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Is anybody else suffering from this yet. I've been getting it a lot lately but I've been getting it towards the end of the day. Which makes me think that it may be some other allergy.


So I wanted to know if other people are getting it.


Also what are people's remedies? Last year I used to have a lot of local honey. Used to drink it with hot water and lemon juice every evening. It worked quite well. But then they ran out of honey and we had to stop using local and just get ordinary. Didn't work quite as well.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Things I found worked (may not all be effective, but placebo effect nd all :P)




3)rinsing out nose

4)wiping down face with a damp cloth - hair too if possible

5)changing clothes - ideally I suppose quite regularly, I only ever did it if symptoms flared up.

6)chilli peppers - decongestant AND anti histamine. I walked around with a fresh chilli pepper all the time 3 summers ago. every time I felt a bit "hayfevery" I took a little chomp. very efficient, and I highly recommend it.


since 2006 I haven't really suffered hayfever in the same way, 2007 I started nasaleze and the nose rinsing thing.. 2008 I went to France for the summer, not sure if the pollen mix was different or what, but I didn't really suffer out there, maybe had 6 or 7 antihistamines, until I realised that when I forgot to take them I was still not getting symptoms :)

so far this year nothing.. who knows, maybe the plant I'm allergic to died out? :)

see, extinction can be good.

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I hate it when I sneeze when I'm outside during the summer. I reckon I look like someone who has hayfever, but I don't have it, so it leads to me say "I don't have hayfever." out aloud whenever I sneeze. Especially if I sneeze three times in a row.




I don't have hayfever. I have more chance of that than fucking swine flu, obvs.

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God I hate hayfever. Problem is that my nose just runs and runs when I have it, and the sneezing and coughing are endless. Does not help that my neighbour has a flower pot right outside my house but I am too nice to make them remove it. Atm, taking prescribed antihistamines, they seem to do the job but I am not convinced.

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I have this really annoying thing with hayfever that pisses me off above any other symptom - The roof of my mouth gets itchy. It starts tickling/itching a bit so you lick the roof* with your tongue and then it gets worse and you can't help but doing it, and it just feels horrible.


Other than that, sneezing a few times in a row isnt uncommon, and itchy eyes also. I don't have it too bad but it is definetly hayfever, although it varies daily almost.


*No not an actual roof.

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I suffer very badly from hayfever. I sneeze alot, my eyes burn, I can't breathe and sometimes I can't see a thing. I've tried the hayfever tablets and after a while, they stopped working. Then I saw an advert for a machine called the Alergy Reliever for a tenner from Boots so I bought it and ever since I've used it, I haven't sneezed or rubbed my eyes or anything. I'm so much happier now. I advise any people who have allergies to pollen, dust or pets to get it because it works.

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I used to get Hayfever quite bad when I was younger. It's kind of better nowerdays. I try not to take anything for it, possibly due to the fact that I want to sort of excercise my immune system (if that's even possible?). Either way, I'd prefer not to chuck drugs into myself wherever possible. Normally after a couple of weeks of bad hayfever (almost flu like symptoms), it goes away. I assume I build up some resistance to it in those few weeks. I'm normally OK for the rest of the summer, bar a few sneezes.


I found that excercise helped. The year that I started excercising regularly I noticed that my hayfever didn't really bother me. It could have been that the excercise was all outdoors so I built up some resistance due to being outdoors all the time as the pollen count gradually went up in spring. Or it could just have been because I was healthier. Could have just been a low year in terms of pollen count though. Who knows? Either way, it was a good year.

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I have this really annoying thing with hayfever that pisses me off above any other symptom - The roof of my mouth gets itchy. It starts tickling/itching a bit so you lick the roof* with your tongue and then it gets worse and you can't help but doing it, and it just feels horrible.

I remember that! I hated that sooo much! except I had that all down my throat too, and every time I'd swallow it would agitate it.


I saw an advert for a machine called the Alergy Reliever for a tenner from Boots so I bought it and ever since I've used it, I haven't sneezed or rubbed my eyes or anything. I'm so much happier now. I advise any people who have allergies to pollen, dust or pets to get it because it works.


