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Favela is the only bit I'd say was 'broken' on campaign. Vet mode was a bit of a chore on that level, but comparative to MW1 the rest of the levels are fairly balanced.

Hmmm, I just felt that a lot of the time was spent wondering whether or not I had killed enough/ the right people in order to get through to the next bit. Plus some sections seemed a bit trial and error before you realised what things you had to focus on in order to pass. Like one of the last bits where you basically just have to fun forward, but I thought I'd try and take out a couple of people on my path and behind chasing me, because it seemed that I was required to do so.


Also, I made big edit to my last post. You will really want to read it or something.

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Tar - Silenced

Thumper (I went there)


Semtex & Smk Grenade (whatever sec.grenade you prefer)


Scavenger, Cold-Blooded, Commando Pro.


It is triumph-ful. You could replace the ol' thumper with a foregrip SPAS but whatever, the scavenger makes this amazingly fun, being able to tube and nade at will, you get so many kills from them, just great for clearing stuff out and testing areas/getting random or hopeful kills.

Also, use the UAV. I don't care if it seems like a waste of a streak, it's fun having it there, and getting standard kills is more fun than air support +100s.

Finally managed to get my TAR silencer unlocked, so things are a little more back to normality for me! I'm going with the blast shield (wtf!) this prestige... not got the timing for it down at all.


Also using a rapid-fire handgun as secondary (I forget which one, only set it last night), with slight-of-hand, stopping power (mainly for the mid-to-long range shots where accuracy goes right down, but really I should just get round to making a new class for the larger maps) and steady-aim (going to try and finish it this prestige, too).


It's a really hap-hazard class, not refined at all. I run out of ammo for it all the time, then I just pick up whatever I can find and just hope for the best!

Hmmm, I just felt that a lot of the time was spent wondering whether or not I had killed enough/ the right people in order to get through to the next bit. Plus some sections seemed a bit trial and error before you realised what things you had to focus on in order to pass. Like one of the last bits where you basically just have to fun forward, but I thought I'd try and take out a couple of people on my path and behind chasing me, because it seemed that I was required to do so.

Yeah there's a lot of 'checkpoint hunting', iirc. I may just give the campaign another shot actually... although I never did finish my tv hunt/vet run-through of MW1. Another game I need to buy!

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started up Call of Duty: MW2 the other evening. Once the menu screen had loaded up then mouse became unresponsive, this continued for somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds, until the game minimised and the IW4 Console became visible. The console produced and error report, it appears to be ignoring a large number of assets on my computer. The ending two lines of this report are extremely worrying, they are as follows:


Cheat detected.

Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0



So I contacted Valve explaining everything and I got a reply back saying I'm banned from playing MW2 online! I wouldn't mind if I had cheated, but VAC has detected a false positive. I'm not bothered about losing the ability of playing MW2 online as I don't really play it that often, its more about the principle!




I found this on Wikipedia. I know Wiki isn't a reliable source, but this suggests that there are others with this issue.

In the month of July there was a huge amount of players complaining about being banned even though they claim they were not cheating. The false-bans seem to circle around the game Modern Warfare 2. Valve still claims to this day that VAC does not make mistakes and refuses to investigate the matter.


I've sent this reply to them.


I would like to inform you that I have neither downloaded and software that

would modify my game nor have I given anyone my permission use my account.

Whilst i understand that the procedures that you have implemented are for

the benefit of the community, I firmly believe an appeal system should be

put in place. If you refuse to look into my case on an individual basis then

I will take further action, I will not hesitate in reporting you to Trading

Standards along with court action, through the small claims court. I request

the information of any trading office in the UK, who I am able to take

action against. Once again, I have

in no way breached any licence agreement. And would like to see that this

viewed on an individual basis. I would also want confirmation that I would

be safe to install and play any steam based games and how I am able to avoid

this from happening again.


I appreciate your help in resolving this matter.


I realise that the chances of getting this sorted are 0.005%, but I don't think I'll be any Steam based game in a very long time, if ever.


Anyone else had any other issues?

Edited by fex
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Perhaps Valve's biggest downfall is their belief that VAC is perfect. It does work for the most part but I have heard of people being banned for no reason, ie. false positives. Apparently, according to Robin Walker of the TF2 Team, it is impossible for them to unban anyone once they have been VAC banned, they created it this way on purpose. I'm not sure, myself.

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Perhaps Valve's biggest downfall is their belief that VAC is perfect. It does work for the most part but I have heard of people being banned for no reason, ie. false positives. Apparently, according to Robin Walker of the TF2 Team, it is impossible for them to unban anyone once they have been VAC banned, they created it this way on purpose. I'm not sure, myself.

Well no, it would just cost them a fair bit if they publicly showed that they noticed. Blind eye = they can plod along merrily.

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Lol :P


Just had a game on quarry where I got a triple kill as the first blood! Ended 30-10, which is probably the highest kill-count I've had for a fair old while.


