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Mafiawesome: The San Luis Penguins


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What's with the long face?


Hmm...a suspicious investigator who slept with a suspicious prostitute zombie.


Should we take a risk and have the doctor heal Dyson or shall we put him out of his misery?


Let's give Dyson a night. He says he has two days until he zombifies completely. If we see someone attempt to cure him, we let him off the hook.

If not, putting him out of his misery will become a more viable option.


As for Jimbob's info, it's probably just confirmation that Moogle is, indeed, The Undertaker.

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What do you do with the coffins though? Why would making a coffin for the dead sheriff matter at all? We haven't needed a burial before? I know these are new rules but it seems pretty stupid to just be burying some dead person.


Well that's the only explanation I can think of. Why else would I make a coffin?

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Let's give Dyson a night. He says he has two days until he zombifies completely. If we see someone attempt to cure him, we let him off the hook.

If not, putting him out of his misery will become a more viable option.


Wait, hang on a second. I don't have two days until I zombify completely at all. I have until the end of tonight, and I never said otherwise. But this mistake makes me incredibly suspicious of you; why would you think two days?


Simple, if you have the role of master zombie you'd have been told that it takes a victim "two nights" after being bitten to zombify in your role writeup, including the night they've been bitten on.


What I'm trying to say is that I believe that Jonnas is the master zombie based on this small slip up. And therefore I'm going to Vote: Jonnas.

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Wait, hang on a second. I don't have two days until I zombify completely at all. I have until the end of tonight, and I never said otherwise. But this mistake makes me incredibly suspicious of you; why would you think two days?


Simple, if you have the role of master zombie you'd have been told that it takes a victim "two nights" after being bitten to zombify in your role writeup, including the night they've been bitten on.


What I'm trying to say is that I believe that Jonnas is the master zombie based on this small slip up. And therefore I'm going to Vote: Jonnas.


Here's your previous quote:


You got me, sweetie! Scarlett's the name. The client's name last night? Lil' ol' MoogleViper. Such a handsome young'un. But suspicious, perhaps. If something happens to me in the next few days you know who to look out for.


I guess it's for the best for the town if I reveal what I know in case becoming a zombie means I'm unable to post in the thread. Zombies die if they don't "taste" another player within two days, this is done by targetting someone during the night. If two zombies target the same person then neither of them will succeed. It's important to note that the biting doesn't spread the disease apparantly, so me tasting someones flesh won't infect them. I dunno if it'll injure them or otherwise or not though.


Zombies have to do this every night until they're healed. I beg of you, don't let little ol' me turn into a hideous monsterfreak!


So...You were saying...

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No, you've misinterpreted me but I can see how it's an innocent mistake to make. Zombies die after 2 days if they don't eat. But you become a zombie the night after you've been bitten.


Apologies, it seems I was a bit gungho here but I'm facing zombification until someone heals me, and whilst I'm still an asset to the town I want to help as much as I can. Change Vote: No Lynch, but I don't want to see a whole set of No Lynches go through causing the mafia to overrun the town as they did last game.

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Guest Maase
Right, cheers moogle for telling everyone who I am.... >_>


As for the comment about measuring people up, I can see that. HOWEVER, if you read that paragraph that Maase quoted, he says something about someone eating me so I may need a wooden coat (I'm guessing to protect). Now..how would the undertaker know about someone trying to eat me?


Also an undertaker who measures people? I'm confused about moogle. Still suspicious but meh.


First of all, I might say that Ellmeister doesn't seem bad.

Why? The Writeup of today said the Horse the Undertaker examined is Brown.

Meanwhile, the Horse the killer of the Sherif was using in the first Write Up is black.


So, yeah, Ellmeister is good :)


And about your observation, yep, it seems that he measures people to put the wooden thing to protect someone, not to investigate.

What do you say about that, Moogleviper, was it a mistake of your part? Or are you really an Investigator?


Let's give Dyson a night. He says he has two days until he zombifies completely. If we see someone attempt to cure him, we let him off the hook.

If not, putting him out of his misery will become a more viable option.


As for Jimbob's info, it's probably just confirmation that Moogle is, indeed, The Undertaker.


What's with the long face?


