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Just got to Impact Crater on Prime and I'm well pissed off. There was no man's voice saying "Impact Crater" like the cube version.


This is nothing like the original. NOTHING :(


Aw. Does that mean they used the US version, or was it removed like some of the special effects?

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Yeah, there definitely was a voice in the original.


"Impact Craterrrr"


In all honesty, I thought it was very cheesy and corny, and didn't fit in line with the rest of the game at all. The other locations in the game weren't given a voice-over bit, and it just felt out of place.

It was an awesome surprise on the Cube. I am most disappointed.

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It was an awesome surprise on the Cube. I am most disappointed.


Hmm, it's not much of a surprise, though. :heh: When I heard it the first time I thought "what? did that happen? Did that happen with all of the other places and I've just not noticed?" :heh:


Looking back on it though, it was maybe cool the first time around, but then I just think it sounds a bit too cheesy when compared to the rest of the game. Kinda like that intro sequence with the voice. I'm probably one of the only ones who didn't like it too much. It seems to get a lot of people going.

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It couldn't be that great I don't remember it... like Fierce said though, even though I don't remember just thinking of it, it "sounds" out of place since no other area got a voice over intro.


Maybe all areas were meant to have it then they changed their minds and removed them from all areas but forgot the last one :heh:

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Hmm, it's not much of a surprise, though. :heh: When I heard it the first time I thought "what? did that happen? Did that happen with all of the other places and I've just not noticed?" :heh:

Sounds like you were surprised. It was a big surprise and you know it. ADMIT IT.


Cheesy it may have been, was a welcome surprise to hear something other than "Recording to log book".





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Thanks for the welcome people, unfortunately my laptop is on the fritz and I don't have a keyboard for the Wii so have had to wait until I'm back in work to get back on.


SCG, brilliant review and the trilogy completely deserves that score! Interesting to hear your time for completing MP1 was longer than on the Cube, glad to read you also like taking your time, hunting down everything and taking in every last morsel of story (through scans) you can. Just the way I'm doing it too! :D Have to say though, the real time spent playing the game will be a lot longer (according to my Wii message board anyway) as the games themselves don't count the vital minutes and seconds spent reading what we're scanning, or going over the log book entries already there at the start of the game.


I love the improvements, the graphics are lush (I'm loving the effect when you scan underwater, the lighting is just superb!) and is it just me or are there a few new (or at least refined) sfx and musical tracks? I adored MP1 the first time around and it's really sucked me in again. Currently on 44% items aquired and 77% log book entries with 6:53 time spent (and add quite a bit more for reading the logs, I've played it four days in a row now for a few hours a time so I don't know HOW it's only counted 7 hours!)


The morph ball thing, some people have said they can't do the jump with the flick of the remote. This is only possible after you've picked up the morph ball bombs. When you do get this ability, it feels completely natural and does make bombs jumps easier. It also makes fighting in this mode easier which I've been experimenting with too.


And Zechs Merquise is right, it's only the little things that her arm cannon did as far as graphics being removed. And so what? If it means we have fluid movement of her arm cannon via the wii remote without any flicker or slowdown then so be it. I didn't even notice, and the upgrades made elsewhere more than make this up.


The perfect game. Just even more perfect now! :D

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I completed it earlier, 66ish% in 11ish hours. Didn't bother not saving it, as I know I wouldn't bother going through everywhere looking for the last lil upgrades. I never really needed as much of the shizzle I found. Started Echoes, hope I'll do better than I did on the cube [Got bored looking for the keys], plus I'm liking the more "obvious" scanning methods.

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i just finished prime too and have started echoes... *groan*


no, actually, the more time goes on, the more i like echoes. im starting to like it more than prime 3 i think. while echoes can barely be called a metroid game, corruption just totally lost the isolation feeling, which is really what metroid is all about.

Waddaya means?

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Waddaya means?


there are hardly any metroids in the game. i think you see em like, twice


the whole light world / dark world. what is this, zelda?


oh and the ammo. that was a terrible idea


oh oh and the key finding. again, zelda? i know you had to do a similar thing in the first prime, but this just felt a lot more boring and tacked on to lengthen it up and annoy you.

Edited by or else you will DIE
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I don't know if he means this, but to me Echoes felt too "structured". The flow of the game didn't feel as natural as Prime or any other Metroid game (bar Fusion, I guess). Visit an area, go to its temple thing, go to the dark world for the keys, kill boss, return energy, rinse and repeat. It felt like a fucking Zelda game.


In the other Metroid games you're just thrown into the world and you have to figure out what to do yourself.


(Don't think I don't like Echoes though, I looooove it. Just look at my username. That said, "worst" of the trilogy).

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I don't know if he means this, but to me Echoes felt too "structured". The flow of the game didn't feel as natural as Prime or any other Metroid game (bar Fusion, I guess). Visit an area, go to its temple thing, go to the dark world for the keys, kill boss, return energy, rinse and repeat. It felt like a fucking Zelda game.


I thought Corruption felt much more linear than Echoes.

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what other ones are there besides MM? i cant really comment on that game seeing as my Collectors Edition disk is gay and i have yet to fully play it....


I just got an email from Nintendo.. somehow I was one of the 1st 5000 to register Trilogy and they sent me a voucher number to get a free download of the 1st Metroid, haha, didn't think i'd get it since I got the game late in the afternoon. :)


oh hey i just got one too. i registered mine at like 9pm

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I just got my ticket, and I received the game on Monday! Ike, there's hope for you yet!


EDIT: Unfortunately I'll have to switch the Wii cables back to regular AV if I want to play Metroid (NES), since everything below the N64 generation has a buggered screen display. Thanks Nintendo of Europe!

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I just got my ticket, and I received the game on Monday! Ike, there's hope for you yet!


EDIT: Unfortunately I'll have to switch the Wii cables back to regular AV if I want to play Metroid (NES), since everything below the N64 generation has a buggered screen display. Thanks Nintendo of Europe!


I got my ticket too :) plus I used to have that display problem, was a real pain. :(

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