I've never seen or heard of this machine - what does it look like, and what does it do?


i drink peppermint/green tea


Does that work? I remember I had a load of mint teas a couple of summers ago.. like 3 or 4 a day, more a fresh brew than tea though, I had 3 types of mint plant, and would pick some leaves and leave it in a coffee jug full of boiling water for a few minutes.. once it had sufficiently cooled (and looked green enough) I'd start drinking. I think I got addicted to mint that summer, had to get over that in the winter though :(

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Really happy I don't suffer from hayfever or any sort of allergies. So don't really have any things that might help.


Though I have heard on more than one occasion already that growing up with pets helps you to not become allergic as easily. Also being exposed to the outdoors (so getting dirty!), or going to things like daycare help build up your immune system. So if you ever have children, you know what to do. =P

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Really happy I don't suffer from hayfever or any sort of allergies. So don't really have any things that might help.


Though I have heard on more than one occasion already that growing up with pets helps you to not become allergic as easily. Also being exposed to the outdoors (so getting dirty!), or going to things like daycare help build up your immune system. So if you ever have children, you know what to do. =P


Let wolves raise him/her? I'll be honest, that was the plan anyway.

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Let wolves raise him/her? I'll be honest, that was the plan anyway.


you mean to say there are OTHER approaches to raising a child??! :hmm:


and yeah ~ peppermint or green tea works for me.. not as good as drugs, 'course... but it works. maybe it depends on the person... or MAYBE it was all just in my mind and the tea was just a placebo dru....*Ah-SNEEZE!*


OH BOLLOCKS! now look what you did!!




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I used to get dreadful hayfever every spring and summer, but that was before I became a vegetarian. I stopped eating meat in April 2006 and havent had hayfever since, apart from when I went on holiday just recently, where I ate meat and went to a place absolutely covered in plants and flower pollen! It really brought back bad memories and made me grouchy. The hotel shuttle bus had to take me to the pharmacy and I felt like a little boy. I remember waiting to go back to the hotel and being really irritated because the whole place where we were waiting smelled like human faeces and it wasnt helping.


In the past, I had to go everywhere with tissues stuffed in my pockets, but my nose never runs now! Having those allergic reactions made me feel like hell on earth at times.


The fact that getting rid of meat from my diet stopped me from getting allergies is amazing, I've never heard of anybody experiencing the same thing, but not everybody becomes a vegetarian.

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Really happy I don't suffer from hayfever or any sort of allergies. So don't really have any things that might help.


Though I have heard on more than one occasion already that growing up with pets helps you to not become allergic as easily. Also being exposed to the outdoors (so getting dirty!), or going to things like daycare help build up your immune system. So if you ever have children, you know what to do. =P

The strange thing is, I grew up with cats in the house, and we still have cats. Yet it's only the past few years that I've really started to get buggered by allergic reactions like sneezing, runny nose, and irritated eyes and throat.

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The strange thing is, I grew up with cats in the house, and we still have cats. Yet it's only the past few years that I've really started to get buggered by allergic reactions like sneezing, runny nose, and irritated eyes and throat.


Well I'm not saying it'll prevent allergies for 100%, but I think having pets will certainly help. But there might be other factors as well of course. And there might always be other reasons why you're getting the allergic reactions.

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Well I'm not saying it'll prevent allergies for 100%, but I think having pets will certainly help. But there might be other factors as well of course. And there might always be other reasons why you're getting the allergic reactions.

Well, seeing as it's only in the summer time, I'm fairly certain that's it's pollen of some sorts. Either that or some other seasonal factor.

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I normally suffer pretty badly. Haven't suffered yet this year. When I lived in Australia I didn't get anything at all so I'm pretty sure I'm just allergic to England.

see, I went to france for the summer and that cured it.. so who knows

meat and countries. Maybe its british meat, maybe they do something weird to it?

British supermarket meat = hayfever. buy straight from real butchers :P


just to clarify, I'm not a butcher.

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