Hmm...a suspicious investigator who slept with a suspicious prostitute zombie.


Should we take a risk and have the doctor heal Dyson or shall we put him out of his misery?


If by putting him out of his misery, you're thinking of Voice Lynching him, then I agree.

We never know what he can do as a Zombie, he might even be unable to die due to Lynchings, who knows? So we better lynch him soon if no one's gonna save him.


Every night I target somebody whom I measure up to get their coffin size. I get info on them by doing this.


What about that "Wooden Overcoat" and.


Wait a minute, I got it now, I'm such a dumbass..


As for the comment about measuring people up, I can see that. HOWEVER, if you read that paragraph that Maase quoted, he says something about someone eating me so I may need a wooden coat (I'm guessing to protect). Now..how would the undertaker know about someone trying to eat me?


You might have gotten this by now, but I just got it now:

He says that if you get bitten by the Zombies too, you will have to be in a Coffin.

However... how does The Undertaker know about the Zombies? Even no one heard of them?

Kinda getting suspicious of The Undertaker.



I still think that either MoogleViper or Dyson is from Mafia, or at least neutral.

Still not sure who to vote for, tough

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Well, I targeted MoogleViper last night. I'm still not really sure why people are wanting to vote for Moogle or indeed myself to be honest but I do appreciate that someone has to go to get things rolling ideally. All I'll say is don't make it me for everyone's sake.

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You might have gotten this by now, but I just got it now:

He says that if you get bitten by the Zombies too, you will have to be in a Coffin.

However... how does The Undertaker know about the Zombies? Even no one heard of them?

Kinda getting suspicious of The Undertaker.



I still think that either MoogleViper or Dyson is from Mafia, or at least neutral.

Still not sure who to vote for, tough


Just to clarify in case you're confused... what I think the write-up might have meant was that people used to eat horses. Jay could have just been saying 'I need to measure you in case you die' or whatever, but might have been trying to make it sound more dialectic by referring to eating the horse. Probably not a link to the zombie, especially as there didn't seem to be any recognition when the zombie bit the woman he was ploughing. Still, doesn't necessarily rule it out, that's just how I read it at first.


Argh you see this is what I meant about the long write-ups! Everyone reads into them in so many different ways and anyone could be right. I could be totally wrong here and Maase could be right, or the other way around. Idon't know!


That being said, adding names to the people is a great idea (rather than referring to them as 'a man in a long coat' or whatever) and I do like the narrative element. It's just so analyseable because of it.

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Right. Then my understanding of it is - Dyson is the prostitute, and targeted you, presumably a roleblock. Your the undertaker, claiming to be an investigator. And then Dyson gets bitten, and becomes a zombie.


I don't see how Moogle would be responsible for the zombie stuff myself - if the targetting was the other way around, then yes. I'd say it was a 3rd party, probably a neutral, who wins when the whole town are zombified or something.


Since we have no leads on the identity of the third party, I'm going to have to Vote;No Lynch, for lack of superior alternative. I am a little unsure about Dyson and Moogle, but any lynch at this point will be purely speculative and is probably more likely to hit a townie.

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Guest Maase

The Undertaker might have an effect of: "If someone targets him, he gets Zombified".

We may never know.

But yes, it makes sense with the write up to say that The Undertaker is good, and that the horse was a mistake on my part.


Meanwhile, I think that Dyson is suspicious, but I won't vote him off yet.

If he turns a Zombie, then we have to vote lynch him as soon as possible, we don't know if Dyson can bite someone at the night too...

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The Undertaker might have an effect of: "If someone targets him, he gets Zombified".

We may never know.

But yes, it makes sense with the write up to say that The Undertaker is good, and that the horse was a mistake on my part.


Meanwhile, I think that Dyson is suspicious, but I won't vote him off yet.

If he turns a Zombie, then we have to vote lynch him as soon as possible, we don't know if Dyson can bite someone at the night too...


I agree with you Maase, it's definitely my feeling that the Undertaker's power might be to 'zombify' anyone who targets him. But alas, we have no strong evidence to prove it, plus in the write up it does seem there is a third party who does the biting. We will have to wait and see if anyone else turns into a zombie after targeting Moogle.

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