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Metroid: Other M


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Guest Captain Falcon
Plus IGN features on the game.


From what I remember, IGNs features were a result of Matt being annoyed by Nintendo's complete lack of effort at advertising the thing.


And although it was nice, the Metroid channel was never going to convert the uneducated or reach the expanded audience.

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  • 2 months later...
time to resurrect this thread.


So nintendo are definetly saying it's headed for 2010 for this game.


It's great news, so with zelda, mario galaxy and metroid other M next year should be an awesome year for the wii, provided they all live up to expectations.


Out of those three, I am soooo looking forward to Metroid. I'm looking forward to that more than Zelda because we've seen a glimpse of what we'll be getting. Zelda at this moment in time is just a name to me, so until we see something, I'm going to promise myself not to get too hyped for it.


I really can't see Zelda making it this year. We've seen Mario Galaxy 2 footage, and we've seen a little of Other M, but it would be a bit weird of Nintendo to reveal and then release a Zelda game in such a short time frame. Only time will tell I guess.

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I believe Mario is the big Christmas game - it has to be; its the better known brand, and really attractive to the casual market. Metroid is bound to be September, maybe October and Mario in November.


As for the game itself, it looks fantastic by the trailer. My concerns are that it won't be a huge game, its just a feeling I have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Metroid games have traditionally been hard. Sure, there have been a few easier ones, but for the most part, bosses take multiple tries, and there are even bits during the regular gameplay where death becomes common. Its not the type of game I'd expect to be dumbed down for the mainstream either. I have a feeling that even if its not as hard as the Ninja Gaiden games, people will still find it a reasonable challenge.

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the only truely hard metroid game is the original imo


II is tricky as it has no map, but i wouldnt call it hard

Super is perfect, not easy, not hard

Prime is perfect, not easy, not hard

Fusion is hard in places (the whole running away from SA-X and the Spider boss), but the rest is generally easy

Prime 2, its easy to get lost but again i wouldn't call it hard. i never "got" the difficulty of the boost or spider guardians

Zero Mission is childs play

Prime 3 is easy

Edited by or else you will DIE
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the only truely hard metroid game is the original imo


II is tricky as it has no map, but i wouldnt call it hard

Super is perfect, not easy, not hard

Prime is perfect, not easy, not hard

Fusion is hard in places (the whole running away from SA-X and the Spider boss), but the rest is generally easy

Prime 2, its easy to get lost but again i wouldn't call it hard. i never "got" the difficulty of the boost or spider guardians

Zero Mission is childs play

Prime 3 is easy


metroid 1: very very hard. No map coulnt duck and I think you start off with 30 health.

metroid 2: from what I played just unplayable these days anyway

super metroid: tricky especially for a time when all people did in games was run and gun. you had EXPLORE in this..madness. But beyond that I don't recall any difficult battles or health issues in this. If you have patience it's not a very hard game.... The quicksand area(can't remember the name actually) was infuriating though.

metroid 4 fusion: piss easy.. some of the bosses were tricky but good god the game held your hand

zero mission: harder than fusion but easier than super by far. Pretty easy overall.

metroid prime: hmm It's easier than the likes of resident evil remake I felt, but I'd imagine most halo players would find it hard.

metroid prime 2 echoes: difficult only because it was unforgiving. Lack of save spots, every area kinda looked the same, stupid ten keys at the end, maing you fight like 3 bosses in a row at the end of the game practically and the last one on a time limit. In NO shape or form is this an easy hard. Especially in this day and age. I do hate the bitching about the difficulty of some of the bosses though. I don't remember much being more difficult than 3 or 4 tries.

Metroid prime 3 corruption: easier than 1 and certainly than echoes. Too easy for it's own good and tried to hard to be accepted by shooting fans.

metroid prime hunters: wank

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Might as well chip in here!:


Metroid - So hard/unappealing I haven't played it properly.

Super Metroid - Some of the exploration was confusing, but the bosses were incredibly easy - the easiest of the series.

Zero Mission - Some of the bosses were challenging. Generally much more difficult than Super Metroid.

Metroid Fusion - Some of the bosses were very challenging at first.

Metroid Prime - Took me years to improve enough to complete it.

Metroid Prime 2 - Even with my "skills" from Prime, the Spider Guardian was insanely difficult (on the GameCube). However, I found the final bosses easier (than Prime).

Metroid Prime 3 - Learning the Wii controls (especially pointing) felt like learning how to play Metroid Prime again, but generally the difficulty was "medium".


Those are the ones I've completed (apart from the NES Metroid), and Super Metroid was the only one I found easy. Actually, I was very surprised at how easy it was.

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Super Metroid - Some of the exploration was confusing, but the bosses were incredibly easy - the easiest of the series.

Zero Mission - Some of the bosses were challenging. Generally much more difficult than Super Metroid.


This is so unbelievably not true. You must have got lucky on SM or had a huge amount of energy tanks and missiles as it is flat out nowhere near as easy as Zero Mission (which on anything other than hard mode is a complete joke difficulty wise).


Most people playing SM at the time would've had difficulty on bosses such as Phantoon (unless you figure out quickly not to hit him with super missiles), Draygon (unless you use the grapple trick) and Ridley (always a challenge unless you're experienced and drastically harder than Zero Mission Ridley). The Golden Torizo miniboss can be a pain in the ass too.