Also realised that essentially I don't bother with alternate classes (like I should). I'm also slowly understanding the blast shield! Woo!

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Someone was ever so slightly pissing me off, it was just a dude with marathon and lightweight and a riot shield, and I kept failing horrendously when I encountered him. Managed to sneak on him multiple times but failed to put him to bed because his shield defended his back with tremendous courage. Quite an interesting tactic.


He was using akimbo PP2000s, not bad.

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Seen that before - I think the downside is only having one weapon so if you're getting the kills up you're going to need to pick up a weapon, which is a bit of a lottery! But then again, I suppose if you just switch to riot shielding... it's effectively an attempt to merge two different types of class. Thinking about it, that has such potential... I may have to get a class with that (I'm picturing it'd be ace on Favela).




Decided to do what shorty does and have a tactical nuke on 'just in case'... and FIRST game I get... 23 kill streak! Then I go and be a dick and aargh so close. Finished 35-6. Had another game where I finished 30-2 as well... dead chuffed with myself :P Derail, Underpass, quarry sub base and Terminal are my good maps currently, with Afghan and wasteland just not gonna happen with my current class (no explosives, no scopes!). Skidrow doesn't work either because the silenced TAR's range is precisely wrong. I pwn at flanking y'see, and the routes around that map are too long-winded and blah blah blah.

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Tar - Silenced

Thumper (I went there)


Semtex & Smk Grenade (whatever sec.grenade you prefer)


Scavenger, Cold-Blooded, Commando Pro.


Switch the thumper with a m1014 and this used to be my most used class. It still is, but now I use it with ninja, as commando pro just isn't THAT usefull.

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Switch the thumper with a m1014 and this used to be my most used class. It still is, but now I use it with ninja, as commando pro just isn't THAT usefull.

Yeah I actually changed it to that. I'm crap with the knife unless I'm using a knife class anyway, takes me quite a long time to think of the button press when someone rounds a corner into my face. Occasionally I get a reflex one but I fail horrid most of the time.

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It seems the new fad now is the quick-scoping class. A large percentage of people each game are doing it, I've seem to have found. Most of them are awful at it, and it just makes for an easy kill up close, whilst they try and point-blank snipe you. I can't be bothered to learn how to play with a really high sensitivity and get good at it.

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So yeah, I'm not playing this game actively anymore, just once in a while, and apparently I've been banned and un-banned a few days ago, and gotten a copy of L4D2 for my "inconvenience". I actually read the news first, then saw the e-mail in my in-box, then checked Steam for any gifts.. Oh well, I'll take it. So banned people, check your mail.


Original mail:



Recently, your Steam account was erroneously banned from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.


This was our mistake, and I apologize for any frustration or angst it may have caused you.


The problem was that Steam would fail a signature check between the disk version of a DLL and a latent memory version. This was caused by a combination of conditions occurring while Steam was updating the disk image of a game. This wasn't a game-specific mistake. Steam allows us to manage and reverse these erroneous bans (about 12,000 erroneous bans over two weeks).


We have reversed the ban, restoring your access to the game. In addition, we have given you a free copy of Left 4 Dead 2 to give as a gift on Steam, plus a free copy for yourself if you didn't already own the game.



To share your extra copy of Left 4 Dead 2 with a friend, you can 'Manage Gifts and Guest Passes' from the 'Games' Menu in Steam, or visit this article on the Steam Support site for detailed instructions: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=4502-TPJL-2656.


To access your own copy of Left 4 Dead 2, visit your library of games in Steam. If you didn't already own the game, it will now be listed among your others there, and is available for download immediately.




Gabe Newell

President, Valve

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I've recently been rinsing it up with the FAL with Holographic and Silencer (plus SPAS foregrip). It kills in 2 hits and is generally very funny and loltastic. Just had a 19-0.


It's great for maps like Wasteland and is generally amazing. What makes it work - the holographic for some reason increases its damage.

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Got a 23- and 24- kill streak yesterday! 23 on Terminal as the enemy team was being seriously dumb, 24 on Estate because MY team seemed as if they were all positioned simply for me to get all the kills. Harrier and Pavelow out at once is mad. Always shoots up from 9 kills to 18-20, and I usually run out of ammo and start FREAKING OUT!


Totally got to have a Nuke soon.

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Got a 23- and 24- kill streak yesterday! 23 on Terminal as the enemy team was being seriously dumb, 24 on Estate because MY team seemed as if they were all positioned simply for me to get all the kills. Harrier and Pavelow out at once is mad. Always shoots up from 9 kills to 18-20, and I usually run out of ammo and start FREAKING OUT!


Totally got to have a Nuke soon.


Just get ya harriers and AC130 on open levels, Chopper on crowded levels and you'll easy fly up to 25, if not you'll get very close and be nukin in no time.

