david.dakota Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 I have a feeling this is going to be the best game of the year... As long as the events are fully fleshed out!! I have quite the opposite feeling. I expect it to be a slightly deeper experience than the original, but ultimately nowhere near the standard we'd like. It'll fit squarely in the market "the blowling game" made two and a half years ago. Thats not to say it'll not be fun, i'm sure it will, but i don't see it having a long term appeal to, erm, the more discerning Wii player- and that opens up a HUGE problem in my book: June/July WiiSports, EA Grandslam, Tiger, VirtuaTennis..... Wait..... November(?), RedSteel 2... Wait... Wait... Wait... For something Nintendo are promoting as 'the next step for Wii', the line up is tiny.
DazzeL Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 If this does have online leaderboards, for me at least, that would go a long, long way to providing the longevity that I desire. I also did play Wii Sports A LOT.
dazzybee Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 I have quite the opposite feeling. I expect it to be a slightly deeper experience than the original, but ultimately nowhere near the standard we'd like. It'll fit squarely in the market "the blowling game" made two and a half years ago. Thats not to say it'll not be fun, i'm sure it will, but i don't see it having a long term appeal to, erm, the more discerning Wii player- and that opens up a HUGE problem in my book: June/July WiiSports, EA Grandslam, Tiger, VirtuaTennis..... Wait..... November(?), RedSteel 2... Wait... Wait... Wait... For something Nintendo are promoting as 'the next step for Wii', the line up is tiny. I guess the thing is, is that I thought (and think) Wii Sports is incredible. Bowling overtook Tetris as the best free-bee pack in game ever for me! Incredible. (I don't see how wiimotionplus will make it any better, but I can't wait to find out). I guess I just think this will be loads better, I think wiimotionplus will be as incredible as we all hope, and I think there'll be a ton of gameplay in there and reinvigorate my friends and family for some serious multilayer goodness!
Tellyn Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 That's the way it seems to go with Nintendo peripherals and services, it makes me wonder if they really are pushing it hard enough to developers and publishers. Wii Speak: currently zero support outside of Animal Crossing, correct me if I'm wrong. Balance Board: very few worthwhile titles that take advantage of it - Nintendo have almost left it well alone themselves, as outside of Wii Fit the only thing that took advantage was Punch-Out!!, and that's a very recent title. Zapper: same deal outside of SEGA, really. I just hope that Nintendo have taken a different approach with Wii MotionPlus. At the moment, developers just seem to be saying "we're not ruling it out" and other similarly vague comments. Miyamoto himself didn't fill me with confidence when he spoke of its use in the next Zelda. Nintendo are 'considering' using it. Not only does it scare me a little in regards to Nintendo's plans for the device (Zelda is a franchise that could well and truly sell WM+ to everyone), but also in regards to how far along Zelda is in development when they don't seem to have the controls finalised, something that the game surely should have been built around. But that's a different matter entirely... Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
dazzybee Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 I kind of agree Tellyn, it's pretty annoying. Nintendo should be implementing motionplus into most things really, even as added extras! And wiispeak should be in EVERY SINGLE ONLINE GAME (though nintendo very rarely make online games so....). But at least we'll see the conduit and EO 2 use it - but that's pretty pathetic. Typical Nintendo though really...how come they don't see the online stuff as being critical? Don't they get that they have the casual market all to themseleves, they have the NIntendo fans, they need to go for the PS3 and 360 owners... but they don't even try!
Grazza Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 I just hope that Nintendo have taken a different approach with Wii MotionPlus. At the moment, developers just seem to be saying "we're not ruling it out" and other similarly vague comments. Yeah, I'm slightly bothered by the Punch Out and Metroid: Other M developers saying their games didn't need it and/or were better without it. Miyamoto himself didn't fill me with confidence when he spoke of its use in the next Zelda. Nintendo are 'considering' using it. That's what I thought. Ubisoft are doing the decent thing by making it mandatory for Red Steel 2. I'd have thought Nintendo would make it mandatory for Zelda, for sure. Not only does it scare me a little in regards to Nintendo's plans for the device (Zelda is a franchise that could well and truly sell WM+ to everyone), but also in regards to how far along Zelda is in development when they don't seem to have the controls finalised, something that the game surely should have been built around. But that's a different matter entirely... Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Yes, I agree. When MotionPlus was announced last year, I actually hoped it had been developed because Miyamoto wanted a better controller for Wii Zelda. However, despite all that, I'm not bothered about the support this year, as I'm sure everyone will buy Wii Sports Resort, and Red Steel 2 is a good 3rd-party substitute. If the next really big Nintendo game didn't use it though, that'd be odd.
