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Talk To Strangers


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You: y halo thar

Stranger: hi

You: how goes this pointless conversation?

Stranger: i dont no

Stranger: choise a subject

You: wittgenstein

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: hello there

Stranger: hello

You: is the world everything that is the case?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: so, what of ludwig wittgenstein?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Edited by Supergrunch
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You: this aol?

Stranger: FAIL

You: im looking for help...yes my broadband has failed

Stranger: then come aboard the failboat

You: is this sangred?

Stranger: no it's vinbhna

You: ah, I seek help on my broadband.

Stranger: i will be helping you tonight

You: I have a cat stuck in the line

Stranger: wait until it dies

Stranger: then carefully extract it

You: I have waited twenty years

Stranger: omg

You: My mrs keeps feeding?

Stranger: EDGAR



Stranger: I LOVE YOU

You: no, I am not the poe

Stranger: then i quit




You: can I order now?

Stranger: yes.

You: Hi, i've never used this service before. Is this ASDA yes?

Stranger: Yes, yes it is.

You: Ok, I would like to order the following items...

10X Ductape

4X Condoms


You: Can you make sure delivery is here before midnight?

Stranger: 1 X Vaseline? For you and your hand?

You: no, just the ductape for my cat

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Guest Captain Falcon

I have to say that the odd decent conversations actually make all the crap ones worth sitting through.


Exchanged msn with a couple of folks too. Though I was a bit gutted as the best convo I've had so far got cut off due to an imploded system or some twaddle and I didn't get any other contact details for that person.


I think I'm getting addicted to it...

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Guest Captain Falcon
Why do people leave when I say I'm from Wales?


I'm pretty sure a good chunk of the Brazilians are feeling the same.


Perhaps they are sheep? sorry couldn't resist.


In the conformist sense, or the woolly sense?

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Perhaps they are sheep? sorry couldn't resist.


That reminds me of a convo that went something like this


Stranger: I'm a sheep

You: I'm welsh, watch out

Stranger: huh?


Edit: Oh no! My connection imploded!




Stranger: Hi

You: hiya

Stranger: Do you know who Charles Dodgson is?

You: yes

Stranger: Good.

Stranger: What do you know about him?

You: he's also known as Lewis Carroll

Stranger: :D

Stranger: First person!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Stranger: Hi

You: hiya

Stranger: Do you know who Charles Dodgson is?

You: yes

Stranger: Good.

Stranger: What do you know about him?

You: he's also known as Lewis Carroll

Stranger: :D

Stranger: First person!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


I'm pretty sure there are folks on there who are just using it to carry out people experiments.


And yeah it sucks when it implodes.


There's no way to know if it's her, or even a girl, but at least the picture it gave me was nice.


I take your picture Shino, and raise you...




Now I was more than a little dubious, but she had a a whole story to back it up and given her English wasn't too good (it was perfectly understandable, but quite basic), I'd imagine the concept of lying in a different language would prove quite tricky.

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That reminds me of a convo that went something like this


Stranger: I'm a sheep

You: I'm welsh, watch out

Stranger: huh?


Edit: Oh no! My connection imploded!




Stranger: Hi

You: hiya

Stranger: Do you know who Charles Dodgson is?

You: yes

Stranger: Good.

Stranger: What do you know about him?

You: he's also known as Lewis Carroll

Stranger: :D

Stranger: First person!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Hahah. What a bizarre "test."


In one of my last convos, I was talking to this lad about F zero, which was pretty fun. YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAAAY!

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You: hello

Stranger: hi

You: Do you know where I can find some sailors?

Stranger: The sea

You: I'm looking for some sailors

Stranger: for what???

You: I'm looking for my father's killer

You: I believe the sailors might have some information

You: Did you see a black car drive down here last night?

Stranger: yes

You: which way was it headed?

Stranger: towards the sea

You: interesting

You: was a man wearing a dragon robe in the car?

Stranger: glad you think so

Your conversational partner has disconnected



Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hello, I was just wondering when my order of "Big Boners 3" DVD would arrive?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You: Oh, the forest of Timber sure has changed

Stranger: in winter, I shiver me timbers

You have disconnected.


You: Oh, the forest of Timber sure has changed

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: Oh, the forest of Timber sure has changed

Stranger: hi

Stranger: hauhauha

Stranger: deve ser brasileiro essa porra

You have disconnected.


You: Oh, the forest of Timber sure has changed


You: close enough

Stranger: :D

You: would you please go and wake the princess?

You: she's sleeping in her room at the back of the train

Stranger: Will it make this bore of a game end any sooner?

You: no

You: we're still only on the first disc

Stranger: ...But theres 3 more discs of this crap..

You: got anoth 80 or so hours left

Stranger: Oh god.

Stranger: Ohhhh no...

You: do you not like FFVIII then?

