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All of the games have ties to each other(being in the same universe, it happens) but they also stand-alone just fine. Think the Elder Scrolls series, the stories all tie together(if you read the in-game literature you can read about events of past games actually) but they're all their own games.


Also, New Vegas will have more ties to Fallout 1&2 than 3.

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All of the games have ties to each other(being in the same universe, it happens) but they also stand-alone just fine. Think the Elder Scrolls series, the stories all tie together(if you read the in-game literature you can read about events of past games actually) but they're all their own games.


Also, New Vegas will have more ties to Fallout 1&2 than 3.


Yeah you would like to think it would relate to actual events in Fallout 1 & 2 whereas 3 only paid homage to them by way of using similar names and characters etc...but they were very much a part of Bethesda's version of the world rather than staying faithful to 1 & 2.

Ok, so I'll buy New Vegas. Even if it gets cut here in good ol' shitty Germany.


Would love to play a Fallout game and this sounds bloody fantastic.


Dunno if you have a capable PC, but I know another guy from Germany and his workaround for cut games is someone can gift the US/UK version game to him through Steam, and he repays them through paypal (which has better exchange than steam iirc). Of course for this you need someone you trust out of the country, and a good enough PC to play the games.


Yeah you would like to think it would relate to actual events in Fallout 1 & 2 whereas 3 only paid homage to them by way of using similar names and characters etc...but they were very much a part of Bethesda's version of the world rather than staying faithful to 1 & 2.


I think it's unavoidable for Obsidian to relate to 1 & 2. The close proximity to the same locations, along with the already revealed inclusion of the NCR. They'd have to work hard to keep with the fiction and not make direct connections.

That is, if the game even gets a classification in Germany. The developers are known to have less limits of that sort than Bethesda game studios.


Well, many recent games that didn't get a release here or were cut can be imported from Amazon (just like Demon Souls...So tempted...but in 2 weeks so many other games will be out) and since I can pay them without a credit card that wouldn't be a problem I guess.


I just bought Fallout 3 :D Thought I would give it a try seeing as Blockbuster had it on offer for £9.95 (PS3). Watching previews and reading about New Vegas got me quite excited for it, so I thought I may as well buy the prequel.

  • 2 months later...

After playing Fallout 3 I got the GotY edition, and whilst I'm fairly glad I played it, I'm not sure it was worth the hassle. The DLC doesn't really make the standalone experience any better, and even as seperate little quests they don't add anything that substantial if I'm being honest. Most of them became a bit of a drag, so the only reason that would make me download any extra stuff would be down to price points and whether or not you can continue your game after you've finished the main quest.


From this game I'd like:

  • More secret little areas and more of those unique weapons
  • More creature varieties
  • Bosses or larger foes
  • More towns or settlements, which going by the previous info it sounds like there will be
  • far less glitches
  • + tons more things that I can't be bothered to think about right now


From this game I'd like:

  • More secret little areas and more of those unique weapons
  • More creature varieties
  • Bosses or larger foes
  • More towns or settlements, which going by the previous info it sounds like there will be
  • far less glitches
  • + tons more things that I can't be bothered to think about right now


Basically this. Fallout 3 was a great game, but not one that couldn't be improved.


The constant backing up when facing enemies that used melee attacks was a little bit annoying. I'd rather they made them a little big more like the Gando in Resident Evil 4 and 5, just in the way they moved towards you.


The exploration in Fallout 3 got a little bit boring once you had found all the settlements, so I'd like to see either more of these, or some other incentive to explore the more boring areas of the map. Perhaps like you said, more of the unique weapons and other items.


One feature I'd like to see brought over from Oblivion in a future fallout game (not going to happen in this one) is the ability to choose what "Race" you play as. Being able to play as a super mutant or a ghoul could give a much different experience.


That would put even more pressure on the writers though, the scripting becomes a lot harder when you start having big changes like that. I don't mind too much about picking a race or class in this game, in fact I think it benefits from being a human character.


Makes it feel more badass and relatable. Plus it's unique to that wonderer, not multiple species that could have similar experiences. Not sure how to phrase it.


Can't wait for this. Fallout 3 sucked hours and hours of my time, I'm sure this will do the same. I just worry a little bit that it won't have the same originality that Fallout 3 had (it felt weird writing that..) that kept me playing as long as it did.

Can't wait for this. Fallout 3 sucked hours and hours of my time, I'm sure this will do the same. I just worry a little bit that it won't have the same originality that Fallout 3 had (it felt weird writing that..) that kept me playing as long as it did.


Yeah, a lot of the awesomeness of Fallout was exploring the world Bethesda had made up, but seeing a similar expanse with the same engine probably won't generate that feeling.


If the fallout: vegas world is bigger than Fallout 3 then... well it might be tooooo biiiig! To me exploring the wastelands was priority numero uno. The main issue for me was too many similar 'dungeons' that were too easy to get lost in (with the pip-boy thing not being able to show you if you're on a different floor to where your objective is), and perhaps not really having any way of telling how much of the game you're missing out on i.e. no stats page decreeing how many areas you have left to explore, how many more schematics you have to find, etc. I suppose that would take away from teh game, but at least offer it on a 2nd playthrough? Not very readily applicable to the game I guess.


I'd agree with all of that. Apart from I would happily embrace a map that was twice as big, as long as the underground was streamlined with better map instructions, and weren't as boring. Far fewer replicated buildings would be great too. It has been said that the map would be the same size however. Hopefully there are more focal points in this though.


The local map was really quite shit. All I want really is a ton more secret areas, but one's that aren't accessed in secluded monotonous ways. It's hard to explain, but I'm talking stuff like the lower Pinkerton entrance and underwater areas of Rivet City, as well as the gate that opened to Takoma park etc. More of this, more little drains that you can descend into which keep the half-retro feel to the game. Basically paths that aren't obvious and pointed out.


Hmm, Fallout 3's world was actually quite smaller than Oblivion's. That could be due to the fact that you could travel by horse in Oblivion (thus faster) whilst in Fallout 3 you had to go on foot all the time so they made the world a bit smaller.


So, New Vegas' world could be a lot bigger than Fallout 3's without it being too big.


I don't think even without my super high agility in Oblivion Traveling by horse would be faster. Riding in that game is basically useless to me and I never did it. It was faster to run overland on foot than by horse.


I'm rating the idea of the cards. I want a set of those babies, even though I haven't seen them.


This might be my first special edition.

  • 2 weeks later...

I really doubt it's going to look much better than Fallout 3. It's the exact same engine, and they're likely putting most of their time into creating the game rather than prettying it up.


Just looked at the linked pic.....god some of those buildings look worse than Perfect Dark.


Still, I don't see it getting better than Fallout 3. I just hope they can make animation not look so robotic like all of Bethesda's games.

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