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That nintendo game you just didn't like

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rules of metroid playing

1: don't play it in a bad mood


LOL! True, but funny.


2: never look up gamefaq etc.. the thrill of solving something yourself makes you feel intelligent and well... it's a good feeling :)


That's true. I admit, I am using a list of where the Missile Expansions, Energy Tanks and Power Bombs are, because I'd never find them all myself, and I really want them all. I'm not using a walkthrough though. I think you need to learn the overworld yourself, otherwise you'd get too confused.


3: don't expect it to be action-packed.. it's a peaceful enough game


To me, it is very action-packed, much more than Zelda. To be honest, I really think it's an FPS, just with a modified control scheme. It has so much in common with the FPS genre, to me it's too close not to be one.


and what will you get :

1: still some of the best graphics on the gamecube and even the wii

2: some of the best music in videogame history


Yes, they are still as good as when it was released. Bliss.


3: fantastic controls for those that aren;t lazy


Agreed. It feels so right.


4: an experience that starts RIGHT from the beginning... there is only a spaceship for about 10 minutes to train you... No story blah blah your grandmother bullshit from zelda.. Metroid starts instantly... nothing will train you.. you have to learn the moves yourself.


So, so true. The training mission is sufficient, and it's actually very easy. I think this quality of pacing is why Metroid Prime is considered better than recent Zeldas. I'd say I still prefer WW and TP, but they just don't have the pacing. Zelda won't be massively respected again until it gets some focus and pacing.


That "gauntlet of doom" is also the reason I usually bother to fetch a certain optional weapon before entering the mines.


Is that the Wavebuster? That's the only optional weapon I've got at the moment.

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For some reason I've never really enjoyed Super Metroid (or any of the 2d Metroids for that matter). It's weird that because i ADORE the Castlevania games and they're so similar...


thats strange... they're both as difficult as each other.. but super metroid is difficult in a retro kind of way... It gives you NO hints.. you never talk to anyone in the game.. some of the solutions are wacky and weird ha...


castlevania is just as hard gameplay wise but as far as puzzles go not so much so.

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I agree with this?


it's a very lame excuse.. I mean you can still use R and look down at an angle and lock it with L... it's not as awkward as you think.. people could not control the game...



if you were jumping to a ledge in real life youd look down at your feet.. so why is this any different?


Real life is entirely different...you can fully grasp the physics of jumping in real life and where you are in relation to the floor. Try jumping a platform in a video game where your character is invisible (which is basically what it's like), and where the physics feel different. There's no doubt that platforming is a lot trickier in games where you can't see yourself, and made easier only by getting used to it.


and what will you get :

1: still some of the best graphics on the gamecube and even the wii

:laughing: That's not something to be proud of. The fact Nintendo haven't been bothered to better their consoles much since the gamecube is really a negative. As long as someone has any other current gen consoles they can always pick up the hugely superior Bioshock.

Edited by Sheikah
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mcj, don't talk down to me just because I had to learn the controls. I think a lot of people would agree with me on that one - but then again I am quite a casual gamer I suppose which is probably the main reason I couldn't get into this game. Im all for simple controls, another example of this is how I much prefer Smash Bros to Street fighter - I can't stand street fighter for having to pull off all of those button combinations, I just don't see the fun in it.

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Prime Controls hard? Only initially. Flawed? IMHO yeah. The final boss battle is an absolute nightmare because of the control scheme for changing weapons. Just could not do it fast enough and when it really counted, I died instead of getting it right and supplying the last hit to kill that bastard. Oh it's also annoying whenever you fight metroids and they would split. Used to absolutely hate that! But man was it a fine game. And really the platforming was easy. It's not like it was pixel perfect. If you could not make it, then often, if not always, you needed to get another powerup which would make the jump incredibly easy to traverse. you should never need to look down and see if you are at the edge of the platform. Halfway through the game, I was taking most jumps at speed as if I was playing Mirror's Edge.


Yeah this has helped me make up my mind to get the trilogy when it comes out.


Oh and Bioshock better than Prime? Can't really say as I love them in different ways. But I think I loved prime more...

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Most of the games you guys are discussing arent Nintendo games


So's your face.


I suppose the biggest one is Super Mario Sunshine - although I'm still convinced that it's a terrible game and not something I just didn't like.




Pokémon, Super Mario World, Mario Kart DS


You've lost your marbles son.


I suppose the biggest one is Super Mario Sunshine - although I'm still convinced that it's a terrible game and not something I just didn't like. Games I simply don't like include Pokémon, Pilotwings, Wave Race, 1080, Super Mario World, Mario Kart DS, GBA and 64 (I prefer Diddy Kong Racing and Konami Krazy Racers).


As for Sonic vs Mario, Sonic takes it again. Sonic 1, 2, 3 and S&K are simply sublime games.


