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Why Sony and Microsoft won't steal Nintendo's idea (this gen...)


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I know that Sony loves to steal Nintendo's ideas, but this would be a lot different than stealing the rumble feature or the analog stick.


If Sony steals this idea and uses it in every game (like Nintendo will be doing) it'd be almost as them coming out and saying "we were beat by Nintendo in this Generation, they have better ideas than us."


People are going to be making their decision on a PS3 and a Revo baised on the control scheme. When Sony stole the analog stick and the rumble feature it was different. People weren't going to make their counsil choice baised on the ability to rumble. Sony stole those ideas to increase gameplay. They weren't saying Nintendo's the better system by doing that.


If Sony steals the Revo control idea and uses it too, I think people would be buying Revo.s instead of PS3's because they knew it was Nintendo's idea first / and Nintendo probably knows how to use it better.


What Sony and Microsoft needs to do is convince people that the Revolution contorller is stupid and that video gamers of the year 2006 want normal standard control. Giving in and stealing/using Nintendo's idea would be great publicity for Nintendo imo.

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Also, the consoles probably in a stage where it is too late to change the whole control scheme and development kits. Maybe they'll release a periphial in the future to copy them, but I doubt it. I think, that the idea will be copied next next gen if successful next gen.

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Actually, I think its up to Nintendo to convince people that its a good control system, not for Sony and Microsoft to convince people its "stupid". I think a lot of gamers are satisfied with current gen control, and so need to be shown why this is meant to be better. I think until its actually deployed in a game, we arent going to know for sure just how effective it will be; only the developers can realise its limitations.


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Edited by Johelian
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If Sony steals the Revo control idea and uses it too, I think people would be buying Revo.s instead of PS3's because they knew it was Nintendo's idea first / and Nintendo probably knows how to use it better.


What Sony and Microsoft needs to do is convince people that the Revolution contorller is stupid and that video gamers of the year 2006 want normal standard control. Giving in and stealing/using Nintendo's idea would be great publicity for Nintendo imo.


Some good points. Although if Nintendo deliver good games (which they will otherwise they wouldn't be taking this huge step) then Microsoft and Sony could diss all they want and it would make no difference. I think already it has universely been decided that this is a good idea. The press has been all over it praising it. And if that continues Sony would have no choice but to copy, especially if it turns out to be as good as the ideas suggest.


I leave Microsoft out because I see XBox 360 as the most pointless console ever. Some great games on there, but PS3 will be better in only 6 months while Revolution has the new control method for genuinely new expereiences.


The main point is that Nintendo cannot be late. They need to launch soon, instead of late next year otherwise it gives Sony and Microsoft time to copy and better the controller losing Nintendo their advantage.

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Perhaps Sony and Microsoft won't copy the Revolution controller at all. If this does 'Revolutionise' the video games industry it may give each of the console makers a chance to go three seperate ways which vary much more than they do now.


Mind, its probably only Nintendo who would bother!

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Actually, I think its up to Nintendo to convince people that its a good control system, not for Sony and Microsoft to convince people its "stupid". I think a lot of gamers are satisfied with current gen control, and so need to be shown why this is meant to be better. I think until its actually deployed in a game, we arent going to know for sure just how effective it will be; only the developers can realise its limitations.


I know it's up to Nintendo to convince the public that the new control system is what they want. But if Sony and Microsoft come out and copy it then they're telling the public that they want the Nintendo Revolution control scheme. What I was trying to say is Microsoft and Sony have to stand still with their control scheme to convince people that they don't want a Nintendo Revolution - because if they copy it then Sony and Microsoft are telling people that they DO want a Revolution.

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Whatever happens, it's going to be a fun ride! It's almost getting more fun to see what happens with the consoles than play them! I know I spend more time watching the PSP vs DS war of stats than I do playing my DS. Although DS is my most played console recently, it's so easy to just pick up and play. Love it.

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I know it's up to Nintendo to convince the public that the new control system is what they want. But if Sony and Microsoft come out and copy it then they're telling the public that they want the Nintendo Revolution control scheme. What I was trying to say is Microsoft and Sony have to stand still with their control scheme to convince people that they don't want a Nintendo Revolution - because if they copy it then Sony and Microsoft are telling people that they DO want a Revolution.


