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3DS eShop Thread


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I'm thinking of buying Shantae's Risky Revenge some time in the future.


@Grazza, how long is the game?


I looked at my saved games and my 100% completion file is 10+ hours. Shantae has lots of exploring in it and I thought it was worth getting everything. The other two slots are failed speed runs (there is a Metroid-style picture reward system). So, I'm afraid none of them give a good indication of how long it is, but from memory I'd guess at... 4-6 hours, that sort of thing.


Another way of looking at it is there is an overworld, three or four dungeons and a similar amount of bosses.


Either way, it's worth every penny. Every sound is an aural delight, every sprite is well-animated and every press of the d-pad is crisp and responsive. It's a gem. :)

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You were one of the people I was referring to when I mentioned some people on here may enjoy the game. Now, where's @darksnowman at? :D


Present sir!


I don't know much about Unchained Blades because the name always makes me think its just a beat em up like Guilty Gear or something. :blush: I shall look into it on your recommendation!


Theres quite a bit of Etrian Odyssey IV info on the go at the minute with the demo coming out in Japan. It sounds really promising. :awesome:


I'm thinking of buying Shantae's Risky Revenge some time in the future.


@Grazza, how long is the game?


Its just a couple of hours but is a really good game that lends itself to replays with its short length. Don't pass it up any longer @Fused King - I expect to see Shantae in your sig in the near future!

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Figured that a few people would appreciate some thoughts on Mutant Mudds. It's alright, but not amazing.


The action is slow paced but doesn't feel slow. Really, it's collectathon with some mild platforming and shooting; actually, it's more about rhythm and timing than anything else. The platforming and shooting is pretty basic stuff, but it places a lot of emphasis on good timing and there's a decent amount of variety in that respect (in particular, it has a hard-on for shifting disappearing platforms!)


The layer switching stuff adds a nice bit of variety to the environmental design and exploration (with it mainly being used to hide the hidden level entrances) and the 3DS' S3D effect does make it easier to tell which layer is which (though it's still very playable with 3D off, S3D does make it a more comfortable experience)


Enemy variety is very low though and there aren't a lot of unique level gimmicks, so it does give each level a bit of a samey feel, but the pacing is pretty well done and the layer switching helps keep levels feeling fresh.


I'm only about halfway through, but I'm still enjoying it. Probably not really worth the high price of entry, but worth a pickup in a future sale perhaps. It's no VVVVVV (which is astounding and a must buy BTW!), but it's decent fun.

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I agree on Mutant Mudds. It's good but there's nothing really good in there, though I do appreciate making platformers is harder than it seems, and functionally-speaking, Mutant Mudds is perfect.


Jools is a really nice guy and is quite popular, but I feel that is the underlying reason the game got 9/10's in places like Nintendo Life and the like. It's very much a good, 7/10 for me, and I do think it's worth the entry price.

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I agree on Mutant Mudds. It's good but there's nothing really good in there, though I do appreciate making platformers is harder than it seems, and functionally-speaking, Mutant Mudds is perfect.


Jools is a really nice guy and is quite popular, but I feel that is the underlying reason the game got 9/10's in places like Nintendo Life and the like. It's very much a good, 7/10 for me, and I do think it's worth the entry price.


Well I was speaking relative to its contemporaries and the (ridiculous) pricing standards people seem to have nowadays (where apparently a game as marvellous as VVVVVV is overpriced at £7.20! - seriously?! That's a fucking steal for a game that good!)


Objectively it's well worth the price of entry and I feel I've gotten my money's worth for sure. It's a quality game through and through, even if it won't really knock your socks off. Quite an achievement when you consider that it's Renegade Kid's first 2D platformer (and as you rightfully said, making a really good platformer is incredibly difficult! Precious few developers are true masters of the craft and not every game has to be a DKCR to be good!)

Edited by Dcubed
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Pretty much agree in regards to Mutant Mudds. It's not exactly grabbing me. Unless I missed something, it didn't exactly explain that you needed to collect all (or at least a specific number of) the diamonds things. The manual was pretty lazy as well.

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I really really like the game. But I love platformers. It doesn't have enough variety, it's difficulty isn't balanced enough, it doesn't have any exploration and is way too linear (ruining the potential of 3d layers and the diamond collecting) and the powering are absolutely pointless and only there to allow you to access the bonus stages. BUT the controls and the precision of the game is excellent! And I just love the style of the game, the bonus levels. I prefer it than VVVVVVVV, I finished that game in less than 3 hours, this took a lot more than that.

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I too couldn't understand what people were seeing in Mutant Mudds after watching the trailers. I even watched a couple of gameplay videos and still didn't get it. Nice to know that I haven't completely lost my mind.


It seems decent enough, but I think I'll pass.



I prefer it than VVVVVVVV, I finished that game in less than 3 hours, this took a lot more than that.

When you put it like that, it kind of sounds like the only reason you prefer Mutant Mudds over VVVVVV is because it's longer. :p

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I too couldn't understand what people were seeing in Mutant Mudds after watching the trailers. I even watched a couple of gameplay videos and still didn't get it. Nice to know that I haven't completely lost my mind.


