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I know I mentioned it at the meet and on here since but I would like to know how many people would be up for a mini meet (I know it's not gonna be as big as last week, that was just epic though) at Alton Towers. I'm pretty certain that I'm gonna go up on Friday 25th of September and either stay a night at the hotel or in a nearby Days Inn Hotel (or something similar) and so be there on Saturday 26th September (my birthday :heh:) as well.


Basically would anyone be up for going on either (or both o_O) of the days, wanna get a response here before I think about starting another thread about it!


Oh and I've been saving up free entry vouchers as well which can be shared around!


The hotel isn't actually as much as I though it would be. You can get two days entry to the park and one nights stay in the hotel for about £75 (4 people sharing a room), considering last time I went it cost £28 just to get into the park for a day that's a pretty sweet deal!


Lol, brilliant. Looked like fun guys! I have no idea how I would react to that social situation.


At the beginning you can feel the nervous tension, I felt nervous watching it! But then everyone chills and starts talking about sex videos, they're always a great leveler I guess.


REZ the bit with with upside down shaky cam, I had to look away I felt so sick! Like a scene out of Transformers 2.


Oh god the end of Video #2 was golden.

Yep, excellent!

Hmm Tellyns phone number at 9:10 in the first video.


lolz... *cue numerous phonecalls from the forum*


'We're no strangers to lovvvvvve, you know the rulllllles and so do I....'


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