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I'm now have the nuke set up just in case, in my 300+ hours into the game, I've never launched one, didn't think I could ever get one. My killstreak should be proof, it's 19. Then again, this is also dependable on your killstreak rewards, I was more of a fan of getting all the choppers, and now, since I mainly play hardcore, I use the more modest rewards (UAV, carepackage and predator missile). But since for the nuke the best thing seems to be harriers, chopper gunner and then nuke, I've got that now, just in case.


I was actually on my way of getting it in a game, I was in one of the ideal maps, Afghan, I got my Harriers, which they failed to shoot down from what I gathered (I hate when this happens when I'm the one carrying the Stinger), and I got my chopper gunner too, but the enemy team got an EMP, so I had to wait. I finally got my chopper gunner out, but there were few seconds left on the timer..


My class now:

- M16A4 + holographic sight

- M93 Raffica + silencer

- Stun grenades

- C4


- Marathon

- Lightweight

- Ninja


I love the ACR, I used to use that normally, but I wanted some variation, and also, even on hardcore it sometimes takes too many shots to kill someone. I also used to carry a stinger with me by default, but I get the feeling nowadays there's usually another teammate who understands the need for anti-air, as opposed to in the beginning, so now I use the Raffica which I just think is damn cool. And now I have a 3-burst theme going on. I still have my stinger class, and I do blow myself up with my C4 whenever there's a plane, so I can choose my stingerclass. I also used the silencer on the M16, I love silencers, and I want to be a quiet as possible, but I also don't have a great aim. I was getting kills, eventhough I don't like the ironsight very much, but I have the feeling the holographic sight is helping. But I'll have to play with it some more.

Edited by Sméagol
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Running knife classes ruin this game for me, as does danger close. Favela is absolutely awful as well - it's a complete cluster-fuck of rifle grenades and runners. The level design was much better in 4 and 5.


I also think the spawning on some levels needs some sorting out, espcially the A spawn on Terminal, where you can spawn on top of the enemy.

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I'm tempted to buy Cod4 just to see how much better the maps are. The maps in MW2 are interesting but almost all of them have really annoying sections.



Okay so I put on nuke for the first time, use my Fal class, and use pred/chopper gunner etc as someone suggested...

get a 23 streak and then see this guy inside, think i can get him with my glock. Bam! he shotguns me. If only id have been using my spas. What a phail.


Next game I get camped after 22 kills in a row. Both games would have been flawless....


Jayseven, I know how you feel!


Then I get a flawless 18...


Yeah I'll stop boring you now. I just didn't expect this, 3 lots of chopper gunners in all 3 first nuke games. Plus get it in my first life

Edited by dwarf
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I'm now have the nuke set up just in case, in my 300+ hours into the game, I've never launched one, didn't think I could ever get one. My killstreak should be proof, it's 19. Then again, this is also dependable on your killstreak rewards, I was more of a fan of getting all the choppers, and now, since I mainly play hardcore, I use the more modest rewards (UAV, carepackage and predator missile). But since for the nuke the best thing seems to be harriers, chopper gunner and then nuke, I've got that now, just in case.


I was actually on my way of getting it in a game, I was in one of the ideal maps, Afghan, I got my Harriers, which they failed to shoot down from what I gathered (I hate when this happens when I'm the one carrying the Stinger), and I got my chopper gunner too, but the enemy team got an EMP, so I had to wait. I finally got my chopper gunner out, but there were few seconds left on the timer..


My class now:

- M16A4 + holographic sight

- M93 Raffica + silencer

- Stun grenades

- C4


- Marathon

- Lightweight

- Ninja


I love the ACR, I used to use that normally, but I wanted some variation, and also, even on hardcore it sometimes takes too many shots to kill someone. I also used to carry a stinger with me by default, but I get the feeling nowadays there's usually another teammate who understands the need for anti-air, as opposed to in the beginning, so now I use the Raffica which I just think is damn cool. And now I have a 3-burst theme going on. I still have my stinger class, and I do blow myself up with my C4 whenever there's a plane, so I can choose my stingerclass. I also used the silencer on the M16, I love silencers, and I want to be a quiet as possible, but I also don't have a great aim. I was getting kills, eventhough I don't like the ironsight very much, but I have the feeling the holographic sight is helping. But I'll have to play with it some more.


Pursse33333 or Zzxxxxboxxx36000?

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Yeah it's frustrating to get so close! I've swapped ...quickerADS (forgotten the perk name!) for scavenger, just for those long killstreaks. Got a 20-streak last night amidst a bunch of very annoying games. What is this about a pavelow glitch? I've googled it and all I can find is that your killstreak continues going up even after you die, but that was a yahoo questions result from 5 months ago. Any mention of pavelows not adding to killstreaks (unless, as shorty says, you kill someone yourself first) are from december last year and beyond.


Harriers nearly always get more than two kills so I guess it'd not be much harm just swapping to chopper gunner - I just suck with the chopper gunner.

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