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Football Season 2009/2010


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I rate Tosic and have high hopes for him. He looks quality and I reckon he will get more first team games this year but yeah his crossing needs some work.


I'm more interested in how macheda is doing. I think we will see him a lot more this season and I can see him doing really well. I think Fergie might be working up 2 sets of strikers looking at pre season like we had back in 99 with Cole + Yorke, Sherringham + Solskjaer.


I reckon it'll be


Rooney + Berba

Owen + Macheda


And I think that will work really well. Interesting timez.


I think I was more interested in how Ljajic was coming along, but Tosic looks pretty good. I agree, I reckon he'll be getting his fair share of games this season. We have quite a few wingers now with Tosic, Nani, Park and Valencia (whilst there are players who can play out on the wing too, but not necessarily wingers), but now I think it's time for several players to just step up their game now and show their potential. Fletcher upped a gear last year, so I hope others follow suit.


Macheda is one that impresses me with each game. He's so young, but he's showing a lot of promise already. The four strikers thing is something that Fergie has done for quite some time, I think. He still believes that you need four quality strikers in order to compete on all fronts. For a while, it looked like Rossi would be the fourth man, but Fergie sold him on...although he's probably kicking himself now at that. Then, Campbell looked like being the new fourth man, but now he's moved on, too. I hope Macheda is able to stick it out at United and show his worth.

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Villa and Colchester drew 2-2 earlier. :hmm:


Not much to say other than that Colchester were 1-0 up at HT and went 2-0 up about 10 minutes in, then Sidwell got one back before some youngster I've never heard of named Adam McGurk got the equaliser. ::shrug:



Thought it was interesting, y'know: Villa V Colchester. Me V Noodleman. :blank:


Sidwell was pretty good it would appear, happy with the draw even if we let a 2 goal lead slip.

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This is the year the Leeds United will be promoted into the Championship. I can feel it in me waters.


Heading over to see Leeds play Carlisle in September. Cant wait.


Also - anyone see the new Celtic away strip? Fricken gorgeous!



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This is the year the Leeds United will be promoted into the Championship. I can feel it in me waters.


Heading over to see Leeds play Carlisle in September. Cant wait.


Also - anyone see the new Celtic away strip? Fricken gorgeous!




"Electric Vomit" is the only thing that come to my head when I look at that.

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And yet admitted punching the guy and was bang to rights on CCTV twatting someone who was no threat to him whatsoever because his mate had just elbowed him the the face and he was falling all over the shop. All we need now is for the victim to be accused of hitting Stevie G's fist with his chin.


Gerrard is a filthy footballer and an all round dodgy twat, how he's treated in the media as if butter wouldn't melt is beyond me.

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Are you serious?


Of course I'm serious. He's cut down on the trademark "Stevie Lunge" that he used to cripple people with on a regular basis when he got frustrated, but he still dives all over the pitch at every possible opportunity - he's on a par with Ronaldo and Drogba in those stakes and if he was foreign he'd get crucified for it. Watch for how many time this season he walks to his favourite spot to take free kicks from, about 5 yards away from the right side of the box, kicks his legs up and goes to ground. Lots of other footballers who'd punched someone in the face while off their tits in a club would have had headlines about how they were out of control arrogant bling-boys, but not Stevie. If it'd been Joey Barton he'd have been taken into the town square and hung on the spot. Yet in spite of the fact Gerrard and his dad hang around with a load of crooks and gangsters, that his wife smashes lasses over the heads with bottles (and sucks off bouncers behind his back) he's still England hero and ambassador for the game good old Stevie G.



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Woot! I'm going to the Celtic v Moscow game at Parkhead on Wednesday. I don't get many opportunities to go to games (Dad doesn't like Football...get the love from Uncles on my Mums side of the family. Takes an hour to drive to Glasgow from where I live, making it unpossible without me passing my driving test) so when I do I make the most! My cousins on holiday with his girlfriend making me the recepient of my Uncles second ticket :D

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Ok i think you may be slightly bitter about something because your way off the mark.


I've got nothing to be bitter about, I just call it how I see it. He's a bit dodgy, a bit dirty and dives a lot. Is he the worst player in football? No, not at all. But he gets a really easy ride from the media etc and he's got another one here. There's no way in the world any normal person would have got away with that "self defense" bollocks if they'd been caught on camera joining in a beating like that.

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Hows he dodgy dirty and a diver?

I've already explained it. He puts some nasty tackles in, he goes to ground very easily (sometimes with no contact at all) and screams blue murder at the referee when he wants free kicks, his mates elbow people in the face and then he follows it up with a flurry of uppercuts, his dad's down with scouse gangsters and his lass bottles people


I dont see many people complain about Gerrard.

Exactly my point, I'm saying if it was someone else a bigger deal would be made of his off the pitch indescresions and his... what do they call it now, simulation? That's from watching games in the flesh or in full on TV and seeing his dives for myself, which are then stragely absent from match of the day and the post-match analysis - as is critism for it from officials and commentators.


As an example, he dived blatenty here to win a pen



Then when asked about it he claimed he hadn't dived, but admitted that he'd have been "furious" if that pen had been given against Liverpool. Work that one out if you can.


And evidently I'm not the only person to think Gerrard dives a lot



Although you'll see most of the videos showing his dives have been removed from youtube :indeed:

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The British Press love Steven Gerrard. He's their golden boy, and I guess he's the heart of the National Side at the moment. So, he's always pictured in a favourable light. But, quite a few occasions I've thought that he wasn't the most cleanest player out there. Do I think he's a thug? No. But, I also don't think he's a saint.


I believe that he has got off very, very lightly. First of all, he has admitted that he was a 7 out of 10 on the drunkness scale, and he also admitted that he threw three punches. He mentions that only one connected, but he threw three. He claims that he did this out of self defence, but what was the indication here that the guy was going to hit him? Because he got up out of his chair? Let us remember that this is one man, yet Steven had quite a few of his mates with him. I understand that 6 of his friends were charged? Just forget the fact that this is Steven Gerrard here, but is one guy going to attack another when 6 of his mates are nearby? If he does, he's a clear idiot.


The way I see it, Gerrard was drunk, so probably misinterpreted the actual intentions that the guy had. There was no indication that he was going to "smack in" and has there actually been any evidence that the guy threw any punches? So, Gerrard was "7 out of 10 drunk" and threw three punches, where "one connected", as this was in self defence? Is self-defence done in advance now? He could quite easily have ducked any of these so-called "smacks" that he thought he was going to receive, or tried to calm the situation down. He is guilty as hell.

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Uniteds latest pre season game was a pretty nice win at 8-2.


Giggs hatrick, Owen 2, Berbatov, Nani and Tosic.


I think a lot of fans are changing their minds about Owen. Just hope he can keep up his pre season form when the season starts.

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