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I liked the campaign - it had some great set pieces but Jesus Christ the plot was crap. I mean, all it had to do was work and the action would keep it all going, like the first MW, but in this one it actually disintegrates to a point where it just leaves you confused as to why your shooting this guy in the face. I spent most of the second half going "Wait... what? Oh I - wait, no. Why are we... how did... who... what?"


The multiplayer really is balls to wall awesome though, I mean really. I fucking love shooting down UAV's. A lot more then I probably should.

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Guest Stefkov

As did I think the plot made sense when I'd finished it.

Dude lost a load of guys/friends. Wanted a war. Got a war. Then you killed him cos he was mental.


That's how I saw it.


I started Veteran a few hours ago and up to now... I think it's easier than Hardened. That might have been because I was running and gunning on my first play through and now I'm taking my time but still... level 4 was not as hard as I was expecting it to be.

Love the takedown by Soap though. Soap is badass.

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Do you guys play with subtitles on or off?


I found the plot pretty clear.


Clarity wasn't really the issue, it was just odd strands of things that were left lying all over the place.


The main thing that really irked me was that there was no real closure with Makarov, the supposed main villain and target of the game especially after the airport sequence. I spent the whole game looking forward to putting a bullet through his twig n'berries and never got the chance.


Instead you end up going after a totally different villain who suddenly appears right at the end of the game. I enjoyed the final level, but I didn't feel like there was sufficent motive to explain why Shepard was with Makarov, or why he turned against him, and why he felt the need to kill Ghost & co. in the process. To become famous and "write history"? To avenge his men in some hazy leap of grief-stricken logic? What?


To me, it's the Albert Wesker school of villainy - he's got no real motive, he's just arsehole.


Edited by gaggle64
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Clarity wasn't really the issue, it was just odd strands of things that were left lying all over the place.


The main thing that really irked me was that there was no real closure with Makarov, the supposed main villain and target of the game especially after the airport sequence. I spent the whole game looking forward to putting a bullet through his twig n'berries and never got the chance.


Instead you end up going after a totally different villain who suddenly appears right at the end of the game. I enjoyed the final level, but I didn't feel like there was sufficent motive to explain why Shepard was with Makarov, or why he turned against him, and why he felt the need to kill Ghost & co. in the process. To become famous and "write history"? To avenge his men in some hazy leap of grief-stricken logic? What?


To me, it's the Albert Wesker school of villainy - he's got no real motive, he's just arsehole.


Yeah, there were quite a few loose ends (heh!) However, the answer to all these loose ends is simple...


Modern Warfare 3.


Come on, you know it'll hapen. :heh:


If there is one, then it'll no doubt involve hunting down Makarov as Soap and Price, who are also on the run from.. well, pretty much everyone!


Sorry if this seems stupid, but that the way it all suddenly ended screamed SEQUEL to me!



Overall though, an excellent campaign with many memorable moments. Short, but sweet! There were a few frustrating sections though...

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Guest Stefkov
Yeah, there were quite a few loose ends (heh!) However, the answer to all these loose ends is simple...


Modern Warfare 3.


Come on, you know it'll hapen. :heh:


If there is one, then it'll no doubt involve hunting down Makarov as Soap and Price, who are also on the run from.. well, pretty much everyone!


Sorry if this seems stupid, but that the way it all suddenly ended screamed SEQUEL to me!



Overall though, an excellent campaign with many memorable moments. Short, but sweet! There were a few frustrating sections though...

I echo this. Exactly what I thought at the end of the game. It's obvious it'll happen.

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The main thing that really irked me was that there was no real closure with Makarov, the supposed main villain and target of the game especially after the airport sequence. I spent the whole game looking forward to putting a bullet through his twig n'berries and never got the chance.


Instead you end up going after a totally different villain who suddenly appears right at the end of the game. I enjoyed the final level, but I didn't feel like there was sufficent motive to explain why Shepard was with Makarov, or why he turned against him, and why he felt the need to kill Ghost & co. in the process. To become famous and "write history"? To avenge his men in some hazy leap of grief-stricken logic? What?


To me, it's the Albert Wesker school of villainy - he's got no real motive, he's just arsehole.


Shepard was never with Makarov.


