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Tony Hawks: Ride


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Activision have come out and said that this isn't exclusive to the 360 in the UK. Seems PS3 and Wii users should now resume their hate or whatever it is you feel towards the title. Me, don't really care. Personally think Skate has advanced the genre as far as it needs to go in terms of controlling the game and that the introduction of motion controls won't really improve the experience that much. If anything, it'll frustrate and dilute it. Just look at the controls for Skate It on the Wii. Ok, granted, they aren't bad and sort of work yet they aren't as workable as those that a standard controller gives. And the balance board didn't exactly bring much to the experience either.

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It's ridiculous really. Basically, TH took a year out to figure out a way to catch up with Skate in terms of innovation. Their brilliant idea was: "oh hey, you know what we're doing with Guitar Hero...."


It's stupid. We don't need a version of every kind of title that uses a peripheral, when will developers realise we're perfectly happy with regular controllers, we just want great games to play with them. What's next, a Fifa game with a big plastic football?

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Saw this elsewhere yesterday. For those on the continent, it'll set you back 200 Euros apparently (for some reason this laptop doesn't have a Euro button. Strange). I'd say we can expect at least a £100 buy in price for this in the UK, hardly worth it.

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Lets face it, it was a really bad idea in the first place. It was one of those "how can we go in a new direction" meetings where the high ups said "What are activision doing that's making them so rich?" "Well... they have these plastic peripherals..."


It's the video game equivalent of the Orange mobile ads you see at the cinema where they swap classic film elements with video messaging and twitter updates.

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