Eh? As in Mario wins over Sonic? Don't be mental.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I don't believe Prime's control scheme is hard at all and it certainly doesn't require the effort needed to master dual analogue controls thanks to the lock-on feature.


The platforming was a doddle thanks to an excellent sense of weight and inertia once air born. You normally had plenty of time to line up your pathway and clear enemies out of the way leaving you to focus solely on the timing. Your jumps were high enough and you momentum predictable enough that it makes the platforming more enjoyable than I would say Mirror's Edge was. ME delivers in the sense of satisfaction from doing it all right in one fluid motion. Just take the jumping out and stick it on it's own and it fairs no better.


The Jedi Knight games have a very strong emphasis on platforming and, though the sequel showed the player Kyle's feet, it never felt an issue without them in the first game.


Enjoyable platforming, regardless of genre, is as much down to the jumping mechanics as it is the level design and I don't think Metroid can really be faulted on either - feet or no feet.

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Well, I completed Metroid Prime last night! I can't understand why I once thought it was so hard, and I'm embarrassed I put it on my list of "Nintendo games you just didn't like". Needless to say, it is now fully removed!!!


The 2nd stage of the Metroid Prime fight is a doddle. It's so much easier to dodge its attacks and conserve ammunition than I thought. The 3rd stage is a tad fiddly to see the Metroid Prime and the pool of Phazon at the same time, but I still did it!


(Seeks out Metroid Prime 2...)

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Real life is entirely different...you can fully grasp the physics of jumping in real life and where you are in relation to the floor. Try jumping a platform in a video game where your character is invisible (which is basically what it's like), and where the physics feel different. There's no doubt that platforming is a lot trickier in games where you can't see yourself, and made easier only by getting used to it.



:laughing: That's not something to be proud of. The fact Nintendo haven't been bothered to better their consoles much since the gamecube is really a negative. As long as someone has any other current gen consoles they can always pick up the hugely superior Bioshock.

yo mr nintendo staff writer are we talking about consoles or games here?


I think having great graphics for a gamecube and even the wii is the credit to the GAME who cares about the console..also for a nintendo writer that's a lot of hate for the wii... boo:cry:


as for your first point... there isn't THAT much platforming..... the game literally did EVERYTHING they could to stop people bitching about this. a double jump, a whole new control scheme that has ONE analogue stick controlling the character like every other game...


things like this aren't the point of the game..it's like complaining about the camera in super mario 64, or saying the sailing is boring is wind waker.. it's not really the point.. only FEW people find it hard..


Prime Controls hard? Only initially. Flawed? IMHO yeah. The final boss battle is an absolute nightmare because of the control scheme for changing weapons. Just could not do it fast enough and when it really counted, I died instead of getting it right and supplying the last hit to kill that bastard. Oh it's also annoying whenever you fight metroids and they would split. Used to absolutely hate that! But man was it a fine game. And really the platforming was easy. It's not like it was pixel perfect. If you could not make it, then often, if not always, you needed to get another powerup which would make the jump incredibly easy to traverse. you should never need to look down and see if you are at the edge of the platform. Halfway through the game, I was taking most jumps at speed as if I was playing Mirror's Edge.


Yeah this has helped me make up my mind to get the trilogy when it comes out.


Oh and Bioshock better than Prime? Can't really say as I love them in different ways. But I think I loved prime more...


ya I guess weapon changing controls were ok but it took a bit too long to change....


Ok, but it's still the superior game. :)


can't wait to read your reviews :)


mcj, don't talk down to me just because I had to learn the controls. I think a lot of people would agree with me on that one - but then again I am quite a casual gamer I suppose which is probably the main reason I couldn't get into this game. Im all for simple controls, another example of this is how I much prefer Smash Bros to Street fighter - I can't stand street fighter for having to pull off all of those button combinations, I just don't see the fun in it.

I'm sorry I don't mean to insult you in any way..


If you are as casual as you say you are.. then yes this can be a tough game to control.. but the game controls fine.. it's only a matter of getting used to it.. in a good way. It's different but it works better for the game.

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yo mr nintendo staff writer are we talking about consoles or games here?


Umm...I think it was pretty obvious what I stated. Nintendo's Wii hasn't really improved much graphically over the Gamecube, which is why your statement that Gamecube Metroid games look better than many current Wii games holds true. If Nintendo had gone forward with motion sensing but also down the HD route, it's undeniable that there'd be better looking FPS games on the console right now.