Emasher Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 Remembering back to TGS 2005. The Wii remote was always supposed to be an expandable device. The extension port on the bottom was a big deal back then. I don't think they're trying to put out a bunch of devices and make sure each one is used in games, but to put them out there to give developers options. The Nun-chuck and Classic controller were rather obvious. Wii Speak is too, but it hasn't really been used yet, and it hasn't been out that long. Excitebots is the only example I can think of of a game that should have used it that didn't. Its the last game since animal crossing I can think of with a major online component for the Wii. The Conduit, the next major online game is using it, and I imagine lots more will soon enough if its successful there. The Zapper, Wii Wheel, Balance Board and Vitality sensor are different. The Zapper and Wii wheel just make some games more comfortable to play, they're just plastic, and are very genre specific. The balance board at this point, while it could have had a few more games, there hasn't been that much I can think of that could take advantage of it. It makes sense for some genres, but others it would just be a gimmick.
DazzeL Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 There's a lot of debate here about an issue that hasn't actually occurred yet. Wii Speak has not been fully utilized yet but I think Emashers right - there has been little opportunity. Things like Punchout! weren't even online, granted this is a problem in itself. The next Zelda will use MP+. I know Miyamoto was coy but I'm guessing he doesn't want to confirm ANY details atm because it's not at that stage of development yet. Other games are using MP+ to be fair. Metroid: Other M doesn't look like it's going to have many motion controls other than a bit of waggle and hefty IR use. I could be wrong on that but that's my initial impression from the trailer. NSMB Wii obviously can't really use it. So there's little left to be fair. Most games we would expect to support are so far. I can't think of any obvious exceptions?
RedShell Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 Balance Board: very few worthwhile titles that take advantage of it - Nintendo have almost left it well alone themselves, as outside of Wii Fit the only thing that took advantage was Punch-Out!!, and that's a very recent title. And from a third party standpoint, don't forget Marbles! Balance Challenge. Aka the game no one could find.
Tellyn Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 There's a lot of debate here about an issue that hasn't actually occurred yet. Wii Speak has not been fully utilized yet but I think Emashers right - there has been little opportunity. Things like Punchout! weren't even online, granted this is a problem in itself. The next Zelda will use MP+. I know Miyamoto was coy but I'm guessing he doesn't want to confirm ANY details atm because it's not at that stage of development yet. Other games are using MP+ to be fair. Metroid: Other M doesn't look like it's going to have many motion controls other than a bit of waggle and hefty IR use. I could be wrong on that but that's my initial impression from the trailer. NSMB Wii obviously can't really use it. So there's little left to be fair. Most games we would expect to support are so far. I can't think of any obvious exceptions? My point here is that Nintendo should be setting examples to other developers. I understand that if they go overboard then they risk totally dominating the market and driving third-parties out of business, but for the price of these peripherals that we're buying, I expect them to give them more of a lifespan and to fill gamers with a little bit more hope that the future is looking bright for the £20/£70 dongle or peripheral they just shelled out for. At this point in time, we are three days away from the launch of what looks to be the future of motion control for Nintendo. Miyamoto's comments concern me, because he sounds like he doesn't know what to do with Zelda's controls himself, or he's uncertain about Wii MotionPlus. Had he said "Zelda Wii will be solely compatible with MotionPlus", that definitely sets an example to others. Developers would be forced to up their game at risk of being overshadowed by a game that will almost certainly be breathtakingly spectacular. Maybe I'm looking into this too much, but at the moment, his uncertain attitude could be off-putting to other developers who may well think "if one of Nintendo's biggest games may not be using MotionPlus, why should we?" And from a third party standpoint, don't forget Marbles! Balance Challenge. Aka the game no one could find. Wii Music's drum compatibility was a small, but welcome, feature. I still maintain that Nintendo and third-parties have criminally under-used the Balance Board in their games. EDIT: Totally off-topic, sorry guys. I sound cynical, but in reality I couldn't be more excited about Sports Resort and MotionPlus. It's just that Nintendo's track record with support for their own peripherals is worrying me.