To be honest even Crocomire challenged me as a kid...because I was stricken by fear! That was another form of difficulty for me as a kid and something no 2D Metroid game has had since...an atmosphere that could actually be scary and intimidating (as far as 3D games go, Prime has this with the Chozo Ghosts or whatever). The first time I fought Crocomire I wasn't experienced with "shoot them in the mouth" gameplay in games yet and just had this huge scary guy screaming at me, pushing me towards a spiked wall and throwing my super missiles back.


Exploration in Super Metroid without a guide is a huge part of the difficulty too. You have to LOOK for where to go. None of this silly "hold your hand" gameplay of Fusion and Zero Mission. Some parts really required you to think of a solution or take risks (such as when having to descend past fake spikes, not something everyone would think of instantly).

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The atmosphere is something I'm actually a little worried about when it comes to this game. The old metroid games (Especially Super Metroid) did this really well, and Retro did a good job of it with the prime games. Metroid games have always had a different kind of fear associated with them. Not the predictable horror movie type of stuff you see in Resident Evil (Before 5), ect. But the type of fear you have when you're really immersed in what you're doing. Not a fear of death, not a fear of something jumping out and killing you, but a fear of the unknown. Every place you go is some new mystery. Something you have to explore and lear about. One section that comes to mind was that very small ice area on Bryo (Prime 3). You knew it was some sort of tomb, you knew it was pretty much empty, but you kept getting these weird transmissions, and besides that, the whole quietness of the place just made it feel really eerie. Not the sort of "OMG, something's going to jump out at me fear" but something a little different. Its hard to explain well.


Anyway, I'm worried that Team Ninja isn't going to pull this off in favor of a more action based Metroid. Hopefully, if this game doesn't turn out like a proper metroid game, Nintendo will get the message and not develop another game like it.

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It honestly wont surprise me if Other M doesn't contain the same level of atmosphere as it should as Team Ninja are definitely more likely to focus on action, with less in the way of creepy areas devoid of life.


It'll be a shame though as Metroid has always shared similarities to Alien and part of that is the horror side. It's grown increasingly toned down in recent games though.


I should give Fusion a little credit though, I remember it was still scary at some parts, like when the SA-X is hunting you down or when "Nightmare" is flying past in the background.

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I'm hoping that Team Ninja doesn't make the game ridiculously hard like the Ninja Gaiden series.


Having never played a NG game, I might regret saying this... but I kinda hope they do. I like hard bosses in my Metroid games.


As for the difficulty in Metroid games:


Metroid II: I'm one of the few who finds it rather enjoyable. Exploration was somewhat tricky in that "Lost Woods" type of area, but other than that, easy.

Enemies and obstacles pulled no punches, however, and plenty of relentless minibosses all around kept me on my toes.


Super Metroid: Most of the difficulty stemmed from those tricky parts like the spikes James mentioned earlier, or the breakable pipe. Hell, Maridia itself was hard to explore.

Some enemies could still be tricky, though. And everything about Ridley (including bodyguards) was hard.


Metroid Fusion: The game was linear, so the only difficult parts were some bosses. I recall them giving me some trouble (especially Nightmare) and the SA-X segments were as frantic as they should be.


Metroid Zero Mission: The easy one. The only challenging part was the Zero Suit infiltration.


Metroid Prime: Exploring places was only hard when trying to find extra missiles/tanks. Bosses/tough enemies could be a pain, though. The game was versatile enough for them to have obscure weak points, but that doesn't change the challenge they represent.


Metroid Prime 2: Harder than MP. Even if the exploration was more linear, not always was the solution obvious. And the bosses/dark world itself were pretty challenging (and I'm one of the few who found Spider Guardian easy)



Now, I think this one won't have many exploration elements (it is a genre shift, after all), so they better make this action game as fun and challenging as possible.

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Having never played a NG game, I might regret saying this... but I kinda hope they do. I like hard bosses in my Metroid games.
Yeah I haven't played a Ninja Gaiden game either, however, I think there was a good percentage of people who never even got to finish some of NG(2) because it was so difficult? Now I consider myself a good gamer, and I do love a difficult challenging game, with strategy etc... but it would frustrate me if the game was unfarely hard and I never got to see the ending!


But then I guess you could look at it another way... what an achievement if you're in the % that does complete it.

Either way, yeah I'd definately like a high difficulty level... maybe they'll give multiple difficulty levels to select?

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Yeah I haven't played a Ninja Gaiden game either, however, I think there was a good percentage of people who never even got to finish some of NG(2) because it was so difficult? Now I consider myself a good gamer, and I do love a difficult challenging game, with strategy etc... but it would frustrate me if the game was unfarely hard and I never got to see the ending!


But then I guess you could look at it another way... what an achievement if you're in the % that does complete it.

Either way, yeah I'd definately like a high difficulty level... maybe they'll give multiple difficulty levels to select?


Personally, I'd rather work for my ending, rather than skim through the game. Finishing it that way makes it that much more memorable and satisfying.


As for a possible Easy mode... I have no idea what Team Ninja usually does, but if they don't usually have them, then I'm sure that Nintendo isn't the one who's going to convince them to do it :heh:

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