oral sex, the boy gave detailed description of Jackson’s genitals. The case was settled out of court for a reported $22 million, but the strain led Jackson to begin taking painkillers. Eventually he became addicted. Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. ” I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever… Under the influence of a controversial father (Jordan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals. ” Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.”
S.C.G Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 Happenstance said: Was reading this earlier, wonder if its true: I reckon him lieing about it must be true because I always thought he was lieing about it anyway. So he comes out with all this now? too little, too late tbh I think he should use the ill-gotten gains - the 22m - to give to a charity because I think that's what Michael would have wanted, it probably won't happen though.
Happenstance Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 S.C.G said: I reckon him lieing about it must be true because I always thought he was lieing about it anyway. Solid reasoning there :p
S.C.G Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 Happenstance said: Solid reasoning there :p Well... it was settled out of court because it was the kids word against Jackson's, but it seemed clear to me that the kid must have been lieing and it all must have been a scam for money. And now he's basically admitted that.
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 It saddens me that MJ was the victim of much untrue gossip and criticism, even if (or maybe exactly because) he was "weird". But it strengthens my belief that he wasn't as bad a person as made out to be.
dwarf Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 I don't want to believe that he did anything bad to children, but with 10 allegations against him along with the problem that he wasn't exactly coming across as human in interviews it makes me think there must be some truth behind it all. Thing is, he wrote great songs, could do all those moves and generally succeeded in life, I just don't know how he could do all that and still have trouble in communicating normally. It's like he had 2 personas.
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 dwarf gourami said: Thing is, he wrote great songs, could do all those moves and generally succeeded in life, I just don't know how he could do all that and still have trouble in communicating normally.It's like he had 2 personas. I actually think it makes perfect sense. He was at his best when performing. That was what he knew how to do and do well. I don't think he was very good at being around people, and I think the media attention made it worse, explaining some of his strange appearances.
dwarf Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 Thing is he manages normal human activities, even simple things like booking flights for gigs and normal expected life-events that involve talking etc so you'd think he'd be confident, which he obviously has in abundance on stage. He couldn't have been a recluse before all that and I don't really believe the media could trigger him into turning freakish. The above probably sounded dumb, you can proof-read it.
CoolFunkMan Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 I've been following this thread since it started, now for my two pence. Tbh, I am saddened that Jackson died, musically he was a legend. He did have problems, and I think that he didn't deserve half the shit that happened to him. I can understand why people keep talking about his death, but I wish they'd let him rest in peace. dwarf gourami said: I don't want to believe that he did anything bad to children, but with 10 allegations against him along with the problem that he wasn't exactly coming across as human in interviews it makes me think there must be some truth behind it all.Thing is, he wrote great songs, could do all those moves and generally succeeded in life, I just don't know how he could do all that and still have trouble in communicating normally. It's like he had 2 personas. Fair point, but he was put in the celebrity spotlight from a young age, which would surely leave anyone with a jaded perception on reality. However, I personally don't think he actually did anything to those kids. It was just money-grabbing bastards taking advantage of his vulnerability.
Pestneb Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 dwarf gourami said: I don't want to believe that he did anything bad to children, but with 10 allegations against him along with the problem that he wasn't exactly coming across as human in interviews it makes me think there must be some truth behind it all.Thing is, he wrote great songs, could do all those moves and generally succeeded in life, I just don't know how he could do all that and still have trouble in communicating normally. It's like he had 2 personas. lots of allegations doesn't mean he is guilty - there were doubts about the allegations, then he settled. That could have made like minded people (just after money) follow, to try and get a settlement. my question though.. how do you give a detailed description of a persons genitals? I seriously would like to know what details were given, because.. well.. if the description was relevant at all it must have been pretty exhaustive (seriously, did the kid go in with a ruler? :s) and accurate... in which case how did those details ever come out if nothing happened? but then why would the kid admit to lying now if he hadn't? get some media attention and some extra money from exclusive interviews with magazines? :s weird.anyway, makes no difference either way now, except that no one should ever trust that kid or his father ever again.
flameboy Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 Theres no way that story about Jordan is true, the sources are dubious and its not being reported anywhere major... I wish it was true much like the other family who tried to accuse Jacko of stuff more recently who clearly saw their chance after "Living with Micheal Jackson" (really need to dig that out somewhere, got it recored on video off TV somewhere) to make a bit of money...
EEVILMURRAY Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 It was going to happen: I'm surprised they haven't already marketed a tribute album yet.
flameboy Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 EEVILMURRAY said: It was going to happen: I'm surprised they haven't already marketed a tribute album yet. Stupid quote from that article; Quote as fan rushed to buy material following his death. Its the wording, makes it out like people are rushing into shops as if they are going to miss out if they don't get it NOW! whereas most of the sales are likely digital especially with the singles entering the chart...why though man in mirror, its no where near his best song...guess its because that tribute video doing the rounds uses it... One thing The Mail mentioned today and I quote; "He has as many as 200 unpublished songs that he is planning to leave behind for his children when he dies" Interesting we could see a trickle of new albums to help sustain the kids... Depends if it means they have actually been recorded though or just written and they could be of variable quality.
EEVILMURRAY Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 About 200? Sounds more than a trickle. But I agree with the last sentence, which probably means we'd never see them.
Paj! Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 I assumed Man In The Mirror because Diana on the X Factor made it popular last year?
lostmario Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 Don't forget the new album he was working on. That will get released eventually. His family are taking on all his debts so i would imagine they'll get someone who was close to Michael to pick the best songs from his new work for the album. I think we'll see this released in 6 months time.
flameboy Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 EEVILMURRAY said: About 200? Sounds more than a trickle. But I agree with the last sentence, which probably means we'd never see them. I don't think we would see them all in one go they could release them at steady pace over the years and keep people interested... lostmario said: Don't forget the new album he was working on. That will get released eventually. His family are taking on all his debts so i would imagine they'll get someone who was close to Michael to pick the best songs from his new work for the album. I think we'll see this released in 6 months time. Yeah think thats a sure fire thing...
Ramar Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 flameboy said: why though man in mirror, its no where near his best song... I rate it up there with his best songs, absolutely amazing song. Odd choice for the tribute video mind you. Paj Meen Ah said: I assumed Man In The Mirror because Diana on the X Factor made it popular last year? Er.. who? Like some random on X Factor makes a Michael Jackson song famous.
flameboy Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 Ramar said: I rate it up there with his best songs, absolutely amazing song. Odd choice for the tribute video mind you. I dunno its never been one of my favourites to be honest, but then again my favourite MJ song is Streetwalker...not even a song that made the final cut for Bad...bodes well for these unreleased songs though if you ask me.
Ten10 Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Don't know if it was already posted but relatively cool: hit play to start the show
S.C.G Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Ten10 said: Don't know if it was already posted but relatively cool: hit play to start the show Such a lovely way to do a tribute.
Josh64 Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Man in the Mirror is one of my favourites, its a brilliant song.
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