dwarf Posted December 1, 2010 Posted December 1, 2010 Not even gonna bother with the platinum trophy, partly because of having to play caravan. Someone'll claim it's actually simple but I can't be arsed to waste time on it.
ViPeR Posted December 1, 2010 Posted December 1, 2010 (edited) Does anybody completely understand the rules for Caravan? I've got the achievement for winning 30 games and all, and I understand what you have to do to a certain extent but it sometimes seems a bit random when I win/lose. And don't get me started on the Jokers. No idea what they do, even though I've tried to read the rules about 50 times It's the most confusing game ever if you go by the written rules. What I did was search Youtube on guides to playing it, the majority not making things simple enough I felt. After watching about 5 different ones I got the jist of what to do. You start with two sets of cards lined horizontally, on top and one below. Here you choose what cards are going to be in your deck, i'm not sure what the maximum is but I like to have 1 or 2 of each number. You then go on to playing Caravan. The basic aim is you have to set up 3 stacks of cards and make sure all of them reach a total of 26 BEFORE the computer player has. This isn't the only way to win however, the rules say that the area to aim for is numbers between 21-26. So say you have higher numbers than the computers in those stacks and they're in that range you'll win whether you have 26 or not. Specialist cards (Jack, Queen, King, Joker) have no numeric value. They infact alter either your stack or the computer players stack. A King (I think, not sure) multiplies by 2 whatever card you place it by. So say you have a 10 and a 6, put the King TO THE SIDE of the 10 making it 26. Building a stack in itself is quite complicated too. You have to go up or down in numeric order from whatever card you started with. So for example you start with a 2, you can place cards higher or lower than that although obviously you'd want to go higher. Once you've started down one route you can't change it unless you use one of the specialist cards (I think a Jack, maybe Queen lol) to reverse the order. So it could go 2-6-9-Jack-4-2. I'm not to sure but I think all the specialist cards can be used on the computer players stack to trip them up. Say if one of their stacks is at 26 you can add a King to any of their cards which will make it over 26. If this happens they lose their stack and have to start again. Another tactic I like using is placing the reverse order card on them so they're forced to go over 26 lol. Also regarding building stacks I think you can do them by suit as well but I didn't really look into it, whether you'd ONLY be able to build a stack with that suit and the numbers are irrelevant I don't know. Like I said it's really complicated when you first look at it but it's not at all when you get the hang of it. Once you have you can use tactics which is where the very first part of choosing what cards are in your deck comes in handy. You might want to choose a lot of specialist cards as they're quite handy, and start stacks with lower numbers. I usually start stacks with 7 or 8. Start with numbers too high and you might overshoot 26, too low and the computer might get there before you. The cards you get given are a random choice of what's in your deck so just because you chose all Kings, 10's and 6's doesn't mean you'll get them in the order you want. You could end up with 3 10's and get screwed. I hope this helps as I found it very hard to understand at first too but it's a stupidly easy way to get caps. Play the woman in Mojave Outpost she's behind the desk. She has a shit load of caps and is crap at the game lol. I think I won at least 6000 off of her. Edited December 1, 2010 by ViPeR
flameboy Posted December 1, 2010 Posted December 1, 2010 urgh now I remember why I've never played a single game of caravan...(I read up on the rules prior to getting enough cards and decided it wasn't for me)
Goafer Posted December 1, 2010 Posted December 1, 2010 Got the Rat Slayer rifle today. It's pretty good. It has a rather decent zoom scope on it with night vision (only comes on at night so daytime is normal). Rex keeps dieing. Does anyone know if he gets any better once you find a cure for his brain deficiency? Does getting an exceptional brain give any significant bonus'?
Dog-amoto Posted December 1, 2010 Posted December 1, 2010 Are you playing on Hardcore? Your companions only get knocked unconscious if you aren't. The brain I got him just helped him go faster which made things worse! Rex is a pain in the arse because he just goes in and attacks everybody, I gave him back to the King
Goafer Posted December 1, 2010 Posted December 1, 2010 Yeah I'm playing on hardcore. I just read up on the brains available for Rex. Seems like I need to go to the legion fort to get a brain that increases his max HP. Might have to leave Boone behind for that one...
Goafer Posted December 5, 2010 Posted December 5, 2010 So yeah, I just totally used a Stealthboy to rob the fuck out of the Silver Rush place. Reckon I made away with over 5k caps worth of energy weapons. Take that suckers!
Dog-amoto Posted December 5, 2010 Posted December 5, 2010 So yeah, I just totally used a Stealthboy to rob the fuck out of the Silver Rush place. Reckon I made away with over 5k caps worth of energy weapons. Take that suckers! I did that too. I robbed the safe for the evidence, then thought...why not???
Goafer Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 I have no idea what to do! I've saved just before I go into the Lucky 38 just in case, but I've pursued the Yes Man route so far (IE, I want Vegas for myself), but I lost Karma. Probably due to killing Mr House (Which was a massive letdown BTW. It was so easy to do! No securitron stopped me from going in there). But I kind of want to help support NCR as well for the inevitable battle at the Hoover Dam. Anyone know if I can take Vegas for myself but still keep NCR happy? I've got both "Quests" warning me about working against the NCR and Legion. The Legion can fuck off, but I don't want to piss of NCR too much.
