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Care to elaborate?


Like in the video. Imagine a game like Uncharted where you use the controller to do everything.



Someone needs to invent tactile response!

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You do not know the specs for both and so you cannot say weather one is better than the other. The arrow from behind your back can easily be done with another wii-mote. The stick did not work around the TV because the camera wasn't pointed around the TV, the stick only works where the camera points. They are the same, stop saying one is better because there is no way you can know.


While nobody outside the informed know the exact spec sheets for these devices it's easy to speculate. We know how the camera thing work but it's also fair to say that pitch and yaw and roll can't be as accurately mapped via that method. To get the kind of accuracy demoed in the press conference you'd need to have gyros (or a similar tech) built inside the wand. It's then fair to assume that if these gyros are inside the PS3 Wand that Sony wouldn't miss out on using them in the same way the Wii does, allowing them to reinforce the coordinate data obtained by the camera as well as providing yaw, pitch and roll data. Essentially you could expect similar (though likely not as good) results to WM+ by turning the camera off.


It's only informed speculation, Sony's system might not use gyros at all or might only use pitch, yaw and roll data to calculate pitch, roll and yaw rather than attempting to calculate relative position with it. However if the speculation is correct then you could turn the PSEye off and get near (or equal) performace to WM+. With the camera on the accuracy should be better.


This isn't a pro-Sony or anti-Nintendo post btw, it's more of a "Holy smokes, Batman! Your tech rules!" kind of post. I'm more impressed that someone saw the Wiimote and thought "hmm, i wonder what this would be like if we strapped a light bulb to the top, filmed it with a camera and used some clever software to track it's position in 3D?". That kind of innovation is the best, a nice, simple improvement of an existing idea that *should* yield very impressive results. AKA i really couldn't care less what console it's on it's still impressive and I now look forward to seeing what developers can do with it (followed finally by me getting my hands on it, realising it's shite and selling it on :p).

Edited by McPhee
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Some are saying the round ball is alot like what is used in motion capture tech for movies and games. The camera picks up the movements in 3d. Obviously for full body they use loads of balls.




I think for the splash the whole vision MS had shown, really gave Natal alot of hype. They use one camera and IR sensors for calculating distance. Its not going to be as good for hardcore games but publishers see motion as a casual gaming area judging by Peter Moore anyway. They are working to get EA sports active but Natal will have the unique version. PS3 gets the Wii port up from the looks of it since it can copy Wii perfectly.


Not that i care. Will be more interesting to see Sony software.

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Thinking about this. I think the PS3 solution is quite large and expensive. MS's solution is quite elegant, simple and cheap. Nintendo's is in the middle. Needs work imo. Or it will be another high end situation like the current PS's except an addon.


Regarding games i have doubts this will be worked into hardcore games. Seems like publishers want EA sports active(confirmed by EA) type of games. In which case first party will have to fill the gaps as only Sony have spoken about hardcore motion games.


Really need to see actual games though i guess. Till then its just useless conjecture.

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One thing I was wondering is how the hell can Natal pick up these kind of movements without the ping pong balls? If this tech is out there why the hell are movie studios still going to all this expense to mo cap when a few of these cameras would do the same thing! My suspicion is it can't pick up quite the depth of movement they are making out?


Thinking about this. I think the PS3 solution is quite large and expensive. MS's solution is quite elegant, simple and cheap. Nintendo's is in the middle. Needs work imo. Or it will be another high end situation like the current PS's except an addon.


Regarding games i have doubts this will be worked into hardcore games. Seems like publishers want EA sports active(confirmed by EA) type of games. In which case first party will have to fill the gaps as only Sony have spoken about hardcore motion games.


Really need to see actual games though i guess. Till then its just useless conjecture.


It's not gonna be cheap theres talks of retailing for at least $100. Although I don't expect the PSEye and Wand combo will work out much cheaper, plus you'll need a set for each player.


I think for both MS and Sony this is all part of the learning curve for the next gen. Much like MS added Live to xbox and then nailed it for 360, Sony are the same with their online stuff this gen. Whether we will properly see the next gen for a while is another thing. But I think you can expect to see such peripherals packaged with the next gen. Hopefully alongside a standard controller.

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Natal just wont work for gamers because it's trying to out casual everything.


Sony will probably just incorporate this tech into a break apart Dual Shock, we've already seen patents of this.