lostmario Posted June 11, 2009 Posted June 11, 2009 (edited) Looks great and so much fun! Edited June 11, 2009 by lostmario Automerged Doublepost
welsh_gamer Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 From the ONM blog - Wii Sports Resort questions answered. Wii SPORTS RESORT 1) How many events are there in the game? There are twelve different categories, and each has between one and three different types of game in each. The grand total number of "events" is 24. There's Swordplay (Duel, Speed Slice, Showdown), Wakeboarding, Frisbee (Frisbee Dog, Frisbee Golf), Archery, Basketball (3-Point Contest, Pickup Game), Table Tennis (Match, Return Challenge), Golf, Bowling (Standard Game, 1000-Pin Game, Spin Control), Power Cruising (Slalom Course, VS), Canoeing (Speed Challenge, VS), Cycling (Road Race, VS) and Air Sports (Skydiving, Island Flyover, Dogfight). 2) Does the Wii MotionPlus react to every move as promised? Yes. All the movements are captured extremely accurately with Wii MotionPlus. Depending on the event, some motions are "locked" and MotionPlus will only work on a couple of axes. In Golf, for example, you can't just wildly swing the club wherever you want, it's locked in a straight vertical arc. Within that vertical arc though, your swing is perfectly accurate. 3) Should I wait to buy Wii MotionPlus until it comes out? It's up to you. It still works well with EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis, Virtua Tennis 2009 and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10. However, this is definitely the first game to properly show it off. 4) Will there be any online-functionality in Wii Sports Resort? No. There's been a lot of rumour about this because the Japanese Nintendo Channel said it used WiiConnect 24. The only way I could see it being used in the version I played was the ability to import Miis from the Mii Contest Channel to either play as or have as background characters. The Wii I played it on didn't have any Miis saved on it though, and so I couldn't record my stats: it may be that if you're not playing with a Guest Mii (as I was) then you can upload your scores to a leaderboard, but that's a complete guess and not fact. 5) many courses/holes are there in Wii Sports Resort golf? 18. The nine from Wii Sports are back as well as nine new Resort-only ones. 6) Are all the games playable without the use of MotionPlus or will it be required for some games like sword fighting? You need MotionPlus for all games otherwise they won't start. 7) Does Wii Sports Resort come packaged with MotionPlus? Yes. 8) Do the MotionPlus control schemes for Wii Sports Resort work well, or are they a bit fiddly? I didn't really find any of them fiddly at all. It's worth bearing in mind that Nintendo know MotionPlus inside-out so each sport was always going to work perfectly with MotionPlus. 9) Does Wii Sports have two player in every event? Yes. There are a few variations that don't (such as Showdown or Island Flyover), but every main category has at least one multiplayer event. 10) I know it's probably down to personal taste, but which Wii Sports Resort sport do you think is the most enjoyable? Personally my favourite was Showdown, under the Swordplay category. It's similar to the one-on-one duel except your character walks through various levels set on the island and encounters large groups of enemies (around seven or eight at a time). You then face them one by one but they're trying to block with their sword. You have to see an opening and swipe to beat them. It's great. I was also pleasantly surprised by Canoeing. 11) Will the multi-player in Wii Sports Resort (particularly the sword fighting) be worth buying extra MotionPlus attachments, considering they cost around £20 each? I'd personally say so, yes. The fun is definitely greater in multiplayer (though single-player is great too). 12) Is skydiving in Wii Sports Resort a one-time only experience for each Mii? Or can you do it multiple times with a single Mii? It's an individual sport in its own right and you can play it as many times as you like, whenever you like. 13) Is Wii MotionPlus 100% accurate or did you find any little problems? It's 100% accurate. After long periods it may go slightly out of sync and lose track of where you're positioned but the game constantly reminds you that you can press Down on the D-Pad any time to re-sync it quickly if you notice the controls getting erratic. In the four hours I spent playing it, it maybe got a bit weird twice in total, and a single button press fixed it right away. 14) Do you think it's worth getting Wii Sports Resort with Wii MotionPlus, or MotionPlus on its own with Red Steel 2 (when it comes out)? Because the thing I'm excited about is Red Steel 2. That depends on how much fun you think you'd have with Wii Sports Resort. Red Steel 2's still a while away so I'd probably recommend Wii Sports Resort anyway if you want to see how fun MotionPlus is. Don't forget Red Steel will be available as a bundle with MotionPlus too. 15) Is Wii Sports Resort set on Wii Fit Island? Yes, but it's now called Wahu Island (possibly because of Mario's classic "wahoo" phrase). 