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Xbox 720 at e3?


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Guest Captain Falcon

Ooo ooo let me try...


I've heard it's going to be so powerful it makes the large hadron collider look like a hot wheels stunt set.

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I heard that in a desperate attempt to attract "casual gamers", especially women, they have pumped it so full of estrogen that, upon contact, men instantly grow glorious breasts but forget how to park a car.


I also heard that there is a new dashboard planned called the "Megacasualpatronisometer Dash". It's so "ultra casual" that there are no menus, just a giant swirl of bright, family friendly colours accompanied by a constant barrage of plinky plonky sounds. When the new dashboard is first booted up, it asks where the console is relative to the TV. Presumably this would have to be set up by a "non casual gamer". Once set up, the only text on the screen reads "Insert game here" with an arrow pointing to the side of the tv that the console is situated on. Once a game is inserted, the text then reads "Well done! I knew you could do it! You're so talented and wonderful! Here, have a picture of a kitten!"

Edited by Goafer
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I heard that the next Xbox will be fully backwards compatible with EVERY console... like EVER! Not only that though, it will apparently do this using just one disk drive and one cartridge slot that adapts to the size of the media that's inserted into it - yes even those huge-ass Neo-Geo carts - it will even add achievements for each game you add to the library, but these of course will need to be purchased with M$ points. ;)

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Guest Captain Falcon

I've heard it's also been mooted that the next Xbox will eradicate global warming.

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I've heard,


Microsoft's Full Body Motion Controller Revealed?




Microsoft says that it will "completely transform how people think about home entertainment" at this year's E3. A newly rumored motion controller that detects "full body" movement may be what the company has planned.


According to a report from Engadget, who cites an anonymous tipster claiming to have knowledge of Microsoft's Xbox 360 plans, the company is working on a new Wii-like sensor bar for the console that can offer motion control minus the actual controller.


Players will allegedly "kick, punch, duck, dive, jump and so forth with [their] body" and even be able to perform more precise controls like hand gestures for "pinching, grabbing and scrolling."


According to Engadget's source, the introduction of the controller will also introduce video conferencing, unique player detection, and will be used in online trivia games, with players clapping to "buzz in." Could they be referring to Microsoft's free online video game version of the 1 Vs. 100 game show? Could that be why the Xbox Live Primetime service was delayed until this year?


Microsoft's been heavily rumored to be exploring the use of motion control, but appeared to be pursuing more traditional efforts based on previous reports. The company's alleged new attempts sound like a more advanced EyeToy, which Sony employed in multiple, camera-controlled titles for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3.


Sony is similarly rumored to have a new motion control controller solution in the works, one that may be revealed at E3 as well.


While Engadget's grainy image is obviously suspicious in nature, we've heard from other sources that the information is mostly legit. With E3 now just a few weeks away, we'd expect speculation (and leaks) to reach a fever pitch by mid-month.


When contacted for comment, Microsoft reps said "We do not comment on rumors and speculation."




The funny thing is Microsoft (and Sony for that matter although you got the price issue there) could quite easily pull this off. The console is already cheaper than the Wii. Give the thing a redesign and with Microsoft's marketing clout, explicit and implicit, they could definitely eat into the Wii's market quite substantially. And what's more, the 360 has an amazing array of games already which I'm sure quite a few of them could be patched to take advantage of any motion device.


That's what they'd do if they were clever, anyway.

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If it were that simple they would have done it already, it's not as if motion controllers/non-controllers haven't passed their minds. I think Sony will have to change their controller next gen but I don't think it'll be that revolutionary.

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I really don't like the idea of a motion controller for the PS3 or 360. I was explaining it to Happenstance the other day. Firstly it opens the door to a barrage of shovelware. I can ignore that I suppose and just buy the games I like. But when a company has the decision to either make shovelware cheaply with high potential for profits, or a risky big budget game that isn't guaranteed to sell, which seems to make more sense? I personally like big budget epics like MGS and Fallout. Now I imagine games like these will continue to be made anyway, but mini games within games are already becoming popular (Fable 2s jobs were utter arse), so I can see those becoming more and more popular if a motion controller is released.


You could argue that games will be released that can be played entirely on the normal pads or use the motion pads for extra interactivity. But that would be like playing a 360 game without Live ie I'd feel like I was only playing part of the game. Much like playing Mario Kart with a GC pad, I enjoy it more, but it only feels like half the game. I quite like the PS3s setup with motion control at the minute, it's there but it only plays a tiny part, if at all.



I can see the financial benefits of a motion controller for a company, but in terms of the games I like to play, I think it's seriously going to limit my choice. There are a few games that I think would be better with motion controls, like House of the Dead, but those are only games I could play for short sessions and I prefer massive story driven epics that I can really get into. Or racing games, but I don't like using motion controllers for those since they have no fixing point.


And I realise that complaining about alternative controls on a forum that's mainly to do with the Wii and DS is probably going to put me in the vast minority...

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I quite like that guys predictions. Basically more powah and social (Live) gaming. Although I'm not sure that they're realistic predictions.


Keeping in mind that for better or for worse, the modern day gamer is obsessed with graphics, I cannot help but think Microsoft is not only aware of this fact, but they also simply want to stay competitive in this area.


I thought that Microsoft were desperate to jump on the Wii bandwagon more than anything. Mainly due to the NXe's avatars and the family friendly adverts that they've recently been showing.


Personally I hope the new Xbox will go down the "more powah!" and more internets route, but I can't see it happening. I think gamings come a long way in terms of becoming a good story telling medium. A lot of games can now offer a movie like experience and amazing stories thanks to awesome graphics and sound that allow you to get immersed and bigger storage space, but I just don't think it's where the safe money is nowerdays and I think that's a shame.

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I think whoever wrote that article has gone completely wrong to be honest. If there's one thing the last few years have shown it's that the vast majority of people don't give a shit about graphics so long as they are accessible. Also running a two-tier console system as he suggests would be total madness.


I think a third generation Xbox is a long long way off. Fully expect a redesigned 360 sooner rather than later though.

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Well I don't know about some people but I could only afford a 360 about 3 years after it came out. So for me i've not even had it that long. I really don't need a new one for a long time yet. There's plenty of games and potential on the current system I really don't think it's necessary. Who are they going to compete with if they brought out a new console? PS3 and it's supposed 10,000 year lifespan, the Wii which has a completely different audience entirely? Nope, no need for a new console whatsoever right now.

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Who are they going to compete with if they brought out a new console? PS3 and it's supposed 10,000 year lifespan, the Wii which has a completely different audience entirely? Nope, no need for a new console whatsoever right now.


I think the idea is to get a secure hold on the market first. That allows them to get more games out so when the PS4 or whatever comes out, the new Xbox will still seem more attractive since it's already got a big library of games and an established online community.

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Yeah it took a while for the PS3 to catch up on the software side of things but now developers are really coming out with ways of pushing the sytem like KZ. It's great knowing that there's even more to be got from the system.

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I love my 360. It's hard to imagine it not being current gen, which is odd as I remember thinking "I wonder what the next generation of consoles will be like" with every generation before this. I just can't see it losing its' shelf life...until of course developers stop making games for it.

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