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Wii Play? No, we don't. Oops scratch that, yes we do!


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IGN are reporting some research by Neilson which suggest Wii is the least played console- averaging little more than 5 days throughout Dec (360 achieved 7.1 days).


Does this suggest Wii's do gather dust after purchase?


Once bitten, twice shy? It's surely worrying for Nintendo's future consoles- will this new market follow them?

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That probably because most of these casual gamers just buy the console for Wii Sports and Wii Fit, just bringing it out when they have friends around and for exercising; and not bothering to explore the rest of the catalogue of games available.


Don't think it'll bother Nintendo how much people play the Wii when it's selling as well as it is, same for their next console!

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I wouldn't say my Wii is gathering dust. I'd just say I'm not playing it actively due to there being nothing that takes my fancy, having played all of the big games and played many of the smaller 3rd party titles which should have been played by everyone. I find I'd rather play my GC titles on my Wii, and not as New Play Control (although I'd love Ubisoft to get the finger out and give us Beyond Good and Evil on it).

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I really feel like there's something wrong with me. I always seem to be out of step with these 'study' results :hmm:


Can't really comment, but I imagine the word 'dust' to crop up about 47 times in this thread.


Same here. Roll out the same old claims - "my Wii is gathering dust" etc, but for me the Wii is constantly plugged in and in use. Got loads I'm playing, and I love it to bits. Obviously, if we accept the "science" of this report, I'm very much in the minority.

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My Wii has certainly got used a lot less since I picked up a 360 (in Dec , ironically) , and part of that is there hasn't been anything particularly deep or involving released on the Wii in months.


When you compare the Wii release list for the tail end of the last year with that of the other consoles then is it any real surprise that it lagged behind , after all , the 'big' hitters were the like of AC:LGttC and Wii Music (neither game would command extensive playing).


May be interesting to see how things look when The Conduit and Sin and Punishment 2 are released (unless we are all hooked on some other multi-format releases :p).


Will hopefully be a wake up call for Nintendo but probably not.

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Guest Jordan

I play my Wii when people come over, but i've been playing some Madworld as well this month.


PS3? Hmm... Whenever something comes out for it.

360? Basically every day.

I play my DS a lot though.

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Same here. Roll out the same old claims - "my Wii is gathering dust" etc, but for me the Wii is constantly plugged in and in use. Got loads I'm playing, and I love it to bits. Obviously, if we accept the "science" of this report, I'm very much in the minority.


Yeah I second this im very sceptial of this report and yeah I love the thing too, pro evo 09, mad world, Overkill, Onslaught and hell even castlevania judgement reciently and classics with tons to unlock like Brawl, Mario Kart Wii and Boom Blox, whats not to love.

Edited by Pete
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^ Hows that got anything to do with it, there isn't any trolling, this is just a thread about a statistic.


Statistics that mean barely anything. Its not even that much of a difference when the console has double the users.


And what's with the gay avatars in everyone's sig?

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and you acuse others of trolling?


I'm just hitting the boiling point, all I hear is how casual the Wii is and everything about it is shit, and everyone is a dirty bastard for not cleaning the dust of their houses, but having a Mii rip off on the sig is A-OK! Mii's are fucking hardcore if next to a gamer score it seems.

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But... I play mine everyday!





I'm so tired of the gaming community. I can't go anywhere without people hating and trolling.


Noone, or very few here are hating the Wii.

People are complaining because there are so few games worth playing for longer periods.

I haven't played much on my Wii since I got my 360. I want to get MP3, Brawl and Paper Mario, and a few other. But still, there are more games worth mentioning on other, lesser selling formats.

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I'm just hitting the boiling point, all I hear is how casual the Wii is and everything about it is shit, and everyone is a dirty bastard for not cleaning the dust of their houses, but having a Mii rip off on the sig is A-OK! Mii's are fucking hardcore if next to a gamer score it seems.


Ah, I see man, no probs, for me, as far as im concerned as long as I enjoy the console that is all that matters, im sure really its same for you.


''everyone is a dirty bastard for not cleaning the dust of their houses'' seriously this made me laugh, I was thinking of making a joke that nature my self earlier but dam you beat me too .

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My Wii had a slight amount of dust on it, but i polished it yesterday :hehe:


That doesn't mean it's not getting used, far from it. I :heart: my Wii :yay:


I use mine when I get to actually see it. Lately I've been enjoying Wii Fit! My sister and I really do love a bit of Mario Kart online too!

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I'm just hitting the boiling point, all I hear is how casual the Wii is and everything about it is shit, and everyone is a dirty bastard for not cleaning the dust of their houses, but having a Mii rip off on the sig is A-OK! Mii's are fucking hardcore if next to a gamer score it seems.


Why get so worked up about it, I really dont understand.

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Why get so worked up about it, I really dont understand.


Agreed. Who the hell said having a 360 avatar is hardcore? You have to remember this is a Nintendo forum BUT we have a very large Other Console community aswell and alot of us on here own Wiis AND another console.

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Well my Wii is definitely gathering dust... Since I got my PS3 been using that a hell of a lot more. I picked up HOTD Overkill and loved it. But keep just missing a ton of good games, Madworld being a recent example of a title that if the Wii was my only means of getting new home console games I would have been all over, but in amongest a ton of other things I've just let it go by me after I've seen feedback citing it as a bit repetitive.


I'm even playing more PC games at the moment and I only own a Samsung NC10 netbook so its not high end gaming, but indie and casual experiences are something I have been accessing. Use Steam a fair bit, also been using GOG which at the moment offers better value for games I want to play from the past than Virtual Console at the moment.

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Why get so worked up about it, I really dont understand.


Because their using fallacies and lying to make an argument! Imagine if everyone on the internet started claiming 1+1=3.


To give some context, I'm not saying just this place, I've seen this new at Kotaku and Destructoid ,etc. And I must be getting paranoid but I can't handle the fucking comment section.

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