16) Is the sword game on Resort worth its time? Because just looking at the screenshots of it made it seem really fun. Yes, it's a great laugh. It's more enjoyable than Wii Sports Boxing was because every swing is unique this time. 17) Will I be able to race against a friend on the Jet skis? Yes. There's a VS mode. 18) How fun is the airplane game and is it just the same as the Wii Sports airplane demo all those years ago? It's similar in appearance to that demo but it's obviously been fleshed out a lot more since then. That was three years ago now! 19) How is Wii MotionPlus used in Bowling? Since it's already considered one of the better uses of the existing Wii Remote, I'm curious if there are noticeable changes? It's pretty noticeable if you played the original Bowling enough to figure out how it worked. Whereas before a lot of emphasis was placed on when you release the B trigger, this time all curve and the like is controlled by the exact motion you make as you bowl the ball. There's a Spin Control game similar to the one in Wii Sports which works much better this time around. There's also an "Automatic" mode for beginners (in other words, other family members) that doesn't require them to let go of B when they roll the ball, which is a nice touch. 20) Anything cool that we may not have noticed or saw at E308 and E309 (easter eggs, cool settings or options)? I'm not sure exactly what all the other sites have reported on but there are loads of nice little additions that made me smile. I love the fact that the Island Flyover game asks you to find as many landmarks as possible and gives you unlockables if you manage to find certain amounts of them over time. I also like the extra challenge in Frisbee Dog where balloons appear in the sky and you have to curve your throw to hit them for extra points. There are many more but half the fun's finding them out for yourself! 21) Does Wii MotionPlus make you want to pee yourself in excitement? Yes. But luckily I don't drink many fluids so the chances of this happening are slim. 22) Is the airplane just for transportation around the islands? There's only one island. The plane's used in two different games: Island Flyover lets you fly around Pilotwings-style and explore the island, while Dogfighting lets you fly around and try to shoot the balloon on the back of your opponent's plane. 23) Are Basketball and Canoeing as fun as they look? Yes. Moreso Canoeing, though. 24) One of my favourite sports is table tennis: how realistic is it with MotionPlus? Is it just as fast as real table tennis is? It's slightly slower to allow for people to react better to it, but it works surprisingly well. You can put spin on your shots and choose whether to just dink it over the net or blast it over. I think this'll be the Resort equivalent of Wii Sports Tennis. 25) What is the challenge in Skydiving? I don't understand how the gameplay would work. Basically the Remote acts as your skydiver. You can tilt it forward (or backward) to make him fall faster and tilt it sideways to make him lean. As you fall you'll see other skydivers in groups of at least three, sometimes more. To get points you have to make your way over to them (by tilting slightly without dropping too much) and gently make contact with each of them to grab their hands. After you grab the first one a timer starts, and if you can grab everyone to form a circle before it runs out you get extra points. When the timer runs out a photo is taken, and when you land at the bottom you're shown all your photos and given a ranking. 26) At the press conference at E3 when they demonstrated Basketball, almost all of the balls got into the basket. In real life that would be quite amazing so is there any challenge to this or can you master this one real fast? There is a degree of challenge to it. You have to learn to make the throwing motion in the same way you'd throw a real ball, so if you just try to cheat and flick it forward you'll throw a flat shot that doesn't go anywhere near high enough to reach the basket. So you have to move the Remote as if you're throwing in an arc. On my first try I managed to sink a grand total of six balls out of 25, so it's not as easy as it looks at first! 27) How more realistic is Golf in Wii Sports Resort then in Wii Sports? Because in the original one you just had to aim with the diagonal pad and swing with enough power but nothing else. There are two main differences. The power reading is much more accurate now and feels a lot more realistic. You can't just cheat anymore by swinging the Remote in any old direction, you have to point it downward and press B to calibrate the MotionPlus and tell it you're pointing down. As you make your swing you also now have to bear in mind how your wrists are rotating, because this affects the hook or slice on the ball. In general it feels more realistic. 28) Are all games in Wii Sports Resort high quality or are there one or more games that are a bit weaker or even bad compared to the others? Obviously, no mini-game collection is going to provide a perfect set of games and there'll be some that some people like, but others that others like. Personally, I wasn't too keen on the Wakeboarding and Archery games, but I know people who were there who were loving the Archery. It's all down to taste but there's a wide selection this time so you'll definitely find a healthy number of ones you really like. Link Pretty intresting, shame there's no confirmation on leaderboards. That importing Mii statement sounds dodgy.
Hero-of-Time Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 Ive just watched the interview at GoNintendo with Miyamoto where he says head-to-head online doesn't make sense for Wii Sports Resort. The game is probably more fun with people in the same room as you BUT what about others who can't get people together and would like to play online? Basically its a big screw you to those people ( like myself ) and I for one am getting sick of it. Its like the whole New Super Mario Bros Wii situation all over again. I sure with Wii Speak and online play the game would be more than enough un for alot of us, hell even online leaderboards would do! Instead Nintendo like to think we are still in the 16 bit era and the thing called the internet doesn't exist.
