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I don't see why anyone would expect them to not have similarities to FO3. It's going to be the same engine and more or less the same gameplay model but with a different setting.


I spot me some Geckos though, as well as a Vault 21 jumpsuit. While the jumpsuit could easily be a mod, I don't think Geckos are. Also, a quick google search of Vault 21 yields unfounded crap that it was in Seattle. Besides that though, the Fallout Wiki says it's near Vegas as apparently it's in a screenshot in the March issue of PC Gamer.


I think it'll actually be quite damn hard for this game to be shit! They could release Fallout 3 but with new skins and different dialogue and I'd still love it. That we're going to experience the game in a 'fully functioning city' is an experience I personally cannot wait for!


Mundi's point about a properly 'playable' city is a good one. The repetitive sewers dragged and annoyed me mildly.


Final point; I've tried to google for the original fallout 3 trailer but can't find it so I don't understand the comparison people are making. Does anyone have a link?


Specifically it was the teaser trailer, also plays before you start the game. 3rd one down on youtube if you search fallout 3 trailer:


One of the best trailers ever. Only matched by Motorstorm Pacific Rift.


To be fair, the series has always kinda followed the old music playing on something(TV,PA system,Radio,RobotTV combo)in the wasteland/city.


Although, the intro(not trailer which I can't find) to number 2 is Vault-Tec video about live in the vault being displayed to Vault Dwellers.


I heard the prequel's trailers have featured the same sort of style. The character head turn was the iconic feature of Fallout 3, Vegas just seemed to copy it (well).


In one of those images it has the STRENGTH description. To the side of it it has other headings which I assume are perks or something? Can only make out 'Lightweight', 'Barrel Chested' and 'Average Joe'.


I'm really not surprised at all that it looks like Fallout 3, Obsidian have a bit of a reputation for using the same engines as popular sequels like Neverwinter Nights 2 and various expansion packs, also KOTOR 2. I mean certainly KOTOR 2 pretty much followed the formula of the original down to a tee, so the similarities of the trailers come as no surprise. Their only new IP Alpha Protocol is stuck in development hell I wouldn't be surprised if Fallout Vegas is very similar to 3 in many regards due to these factors.


Although if I remember rightly Obsidian was founded by former members of Black Isle Studios who made you guest is Fallout and Fallout 2. (might have to check that fact out)

Although if I remember rightly Obsidian was founded by former members of Black Isle Studios who made you guest is Fallout and Fallout 2. (might have to check that fact out)


You can save yourself some time, read thsi thread, and then know that you're correct. :p

Posted (edited)
Did a little digging, they do look like shitty magazines scans. The same website has concept art of the city which looks to only be partially powered, which immediately made me think of Infamous.




It looks like a legit magazine leak though i dont speak German so it could all be BS


Yup, those are legit. I'm a subscriber to PC Gamer and have the issue, all the screens/peices of concept art are present in the mag.


Infact, who wants a rundown of the new features in New Vegas?


- Game is set 3 years after Fallout 3 and 40 years after Fallout 2.

- Sense of humour that Fallout 3 lacked is back.

- In the game's opening, you don't grow up in the vault, you're a couirer, who's been carrying a parcel across the desert, that's been left for dead. You're rescued by a robot called Victor and patched up by Doctor Mitchell.

- The game's opening location takes place in Goodsprings, based on a real loaction

- The tutorial/skills selection takes place in a saloon, under Doc Micthell's guidance

- New weapon: Varmint Rifle, shoots off limbs at long-range

- One quest inlvolves a gang of escaped convicts callled the Powder Gangers, who are threatening the town unless they hand over someone called Ringo. Player can either help the town, or hand over Ringo to the gang.

- Three factions fighting for New Vegas; The New Californian Republic, Ceaser's Legion and the population living round and running New Vegas itself.

- New reputation system, opening up new options depending on what you do for each faction. Doing a quest might earn you more respect from one faction, whilst you could get negative rep from others.

