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Have you guys got any tips for doing better on Team Death match?


Lately I'm doing proper shit and it's infuriating me.


I'm not enjoying the game at all.


If I can't get better, I might as well sell it.


Use M16, Stopping Power, Scavenger and commando


M16 does short burst shots and if playing on team deathmatch with stopping power perk you can kill people with 1 squeeze of the trigger, It's awesome. Add on Scavenger perk so you never run out of ammo and use commando for those close encounters to stab someone at a greater distance.


Killstreak, always have care package, never know what you're gonna get. I also like harriers and then chopper gunner :D


Alternatively, on smaller maps I use the ACR as sometimes the M16 is not fast enough close quarters when you just need to spray bullets.


M16 also brings up your accuracy like there is no tomorrow.

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Bah forget stopping power. Cold blooded is so much useful as you never have to worry about Killstreaks. AC130. pfft. Makes you a better team player too if you proceed to shoot down the killstreaks.


I like using my heartbeat sensor! But really you should be very flexible with your guns and classes, as not only is there a need for different tactics for different maps, but the very nature of the online game demands you be alert to how your opposition is playing.


Wasteland is a great map to have a grenade launcher attachment/scavenger/danger close match, with no real need for heartbeat sensor - even sniping with a thermal sight is a good call here.


I prefer to use a sensor on Highrise as there are a few naughty little hiding places. The noob tube is always a worthy attachment when you're... well, a noob. Claymores can be good fun and highrise is a good place to use them as it's small and guarenteed, so long as it's hidden well enough, to get a kill - and it's always real fun to see the +100 pop randomly.


I'd say the most useless perk is the SitRep one, and it's a bitch to complete the challenge for it. Final stand is pretty sucky too.


Security Appears Unannounced At Infinity Ward, Studio Heads Missing, Staff "Freaked Out"


Something's happening at Infinity Ward right now.


A source close to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 developer just informed me that a "bunch of bouncer-types" just showed up outside of the Infinity Ward offices unannounced. When approached by employees, the non-uniformed "bouncers" were unwilling to disclose why they were there.


"Everyone is on edge," said my source.


Infinity Ward studio heads Vince Zampella and Jason West reportedly met with Activision this morning and have not been seen by Infinity Ward staff members since. My source did not delve into specifics, but described the relationship between Infinity Ward and Activision lately as "tense."


The mood around the Infinity Ward offices is currently described as "freaked out" and "confused."


"We just wanna make our games," said my source.


I've contacted Activision for comment on the ongoing situation at Infinity Ward. Stay tuned.



Activision cleaning out the head staff?


Just an update on Dantes post....


[update: It looks like West, at least, is out of a job at Infinity Ward. He recently updated his LinkedIn profile, indicating that his position as "President/Game Director/CCO/CTO" at the studio is "past" experience from January 2001 to March 2010, and his most recent Facebook status update reads, "Jason West is drinking. Also, no longer employed."


An Activision SEC report filed earlier today mentions the apparent origin of this story:


The Company [Activision] is concluding an internal human resources inquiry into breaches of contract and insubordination by two senior employees at Infinity Ward. This matter is expected to involve the departure of key personnel and litigation.

Sounds rather damning, doesn't it? It would appear that West is one of the two employees. Presumably, Zampella is the other -- though that remains unconfirmed at this juncture. --Samit]


I think its been on the cards for a while now.

If you have cold-blooded on, do you show on the radar if you shoot without a silencer?


yep, thats why theres a silencer...


Wow you really are a prick aren't you?


I was asking because I wanted to know if it was worth using a silencer and cold-blooded at the same time if cold-blooded meant permanent exclusion from radar.


I was pretty sure that cold-blooded wasn't THAT good but just wanted to check.


Update - The future of Infinity Ward


The future of Infinity Ward might be determined in the next few hours.


I'm told by a source close to the studio that Activision CEO Bobby Kotick will address the principal development leads at Infinity Ward in a meeting in just a few minutes -- noon, to be exact.


It's unclear what the meeting will be about, but it is likely related to the apparent departure of Infinity Ward studio heads Vince Zampella and Jason West, as discovered earlier today.


After Kotick and company's meeting with the leads at Infinity Ward, there will be a second meeting addressing the studio as a whole. The details of that meeting are also unclear.

I'm a knife only dude so my thumb is only hovering over melee anyway. I haven't had it long but I'm finding it really easy to win free for all games with my knife class. Granted I use kill streaks, but the other day I won 3 in a row. It's very fun.


This is why I sold the game. Worked out how easy it is to cause havok and top the tables just by legging it around the map stabbing people. Gets boring after a day or two :hmm:


I only really came across a few knifers to be honest, on the PS3 anyway they're hardly common. Plus there are lots of maps which are really hard to knife on.


Why do I still have this game? Might trade it for Final Fantasy if my brother doesn't want it anymore.


When did that news surface by the way, Dante? That's the first I've seen of it at all..


Eurogamer have an article stating that the Map Pack DLC will consist of 3 new maps and 2 Cod4 maps... it'll set you back 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.20 / €14.40).


What do you guys think to the price?!

Eurogamer have an article stating that the Map Pack DLC will consist of 3 new maps and 2 Cod4 maps... it'll set you back 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.20 / €14.40).


What do you guys think to the price?!


What do I think? Greedy money grabbing bastards!


That is typical Activision though and the sad thing is even at that price it will sell a shit ton of downloads.


Screw MW2 - BC2 is so much more fun!


Yeah, I was all up for the new maps for ages but... That's too steep for me just yet. Might try and pool with my housemates to get it.


Currently prestiging for the 2nd time, level 28ish. Getting fairly good with a SCAR bling'ed with a silencer and grenade launcher. The silencer-- I've no idea why I was playing for so long without it! Nearly every game I'm hitting all three of my killstreaks - care package, predator missile, emergency airdrop. I love the latter as it causes proper chaos and, if done right, you can sit and wait for targets to come and try and steal them.


I don't normally buy map packs, at least from day one, but MW2 is a game I'd be prepared to shill 800 points to have a little bit more of. But 1200? Ah ha. Ah ha ha ha. Yeah, no.


I'm finally playing this game online a bit more and getting what all the fuss is about :3 Doing pretty well actually! Gotten the most kills and highest kill/death ratio already even when I'm only about lvl 5 and there are loads of 50-70 people on the team. It's only fun when you're doing well.


I still retain what I said about the game a year or so back. Getting killed always feels like I've been violated in CoD. I always think I should've got the kill.


I don't get that feeling in any other FPS.

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