Retro_Link Posted June 16, 2009 Author Posted June 16, 2009 I'm getting sick of Nintendo's attitude as well thb! I, like many people on here have been with them for years. The audience who grew up supporting them is getting older and as I've said before, gone are the days of Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64 sleepovers, for me at least! Yes they'll be some times when I get to play games with a bunch of people round a TV, or when I'm visiting Eddage we can take part in our traditional rounds of Wii Golf and the like... But ffs Nintendo, stop being so set in your dumbfounded ways and just at least give us an online option... even leaderboards!!... it's not some complicated rocket science! Xbox Live isn't the huge success it has been for now reason! People play games online!! Oh and would they stop with the fucking one game per peripheral bullshit!! You brought out WiiSpeak [against your will no doubt]... so implement it!!
Josh64 Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 im actually quite excited for wii sports resort now and cant wait to see what wii motion plus is going to be like. Im sort of worried about the lack of games supporting it but im going to get motion plus anyway because I want to see how accurate it is.
Retro_Link Posted June 17, 2009 Author Posted June 17, 2009 Well it won... Gametrailers - Best Sports Game of E3 Can't wait for this!!
yesteryeargames Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 i have the jap wii sports resort, all i can say is that the controls are amazing!!!!!!!!! the game is soo much fun, i cant put it down more impressions later, but i can tell you now, this does not dissipoint
Hero-of-Time Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 First day sales are in for Japan. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo) - 155,000 (41%)
Zechs Merquise Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Ive just watched the interview at GoNintendo with Miyamoto where he says head-to-head online doesn't make sense for Wii Sports Resort. The game is probably more fun with people in the same room as you BUT what about others who can't get people together and would like to play online? Basically its a big screw you to those people ( like myself ) and I for one am getting sick of it. Its like the whole New Super Mario Bros Wii situation all over again. I sure with Wii Speak and online play the game would be more than enough un for alot of us, hell even online leaderboards would do! Instead Nintendo like to think we are still in the 16 bit era and the thing called the internet doesn't exist. Amen to that! Head to head online is great but I too would have settled for online leaderboards.
Serebii Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Guys, even with the fastest connection, having 1:1 Motion in a multiplayer game over the internet without any lag is just not feasible. You cannot change the laws of physics, and thats the only thing that can be done to make it happen.
DazzeL Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Guys, even with the fastest connection, having 1:1 Motion in a multiplayer game over the internet without any lag is just not feasible. You cannot change the laws of physics, and thats the only thing that can be done to make it happen. Without "any" lag at all, yes it's impossible. But you can have a lag time that's so small it doesn't make any realy difference (like 50ms or so). I'm sure that sort of ping is even beatable tbh. Want some proof that motion plus can be fun online? Play Grand Slam Tennis.
Zechs Merquise Posted June 27, 2009 Posted June 27, 2009 Without "any" lag at all, yes it's impossible. But you can have a lag time that's so small it doesn't make any realy difference (like 50ms or so). I'm sure that sort of ping is even beatable tbh. Want some proof that motion plus can be fun online? Play Grand Slam Tennis. Exactly - if thir parties can do online with WMP - Grand Slam Tennis and Tiger Woods from EA and Virtua Tennis 2009 from SEGA then why can't Nintendo - oh yes, because they hate online!
david.dakota Posted June 27, 2009 Posted June 27, 2009 surely even 1:1 motion is little more than a set of co-ordinate data sent over the net? To me Nintendo just doesn't want to compete with Microsoft in any way, shape or form despite the big execs bigging up Wii's online capability. It didn't create Xbox Live, so screw online entirely. Nintendo offers little reason to believe its top execs, Iwata, Kaigler, Fils-Aime who all ask us to get online and encourage our friends and family too- while the rest of Nintendo fail to back this up by offering even basic online gameplay (in many where it seems an absolute no-brainer). And in my opinion it seems its those titles where Miyamoto takes a front seat that lack online gameplay (to be fair to him he's probably too busy working out the best way to include pet gameplay). I'd argue that the 'hardcore' market would be perfectly happy witi Nintendo retaining the 'approachable' feel to its current crop of games, but including some substantial online functionality. Thats the frustrating thing for me- I don't want Nintendo to shit out endless generic FPS. I want the Nintendo magic- but online.
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