- More conversation options, depending on what skills you've boosted (in the demo, the character was boosted in explosives, was able to talk about them and was offered some TNT.)

- The three factions are also fighting for control over the Hoover Dam for clean water supplies and electricity.

- Persuade speeches have no negative effects if failed.

- Another new weapon: golf club, nine iron

- Every meele weapon now has a special move in V.A.T.S (in the golf club's case, it's called "Fore!", which swings at the enemies groin, knocking them down for a short time.)

- Another area was shown, Black Mountain. Is usually encountered later in the game, is home to a mad old Supermutant called Tabitha.

- Tabitha is holding a Ghoul hostage and threatens to kill him whilst on air on her own radio station, unless someone repairs her favourite robot.

- Super Mutants in this area are told to "shoot humans on sight" and go all the way back to Fallout 1 and 2, with some of the smarter mutants from those games being in Tabitha's army. Fallout 3's dumb mutants return too.

- Can manipulate factions (in this case, the player can trick the smart mutants into thinking the dumb mutants are revolting.)

- Can modify weapons; a machinegun that fires grenades was used.

- Final location shown: a solar energy plant owned by The New Californian Republic called Helios One.

- Helios One built by a company called Poseidon, who developed weapons and power systems.

- Helios one is both a power supply (that could power The Strip) and a superweapon (a "giant frickin' lazer" as the mag puts it.)

- NCR hired an idiotic screw-up called Fantastic to find out the secrets of Helios.

- Player can choose to power different locations, depending on which faction they choose... or keep it for themselves as a superweapon.

- New Hardcore Mode option, for those that like a challange. Health regenerates over time when using medkits, combat is very challenging, ammo is limited and in the desert you can dehydrate without clean water.


Sounding good to me! Sorry for the long post though... :heh:

Edited by CoolFunkMan

So factions instead of karma, and dehydration instead of radiation? Cool with me. Not heard anything to put me off yet! I didn't particularly think Fallout 3 was lacking in humour, but having not played the predecessors I'd hardly know what I'm missing.


Crawling into an outhouse planting explosives then being blown out of the outhouse and covering half the town in feces.


That one always stuck out in my mind. There are other things like having your liver stolen and needing to find a new one, or being married at a shotgun wedding.

So factions instead of karma, and dehydration instead of radiation? Cool with me. I didn't particularly think Fallout 3 was lacking in humour, but having not played the predecessors I'd hardly know what I'm missing.

Sounds like dehydration is only on the hard mode to me? Surely there'll still be radiation, what with the nuclear fallout and all. As for humour... I think F3 had the same sarcastic/satirical tone but the missions weren't as silly as some in the previous games.

- New reputation system, opening up new options depending on what you do for each faction. Doing a quest might earn you more respect from one faction, whilst you could get negative rep from others.

- More conversation options, depending on what skills you've boosted

- Every meele weapon now has a special move in V.A.T.S
Can modify weapons; a machinegun that fires grenades was used.

These things particularly interest me. Sounding pretty good!


I'm glad they're fixing the karma system. Getting evil karma for stealing from evil characters in 3 was annoying. Although, it makes sense if you loose karma just with that faction.


Hopefully the weapon customization is a little more open than the "custom" weapons in 3.


Yeah not sure why they called them custom. There were only 8, with only the nuka grenades and dart gun being useful. Plus the amount of ammo for the dart gun was obscene, was it the only weapon that used darts?


Soooo, does anybody know if I need to know the story of Fallout 3 in order to understand Fallout: New Vegas? I didn't get to play Fallout 3 (mainly because I don't want to play the uncut version and importing is too expensive or impossible for me because I don't have a credit card).

Soooo, does anybody know if I need to know the story of Fallout 3 in order to understand Fallout: New Vegas? I didn't get to play Fallout 3 (mainly because I don't want to play the uncut version and importing is too expensive or impossible for me because I don't have a credit card).


they seem unrelated to me, from the information ive read, you should be fine.

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