It seems decent enough, but I think I'll pass.




When you put it like that, it kind of sounds like the only reason you prefer Mutant Mudds over VVVVVV is because it's longer. :p


There's probably some truth in that. They're both brilliant insanely hard platformers, but I would say mutant Mudds has way more variety, it's longer and has more replayability. Both great thugh. VVVVVVV does have some extra worlds which I'm going through that add a lot of extra value to it, but they're made by fans using the level editor, they're good, but not a patch n the main game,

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Shame DSiWare titles still run from the 3DS's internal memory. Wanted to download a new game but I'm out of space and I don't really want to delete any titles.


I'm hoping this is included in the next firmware update. It's silly having to moves games between your SD card and system memory.

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Guess my Mutant Mudds thread got lost, thanks to Nintendo Direct :indeed:


The game hasn't blown me away either per say, but I really really like it. It's fun, quite a challenge and the graphics and audio are charming. Just checked my Activity Log and I've spent just over six hours with game, and still need to finish the final level and complete 4/5 of the bonus stages, so defintley had my money's worth, plus I'll probably start a new file sometime in the future.

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No, but I've been considering it for quite a while now. I might get it this Thursday as well.
Yeah I'm interested in it too.


I just wonder whether it will be too easy, because from the trailer it's basically just seems to be working out the angle and hitting the ball. Is there more to it?

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Yeah I'm interested in it too.


I just wonder whether it will be too easy, because from the trailer it's basically just seems to be working out the angle and hitting the ball. Is there more to it?


The variety of the holes is decent at first. You’ll zig-zag the ball off walls, carefully navigate hills to gain curvature around corners and even send the ball off ramps over out-of-bounds territory. The difficulty, strangely, does not gradually increase as you progress through each cup, but sometimes throws up wildly difficult challenges in the middle, and then perhaps an easy hole-in-one to finish off the course. It eventually starts rehashing the same hazards, only slightly tweaking the layout, and this can cause the courses to run together a bit. Still, they remain different enough to offer a decent challenge.


There is a lot of trial-and-error needed to figure out the best way to approach each hole, and the game isn’t really structured to allow it. In many cases, it’s your very first swing that dictates the score, and if you can’t bounce off walls and avoid hazards just right, you end up out-of-bounds and repeatedly restarting from the tee. If you could practice individual holes of a cup to learn the right tactics before working through the whole course, the experience would be far more enjoyable. Say you want to master the seventh hole of the Asia Pro Cup: you have to first complete the six previous holes, and then try to recall what it was you did wrong all those shots back. If you can't, you’ll end up with a triple bogey and have to restart the cup from the beginning for another attempt.



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Anyone played Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH!? May get that next week


I have. It's a fun little minigolf game that's nicely polished and decent fun. The trickshot mode is fun, the music is nice, the graphics are good (duh, it's Shinen!) and it's nicely polished - but it wont knock your socks off.


It's a good little minigolf game, that's well made, but that's it. I'd say it's worth a pickup. I bought it for full price and felt it was well worth it.


My only real disappointment is that the Pro and Super Cups just use the same courses as the first 3 cups, but with extra hazards, rather than all new courses.

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Development has started for Go! Go! Kokopolo 3D Is A Space Recipe For Disaster the sequel to Go! Go! Kokopolo: Harmonious Forest Revenge. I'm loving this news, The original DSiWare was indeed a very fun game to play.


"It's a brand new game and not a 3D port of DSiWare outing Go! Go! Kokopolo. There'll be 80 new stages and 10 new boss fights, but the gameplay will stay true to the original's intriguing blend of cats and mazes.


As the story goes, Kokopolo, Tatsumo and Jinbe each chance upon a piece of a magical stone tablet from outer space and set out to uncover the final piece, said to grant the secrets of immortality to its owner.


The multiple playable characters each have their own route through the game, with new stages including deserts, castles, factories and scrap yards, before the story concludes in the depths of the cosmos."



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Development has started for Go! Go! Kokopolo 3D Is A Space Recipe For Disaster the sequel to Go! Go! Kokopolo: Harmonious Forest Revenge. I'm loving this news, The original DSiWare was indeed a very fun game to play.






Cool stuff. I hope they have a better map this time though (and a more zoomed out view. The original game was so cramped!)


Could be cool if they take advantage of the S3D for multilayered stages! :D

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The eshop is updated, Marvel Pinball is waiting. What are YOU waiting for? :)


Along with 20% off the following, making them :-


Dillon's Rolling Western — €8 / £7.20


Freakyforms Your Creations, Alive! --€4.80 / £4.30


Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! — €4 / £3.60


Mighty Switch Force! — €4.80 / £4.30


Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins — €3.20 / £2.90



I had around £6 of credit left from that £30 eShop card purchased back in February, so took a chance on Minigolft TOUCH. Tempted by Freakyforms and Dillon, but gonna pass on them for now, but *may* get Freakyforms Deluxe sometime down the line.

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