Emasher Posted December 8, 2010 Posted December 8, 2010 I just completely massacred them. I didn't bother with killing the ones in the private area though, as there's more that 10 of them on you at once in there. Getting a weapon was tricky, but after that, as long as you have a few stimpacks and a follower, its not that bad. The redneck millionaire in the front room (Who's son you have to save) ends up helping you kill the ones in the main area off, although, for some reason, his bodyguard just stand there.
dwarf Posted December 8, 2010 Posted December 8, 2010 Where the hell are the snipers in this game? I've worked all the way to the strip, and explored a good proportion of the map, and yet no sniper. Or a rocket launcher come to think of it, not that I could justify carrying one.
Emasher Posted December 8, 2010 Posted December 8, 2010 If you keep looking, you'll likely find one soon depending on where you end up going. Even though you can explore a lot of the map, I've found that the game is very good at keeping certain things from you. Also, try looking in various shops throughout the wasteland for scopes for the rifles you already have. Gun runners is a good place to start, and the guy under the bridge at the NCR trading outpost should have some weapon mods as well.
Dog-amoto Posted December 8, 2010 Posted December 8, 2010 Go to Gun Runners and buy an AMR. All you'll ever need. As for the White Glove Society: You can cook a human meat substitute and expose them, saves you having to kill them all As for the Yes Man quest: You can still stay on reasonable terms with the NCR, as part of the quest requires you protecting the President, but the Legion will attack you on sight. The only time the NCR attacked me was when I chose to side with the Legion
drahkon Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 I started a new character and I'm at level 3. A problem occurs when I level up. The game says that I level up, but nothing happens. My XP are 1059/1050 (or something) but I can't use skill points and such. Reloading won't help...is there any way around it?
Emasher Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Did you kill all the enemies in the area before you reloaded the save?
drahkon Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Did you kill all the enemies in the area before you reloaded the save? Yep, I was in a house and killed every single enemy. I continued playing and after 10 minutes the pop up screen appeared and I was able to use the skill points. A bit random, but at least everything is right now.
Dog-amoto Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 1000/1000 achievement points GET!! Got all 1550 on Fallout 3 too. Sad I know!
ViPeR Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 Bit confused as to what i'm meant to be doing. So far i've done... Right i've basically been helping the NCR and being on their side against the Legion. I've got the Omertas on my side, stopped the cannibalism at White Glove, and trying to get the Khans to side with me against the Legion. This is where my problem came up, I went to Cottonwood Cove and understandably the Legion hate me. I took out all of them, went to the Fort and took out most of them. Then went into the tent and got owned by Ceaser and his men. I'm just wondering have I done something wrong because i'm sure i'm meant to be able to talk to Ceaser at least...
Cube Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 I'd be a bit pissed if someone killed most of my men and barged into my tent. How well do uniforms work?
Dog-amoto Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 Bit confused as to what i'm meant to be doing. So far i've done... Right i've basically been helping the NCR and being on their side against the Legion. I've got the Omertas on my side, stopped the cannibalism at White Glove, and trying to get the Khans to side with me against the Legion. This is where my problem came up, I went to Cottonwood Cove and understandably the Legion hate me. I took out all of them, went to the Fort and took out most of them. Then went into the tent and got owned by Ceaser and his men. I'm just wondering have I done something wrong because i'm sure i'm meant to be able to talk to Ceaser at least... Once you fail the mission Beware the Wrath of Caesar, they will attack you on sight and you cannot talk to anyone there. Don't worry, there's nothing you can do about it. If you side with the Legion, then the NCR attack you. You can only do one of four endings at a time so just carry on, then restart from an earlier save once you've finished the game so you can try the other story paths
ViPeR Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 I'd be a bit pissed if someone killed most of my men and barged into my tent. How well do uniforms work? Yeh that's fair enough I guess, I haven't tried a uniform. Once you fail the mission Beware the Wrath of Caesar, they will attack you on sight and you cannot talk to anyone there. Don't worry, there's nothing you can do about it. If you side with the Legion, then the NCR attack you. You can only do one of four endings at a time so just carry on, then restart from an earlier save once you've finished the game so you can try the other story paths Ah right cheers, I figured I was pretty much screwed when it came to reasoning with the Legion. I guess now I have to get some heavy firepower to take them out...
dwarf Posted January 3, 2011 Posted January 3, 2011 Seriously not rating this game. I've got around 30 assigned quests, and I don't know where to start with them. They all require me to go dotting around the map back and forth back and forth, and yet I don't really know if the xp or item rewards will be substantial enough to make them worth my time. On top of that, if you're fast travelling everywhere you have to monitor you're bloomin' sleep and hunger etc, which is just tedious and of course wasn't a problem in Fallout 3 because hardcore mode didn't exist. And by hardcore they meant 'unnecessarily fucking irritating'. There's way too much dialogue in this game as well, I think Obsidian misjudged the gameplay balance a heck of a lot. As well as that, as I've said, the environment just doesn't appeal to me. Not just aesthetically, but the way it's been designed. Large proportions of the map and just big open spaces with locales dotted around, previously you got a much greater feeling of structure. Yeah, it's fair to say I'm not enjoying it that much. I want to but a hell of a lot of it is just damned dull. The splodges of humour here and there don't save it.
Magnus Posted January 4, 2011 Posted January 4, 2011 Can't you just turn off hardcore mode if you're not enjoying it?
dwarf Posted January 4, 2011 Posted January 4, 2011 But then that would ruin the whole point of doing it, remove the trophy chance, and I would be kicking myself at all the ammo and shit I'd been chucking away. Also, the 'end reward' still slightly entices me. Maybe I should just finish the main quests and after the award (which if it's a physical item you keep I assume with every other thing in your inventory after the epilogue?) I'll just continue with side-quests if I feel like it.
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