Because he lost so many men before, he wanted a way to redeem himself. So he planted a spy in Makarov's group, knowing that Makarov would use it to his advantage to cause trouble (pinning the Airport Massacre on America).


He also needed to kill Roach/Ghost because they would likely find out.


So Shepard was the real villain, and Makarov was just a tool he used.


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How did Russia manage to launch a secret attack on the East coast of the US? I mean I get the whole taking out their radar systems etc. but are they really trying to suggest that European nations wouldn't notice a HUGE amount of Russian armour sailing through the Baltic/Mediterranean? How on earth does a nation like Russia manage to navigate the Straits of Gibraltar without the British noticing?


At a push I can accept that maybe they managed to dismantle the whole of their navy and transport it over land to the North coast and then sail through the arctic circle so as to bypass Norway. A bit much though surely? And even then a merchant ship would surely notice?


The whole thing was a bit over the top and silly in my opinion, nowhere near as well written or believable as Modern Warfare.


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BAAAAAHHH!!! Twice now a game has ended while my Predator Missile was hurtling ground for some epic death!!! :mad:


Still, awesome fun though. :heh:


I have either really good games, where I'm like "F*ck yeah! I'm goooooood!!", or I barely break even on the kill ratio and I'm like "Yeah....didn't like the map.". :D


I'm not a fan of maps that are in the open. I like ones with lots of buildings.

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Well I move around but I just tend to hang back. I'll scope out an area while making sure no one is going to sneak up behind me and then pick it off before moving on. 10 seconds is probably the longest I will stay in a sport if sod all seems to be happening. Sometimes I move a lot but I'm definitely more cautious than most.


I don't think that tactic works too well with open maps which explains why I'm not too big a fan. I'll try playing those maps differently.

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Another thing that annoys me, in all FPS online deathmatch things, is that Kill Ratio isn't emphasised enough. A lot of the time I see the person at the top with 22 kills and 20 deaths while I'm nestled near the middle with 16 kills and 6 deaths. I contributed way more to the team's success that the fool at the top! :heh:

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^ Not really. He contributed 22 kills and you 16. He contributed more to your score yet also contributed more to the other teams. But different playing styles will inevitably lead to closer kills/deaths ratios. But does it really matter about people's kill/death ratios? To some it does but fretting over who contributes more surely takes some of the fun out of the online. Just enjoy it. Who cares about the stats. I'm at 3:4 for kill/death ratio. Do I care? hell no. Am I having fun though? Most definitely.

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Well in the end it's just a game but that dude getting killed +2 kill spread is worse than me getting a +10 because in the end his constant dying give the other team points whereas I don't do that. No?


Obviously having fun is the most important thing, doesn't mean I think a better kill spread should be should be less important than overall kills.

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EuroGamer Face-Off: Modern Warfare 2


Bottom line: if you're an Xbox 360 owner, you should be making the image brighter, and if you're playing on PS3, it's really a massively good idea to lower the brightness level significantly, otherwise the lighting - one of the really impressive things in this game - simply won't look as good as it should. Many people online are discussing the PS3's washed-out image, or talking about a "grey filter". In truth, there's nothing wrong with it. It's simply a case of tweaking your settings.


. . .


At the end of the day, in terms of the buying decision, the sheer importance of the game's multiplayer component is such that it's your choice of friends list that is going to determine which version of Modern Warfare 2 you buy. While the PS3 version has had some early glitches, bugs and party issues, it's also readily apparent that Infinity Ward is continually working to make sure the game works as it should.


However, for those that haven't made up their minds, it's fairly easy to say that while both renditions of the game are well worthy of the Eurogamer 9/10 score, the Xbox 360's marginally superior visuals and significantly smoother performance gives it an undoubted edge over the PlayStation 3 game, and this translates directly into a tangibly better gameplay experience.

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Finished Spec Ops on veteran today ( 1000/1000 GET ), the one we left last was a bitch.


You have to fend off 10 Juggernaughts with just explosive weapons which are quite frankly tripe. We ended up just holding up in a room, I hid behind I desk while my mate blocked the door and kept knifing them. My mate kept getting brought down but they couldnt see me so I could just keep reviving him. Took us a while but we did it eventually.


We tried doing it normally but kept getting tanned so I checked youtube and this tactic worked like a charm.

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