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N-Europe Mixtape Mix-up III: Revenge Of The Mixtape


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I've been trying to create a playlist for the past 3 hours or so of music just because. It reminded me of how much fun the N-E MTMU #1 was and therefore I decided to go full steam ahead and roll with it.


And here we are now! Welcome to the third edition of N-Europe's mix tape mix up, with your guest host Dyson. We are aware that since the last one didn't go so much according to plan; we need to spice things up a bit to drum up interest in this epic idea once more. Unfortunately we're out of ideas in the spice department and thus we hope the idea still appeals to you as much as it does to me.


It's been nine, yes nine whole months since the launch of the original MTMU, and I'm banking that a lot of peoples' musical tastes have changed, especially since a good deal of people have started uni and such during this time. And what better time to do it than now in the Easter break with no work to do?!


For those of you new to the concept; the general gist of it is that you make a play list (or two if you feel like making a double cd compilation of awesome,) of music that you enjoy. You then send this mixtape off to one other lucky participant, or two, and in return you'll hopefully receive one or two mixtapes back through the post. It's a great way of discovering new music and it's generally just good fun.


If you want to take part then jot your name down here. Anyone in Europe can take part, with any musical taste, so don't be afraid if you think your playlist wouldn't be liked by some. That's alright. If the recipient doesn't like it, that's their problem.






Paj Meen Ah



Dan Dare

Gothic Plague





My plan is to give everyone a week to sign up and get their playlists together before closing it down to new participants. At that point you'll receive the address to send your playlist to. Depending on the amount of participants, you'll either send and receive one or two discs.


One final note; this whole thing is about group participation. It requires you to take part if you say you're going to. Please, if you say you're going to take part in this then do. It's no fun if you make your playlist and send it off but get zilch in return! I'm sure you understand. :D

Edited by Dyson
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Wow. Good post. I especially liked the bits about how the first mixtape stuff was so awesome (MTMU - awesome too) :P


Sign me up. My music taste hasn't really changed at all in teh alst 5 years, let alone the last 9 months - I'l probably add some more dub-step this time round ;)

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But a big part of the joy in this is receiving the physical copy of the music. There's something very nifty about it. :D


Sure you could do it over Spotify but that's laaaame. Plus we already have a collab playlist on Spotify :heh:


Oh and btw; it's done on CD. :P

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Well with #1 EEVIL was unfortunate enough to not receive any mixtapes. The two people allocated to send him their CD's never did so. The second one never happened, Dan Dare was running it I believe and time was against him and it fell through.

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Count me in. I still have my mixtape set list from #2 burned on a CD which was ready to send out, but alas the MTMU #2 came to nothing. So I think I may use the existing mix I have for one person and if we are to send two mixes I'll make another one up.

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Erm, dare I ask what happened last time?

Nothing :(

Well with #1 EEVIL was unfortunate enough to not receive any mixtapes. The two people allocated to send him their CD's never did so. The second one never happened, Dan Dare was running it I believe and time was against him and it fell through.

I did get one the first time around. It was from you :blank:


I'm looking at it right now.


As for the second time. Time was indeed against Dan Dare, but he kept extending the deadline for people to get their shit together, and it just got lost in the sands of time.

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Made my two mixes!


First one was one I made about a week ago, but it's just brilliant. The second one is sort of a companion to that, but like most sequels, fails to truly capture the magic of the first.


The first disc is called "Hello Sailor, Buy You A Fuck?" and the second is called "You Leave Me Dry".

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