I think having great graphics for a gamecube and even the wii is the credit to the GAME who cares about the console..also for a nintendo writer that's a lot of hate for the wii... boo:cry:


So you think I should avoid highlighting flaws or merits merely because I write reviews for the website? Or you think I should have an undying loyalty to a particular piece of hardware? A little silly, don't you think? The Xbox outshone the gamecube in terms of visuals, but that never stopped me from preferring the Gamecube's game roster to the Xbox's by a country mile. I like games simply if they appeal to me, and not because they appear on a particular system. I've made sure to acquire all the consoles, just because I'm not attracted to a single platform's games. We're all inclined to agree or disagree with one another, and that's what makes us all different.


as for your first point... there isn't THAT much platforming..... the game literally did EVERYTHING they could to stop people bitching about this. a double jump, a whole new control scheme that has ONE analogue stick controlling the character like every other game...


things like this aren't the point of the game..it's like complaining about the camera in super mario 64, or saying the sailing is boring is wind waker.. it's not really the point.. only FEW people find it hard..


Hmm, I think your Wind Waker point was good, as that's what made that Zelda game less enjoyable for me. Just repeated segments of water; an integral part of the gameplay, which just made it less fun. Sometimes there can be things that we don't like in games that are just deal-breakers for us. I found that there was a lot of platforming in MP, which just seemed odd for a first person game. Even though you got a double jump (but only some part into the game), I still didn't find it that enjoyable. After completing MP1 I didn't bother to look up MP2 or 3.


can't wait to read your reviews :)


That's good. As you can tell, I don't just adore games for being on the Wii or Gamecube. There's nothing like unbiased reviews. :)

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Umm...I think it was pretty obvious what I stated. Nintendo's Wii hasn't really improved much graphically over the Gamecube, which is why your statement that Gamecube Metroid games look better than many current Wii games holds true. If Nintendo had gone forward with motion sensing but also down the HD route, it's undeniable that there'd be better looking FPS games on the console right now.


I;m not sure where you're picking all this from.. I said metroid prime STILL has good looking graphics even for the wii standard.. In other words if you saw this game on the wii you would think it's a genuine wii game.. That's given the game a lot of credit..


Yes you can argue the wii has pretty low standards when it comes to graphics too but that's not what I meant.. I just meant it holds up very well graphically even today.. at least on the wii.


Hmm, I think your Wind Waker point was good, as that's what made that Zelda game less enjoyable for me. Just repeated segments of water; an integral part of the gameplay, which just made it less fun. Sometimes there can be things that we don't like in games that are just deal-breakers for us. I found that there was a lot of platforming in MP, which just seemed odd for a first person game. Even though you got a double jump (but only some part into the game), I still didn't find it that enjoyable. After completing MP1 I didn't bother to look up MP2 or 3.

Some people don't get metroid prime, most of the time It's not what people expected when they first set eyes on it and the other times are just people that will never like it.. I've grown to except this.. doesn't mean I have to like it though :)


That's good. As you can tell, I don't just adore games for being on the Wii or Gamecube. There's nothing like unbiased reviews. :)

No I just love your logic of it's the superior game because........it's the superior game.. :D

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I;m not sure where you're picking all this from.. I said metroid prime STILL has good looking graphics even for the wii standard.. In other words if you saw this game on the wii you would think it's a genuine wii game.. That's given the game a lot of credit..


It doesn't, because the Wii hasn't improved that much graphically over the Gamecube, meaning a lot of Wii games still look like they could be Gamecube games. Twilight Princess on Wii is a good looking game, but it looks the same on Gamecube (it is, after all, actually a Gamecube game). What would be impressive is if a PS2 FPS came out with graphics better than your average PS3 FPS. Impressive, but impossible.



No I just love your logic of it's the superior game because........it's the superior game.. :D


Well, from a multitude of factors, I would definitely say it is. In terms of personal enjoyment, plot, gameplay and graphics. But hey, we all have our own likes and dislikes. :)

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Mahn, Metroid Prime is the godliest game ever made and for me, saying Bioshock is better is actually funny in my eyes. And if you're looking for flaws in the game, platforming isn't one of them. I thought jumping around was pretty seamless and it was nice knowing that you could jump up onto that ledge in the distance.


It definetly deserves to be in any top 50 games of all time list, and it is in most of the ones I've seen.


But yeah, we all have different views, just don't say that Prime isn't as good Bioshock as if it's fact.

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Mahn, Metroid Prime is the godliest game ever made and for me, saying Bioshock is better is actually funny in my eyes.


Really? I mean, really? I prefer Bioshock, but I can see why people might prefer Metroid Prime. If you honestly think the gap in public favourability is so huge, I suggest you check out the Metacritic scores for both games. 96% to Bioshock, 97% Metroid Prime. I would say that pretty much puts them on an even keel in terms of what a lot of people thought about the games. Ergo, it's not hard to see why two people would consider either one to be the 'best'.


But yeah, we all have different views, just don't say that Prime isn't as good Bioshock as if it's fact.


I'm sorry. I shall have to tag 'I think' to everything in future. Let's try using some common sense; it should be obvious that I am stating an opinion. Just as people who say "Ocarina of Time is the best game ever" are stating opinion, despite the omission of 'I think'.


I love how little common sense floats around these days.

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