As for price, well I already have a PSEye so I'm half way there.

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It's not gonna be cheap theres talks of retailing for at least $100. Although I don't expect the PSEye and Wand combo will work out much cheaper, plus you'll need a set for each player.


Weybush Morgan's Patcher says that the Natal could be between $50 and $100. Really doesn't think that it's going to be very expansive.

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One thing I was wondering is how the hell can Natal pick up these kind of movements without the ping pong balls? If this tech is out there why the hell are movie studios still going to all this expense to mo cap when a few of these cameras would do the same thing! My suspicion is it can't pick up quite the depth of movement they are making out?


It works by picking up the reflections of light off of objects. The reasons for this not yet being used in motion capture in films is because this tech isn't out there yet. Microsoft haven't bought a finished product, they've bought the development process from the company that had the most success developing it. Currently Natal is the most advanced of all of these devices, hence the fuss about it.


I doubt movie studios will pick it up for a few years yet though. While it's accurate enough for home uses the studios will require something considerably more accurate.

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It's not gonna be cheap theres talks of retailing for at least $100. Although I don't expect the PSEye and Wand combo will work out much cheaper, plus you'll need a set for each player.


I expect slightly higher than a PSeye just for the IR modules. There isnt much difference there imo just the IR modules for distance calculations(move foot forward etc.). It is essentially Eyetoy 2.0. Yeah Sony's solution has alot of bits to it. Wii motionplus needs bits too depending on the game.



Natal just wont work for gamers because it's trying to out casual everything.


Sony will probably just incorporate this tech into a break apart Dual Shock, we've already seen patents of this.


As for price, well I already have a PSEye so I'm half way there.


Yeah i agree. You need some buttons for many games. Otherwise its simply too basic. But perhaps MS want exactly that given they have the cheapest console. The highest margins are in these shovelware type games. Ability wise the PSeye can also do some of the stuff. It detected the guy kneeling for example and the voice control is no issue.

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Tretton: PS3 Motion Controller Might Be Back-Compatible




Last week at Sony’s E3 press conference, the company unveiled a motion controller for the PlayStation 3. This week, Sony’s President and CEO of SCEA said that the motion controller just might be backwards compatible with older PlayStation 3 games.


When asked in an interview with CNBC reporter Chris Morris if updates to existing games would be coming out to make them compatible with the new motion control technology, Jack Tretton responded that he “think that’s absolutely conceivable.â€


“I think our [motion] controller can be used with every game that’s on the system now — and every game we’re working on,†Tretton continued.

Tretton said he believed that the motion control technology that the PlayStation 3 will have is superior to that of Nintendo’s Wii.


“Personally, it’s very difficult for me to perceive ‘God of War 3’ being played with the Wii controller,†Tretton said. “It’s a different experience that doesn’t lend itself to certain types of games.â€




I really think this is what Sony needs to do if they are serious about their motion controls.

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Yeah but it'll probably only be undertaken by a few developers. And the word was 'conceivable' which isn't really a confirmation, more of a 'well we could do it'.

Don't know how he means it's different from the Wii controller.

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Yeah but it'll probably only be undertaken by a few developers. And the word was 'conceivable' which isn't really a confirmation, more of a 'well we could do it'.

Don't know how he means it's different from the Wii controller.


Because it is true 1:1 movement rather than just using a variety of preset gestures. Although WM+ somewhat negates that issue.

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He sounds like a little boy the way he talks about spells. 'I turned invisible but he used his eye-seeing power'... Why spells and magic? It's a demo you're meant to show what the thing can do not gloss it up and make it look childish.

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LittleBIGPlanet is get motion control support patched in and Resident Evil 5 is being re-released to work with it. (Edit: Just saw you posted this in the PS Thread) This is exactly how Sony need to approach it. Fingers crossed for GoW being patched to use them. That might be fun.


Isn't there meant to be an analogue stick on the controller?

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Wait... so the whole point of this Resident Evil 5 re-release is to add motion control support? that's cool and all but... they can patch Little Big Planet so surely they can patch Resi 5? ...


Also I'm assuming this new re-release will come out on the 360 as well for when Natal launches? I've gotta say that assuming Natal works exactly how they have been saying it does then I'd rather play it with that rather than with something that is essentially a more advanced copy of the Wii Remote :heh: but we'll see how things pan out.

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