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Assassin's Creed 2


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Nope. I just played a mission where I had to be incredibly stealthy


Really? Because I'm about 12 hours into it and bar having to follow some people without getting spotted, which is real easy, I've not had to be stealthy. At all.

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Just got to Rome, I think I am near the end. It really picked up after a few hours of tedium. I honestly thought about just selling it on ebay, but I'm glad I stuck with it. Its turned out very good.


Edit: Just completed it, three words spring to mind: What. The. Fuck.

Edited by MATtheHAT
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I don't think it's very good tbh.


The fighting is poor. The animation is poor. The climbing is too rigid. The targeting is abysmal. The stealth is virtually non-existent. It is a linear game hiding in an open world.


The whole thing is the exact polar opposite of Uncharted.


They killed the best stuff from the first game. The planning for the assassinations. The actual assassinations. The death speeches. The pickpocketing. The whole swooping in for the kill (which I blame on the cities, the buildings are way too tall). Even the ability to actually get out of the Animus was much better.


Who the hell decided to put the goddamn 'climb jump catch' technique in? Utter rubbish. Breaks the flow.


When it works it is sublime, but it very very rarely does. When it does work something else rears its ugly head.


Also, what the hell happened to the beating pulse bleeping when guards were on alert? Way to take away clarity and tension.


The game is high in concept but shoddily executed. Even the shape of the rooves are are an issue. Gone are the flat, platform gagging flat tops and in their place, hillocks as far as the f*cking eye can see (about 10 metres).


Sony should buy the IP for Naughty Dog to fix.


Also, what is it with the stupid spinning 'The Truth' puzzles. That shit is so boring it could strip paint.

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I don't think it's very good tbh.


The fighting is poor. The animation is poor. The climbing is too rigid. The targeting is abysmal. The stealth is virtually non-existent. It is a linear game hiding in an open world.


The whole thing is the exact polar opposite of Uncharted.


They killed the best stuff from the first game. The planning for the assassinations. The actual assassinations. The death speeches. The pickpocketing. The whole swooping in for the kill (which I blame on the cities, the buildings are way too tall). Even the ability to actually get out of the Animus was much better.


Who the hell decided to put the goddamn 'climb jump catch' technique in? Utter rubbish. Breaks the flow.


When it works it is sublime, but it very very rarely does. When it does work something else rears its ugly head.


Also, what the hell happened to the beating pulse bleeping when guards were on alert? Way to take away clarity and tension.


The game is high in concept but shoddily executed. Even the shape of the rooves are are an issue. Gone are the flat, platform gagging flat tops and in their place, hillocks as far as the f*cking eye can see (about 10 metres).


Sony should buy the IP for Naughty Dog to fix.


Also, what is it with the stupid spinning 'The Truth' puzzles. That shit is so boring it could strip paint.

That's a pretty scathing review there Daft. I've finished R&C now but I'm tossing and turning over whether to trade it for AC2.

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I don't agree with all he said, I think it's definitely a better game from the first one. I just love the whole italian theme.


The fighting is alright but I think the animation is spot on. The climbing is amazing and gives me an urge to climb everything i see.

And there's a lot of stealth, if you choose to use it. You can just run in guns blazing if you want and that works too.

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As negative as everything I wrote is, it's not a bad game. It just gets too much wrong...again.


I like, it just could be a lot better. I'm surprised Eurogamer gave it a 9/10. I think it's more a sold 8/10 for them.


Edit: Stupid game froze on me again.

Edited by Daft
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