But what Im saying is that people dont need convincing that they want to stay with current control systems - because most people will, by default, want to. A lot of people will stick with it, because it works well - and by this, I dont mean that they arent open to new experiences. In fact, I myself already gaze longingly back at the standard control pad for the majority of my games, even though I can see the potential of this new controller. Just people will automatically go for what they know works; therefore, its up to Nintendo to turn the tide and convince people that their controller is worthwhile, not the other way around.


Sony deserve to burn in hell, (so do micro soft)



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Edited by Johelian
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sony may well steal this idea, but even if they do it's silly for nintendo to get angry, to have put all their eggs in one basket like this, their whole strategy for the next generation depends on wether or not sony rip them off. i won't deny it's a brilliant concept, but i'm not sure if it'll be profitable for ninty in the long-term.

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But what Im saying is that people dont need convincing that they want to stay with current control systems - because most people will, by default, want to. A lot of people will stick with it, because it works well - and by this, I dont mean that they arent open to new experiences.Just people will automatically go for what they know works; therefore, its up to Nintendo to turn the tide and convince people that their controller is worthwhile, not the other way around.


I know, but if Sony and Microsoft steal the idea, then they're helping Nintendo convince people that the new control scheme is the way to go. That's the last thing Sony or Microsoft want to do.


Sony and MS obviously have the advantage because they have the proven controller, so they have to use that advantage to their own advantage. If they copy Nintendo people are going to say to themselves, "this must be a great thing" and probably go to Nintendo since they had it first and will probably have proved it worthy of buying by then.


Nintendo will have an uphill battle trying to convince the public to buy their nunchuck style controller, but if Sony and Microsoft steal it, then it's a much easier battle for Nintendo to convince the public that they want it. All they have to do is say "This idea of ours is so great even our compeditors want a part of Revolution".

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There's no way that Sony or microsoft will make a dircet copy. Sony may make it as an optional extra controller. A bit like eyetoy was specifically designed for certain games. Neither will make this their controller. They're both too far along the development ladder to change their main controller. I doubt Microsoft will copy any aspect, however, Sony could also include similar technology, but just in a regular PS controller. They can't make a direct copy, but they could include gyros in their controller. This wouldn't be as accessable as Nintendo's controller IMO, as it still requires you to use 2 hands. seperating your hands is a great idea. The difference with the rumble pack and analogue stick was that they can be added to an existing controller. It's just another thing for your thumbs to use. This is different. It means you have to redseign the controller around the feature to make it affective. I don't think either competitor will copy directly, but it's just too hard to tell. This industry can be unpredictable at times.

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If ideas are stolen, so what? That means more innovative development, more chances to play better games. Who cares who does it best/who has more, as long as we get to have fun playing games.


I was just going to post something like that. :heh:


Was going to say that people can improve upon the original design. For example, if you gave some song lyrics to one band and asked them to come up with a song with these lyrics, they would come up with a totally different song to another band. So, who knows how "tilt technology" would end up being used on a Microsoft or Sony console.

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Sony will steal it but to lesser extent.M$ wont cuz they are too far along. Next gen will be full of Revo clones but Nintendo will have the upper hand. Within 2 gens Nintendo will be top. Sorrry for ant speklling mistakes. I am really really drunk right now.

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If Sony steals the Revo control idea and uses it too, I think people would be buying Revo.s instead of PS3's because they knew it was Nintendo's idea first / and Nintendo probably knows how to use it better.



Mercedes-Benz introduced ABS anti-lock brakes yet people buy different makes of car. (I'm not saying car buying is based purely on this, just looking at your point from another angle).


If an idea is good it makes sense to use it. Let's wait and see if the idea is good or not, or even if it does get ripped off before we decry those evil other companies for ripping it off.


I'd love to see Nintendo "rip-off" Microsoft's Xbox Live set up. Believe me, I'd just as soon play Mario Kart (if it's not messed up like DD) with 6-7 CE buddies as I do play Halo 2 with them most nights.


But I'm sure some of you would rather Nintendo went off on a tangent just for the sake of it. (Granted if it works I'd be very happy with that too).

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You can't really blame Sony (and MS) for 'stealing' the analog sticks and rumble pack. They're ideas that were already used in a lot of other technologies (and therefore they weren't really Nintendo's ideas) and simply a different and optional but most of all better idea for games. It wasn't a vital change of the console, it simply meant some backfire in your hand and an easier way to control 3D games. The Revolution controller is something different. It's the base of the console's gameplay, something completely different, and much easier to patent. Sony can't get away with stealing it this time around.

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