Stranger: It's like.. BAM, she's totally flirting with you dude. Maybe you should respond in kind.


Stranger: Then we go back in time for some reason.

Stranger: Watch some fool toss his friends off a cliff after one of them gets his throat slashed.

You: And he fancies the girl in the hospital room at the start and it turns out she's his sister

You: total incest

Stranger: More like..

Stranger: Wincest.

You: haha

Stranger: HIGH FIVE!

You: *high fives*

Stranger: YEAH!

You: YEAH!!!


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Hmm well not so much fun for me, all I got was some stupid link


Edit: Ok forget the link


Semi nsfw, like you wouldn't get fired but like you might need to answer some questions.


And I was ready to do the whole max and paddy song.

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Probably best conversation I've had on the site, had to use babelfish mind you.


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Is it such a sin, for me to take whats mine until the end of time?

Stranger: spain? ^^

You: hola!

Stranger: O.O

Stranger: en serio?

You: si!

Stranger: que potra!

Stranger: mi 1º españolito xD

You: Que Sera, Sera!! WHAT EVER WILL BE, WILL BE!! WE'RE GOING TO WEMBLEY!! Que Sera, Sera!!

Stranger: nanana will be, will be... qe seraaa SERAAAAAAAAA!

You: <3

You: usted es impresionante

Stranger: por qué?

You: para saber la canción

Stranger: oh sí =D

Stranger: (usted?)

You: español no bueno

Stranger: ya, claro

You: sitio de la traducción.. FTL :(

Stranger: suponia ^^

Stranger: de dónde eres?

You: England

You: Inglaterra

Stranger: I have been in London =)

You: did you like it?

You: I love London.

Stranger: was cooooool *¬*

You: :D

You: de dónde eres?

You: where in Spain?

Stranger: de Valencia

Stranger: has estado en España?

You: :o!!

You: Valencia CF. FTW

Stranger: jajaja

Stranger: do you know it?

You: equipo de fútbol español preferido

Stranger: =O

Stranger: I preffers Barça =P

You: No!!

You: Soy un ventilador del Arsenal FC

Stranger: ventilador??

You: hehe.. translation site xD

You: Soy un partidario del arsenal



Stranger: aaah, mejor

Stranger: i have to leave

Stranger: nice to meet you ^^

You: nice to meet you too

You: bye

Stranger: byee


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Kind of bored of this now but here are some that made me laugh. :D


Stranger: HI JERK

You: Hi! :D

You: you seem friendly

Stranger: :D r u from brazil?

You: no

Stranger: liar

Stranger: tell me where ur from

You: Brasil


Your conversational partner has disconnected.




Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: penis

You: you have a small one

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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My hands hurt after this episode, think next time I'll copy and paste and try it on someone who actually knows why the cake is a lie.


Stranger: pop champagbe

You: This was a triumph!

Stranger: ?

You: I'm making a note here: "HUGE SUCCESS"

Stranger: mazel tov!

You: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction

You: Aperture Science

You: We do what we must because we can

Stranger: okay

You: For the good of all of us

You: Except the ones who are dead

You: But there's no sense crying over every mistake

You: You just keep on trying till you run out of cake

Stranger: ok

You: And the science gets done

You: And you make a neat gun for the people who are still alive

You: I'm not even angry...

Stranger: oh

Stranger: im high.

You: I'm being so sincere right now-

You: Even though you broke my heart and killed me.

Stranger: oh

You: And tore me to pieces

You: And threw every piece into the fire

You: As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you

Stranger: i love you

You: Now, these points of data make a beautiful line

You: And we're out of beta and we're releasing on time!

Stranger: oh

Stranger: youre hot

You: So I'm glad I got burned

Stranger: i love you

You: Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive

You: Go ahead and leave me

Stranger: no

Stranger: i love youi

Stranger: i will never leave you

You: I think I'd prefer to stay inside

You: Maybe you'll find someone else to help you

Stranger: no

You: Maybe black mesa?

Stranger: i need you

You: That was a joke! HAHA!! FAT CHANCE!!

Stranger: oh

You: Anyway this cake is great!

Stranger: what

Stranger: i love cake

You: It's so delicious and moist!

Stranger: i HATE the word moist

You: Look at me: still talking when there's science to do!

Stranger: ok

You: When I look out there, it makes me glad I'm not you

Stranger: im 14

You: I've experiments to run

Stranger: you would LOVE to be me.

You: There is research to be done

Stranger: good luck dude.

You: On the people who are still alive

You: I feel fantastic and I'm still alive

Stranger: ok

You: While you're dying I'll still be alive

Stranger: bye whore.

Stranger: im living

Stranger: im not high

You: And when you're dead I'll still be alive

Stranger: i was kidding

Stranger: but cool.

You: Still alive

You: Still alive

You: Still alive

Stranger: ME TOO!


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