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Super Mario Galaxy 2 - What now?


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I don't want it to be fresh or innovative. I want exactly the same game as SMG, but with new levels.


I second this opinion. What's this idea now that games must always be different? More of the same, please, at least 2 more games this same way, then change again.

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Maybe not a direct sequel to Galaxy. If you set another game in space, people will think Nintendo is just trying to abuse of the great success Galaxy was. (Comparable to Jurassic Park III: the first movie was great, the 3rd was a shame with the sole purpose of abusing the success of the first one by squeezing the last drop of money out of the series)

Don't get me wrong though, if they'd make the same as SMG but with new content, I'd certainly buy and enjoy it.

But another game with the same style as SM64, SMS and SMG would be great: one overworld from which you can access several sub-worlds that each contain "levels" with stars/sprites/whatever to recover.


That was one of Nintendo's biggest mistakes on the GC in my opinion: not enough non-sports Mario games. We only had SMS and PM:TTYD which were both great, but they were the only ones on the GC.

I hope Nintendo will at least make another Super Mario game in 3D and another Paper Mario RPG one.


And the idea of a Mario and Sonic game would be cool. As said, Sega feels they have to add slow-paced levels to their Sonic games because otherwise it's over too quickly. Unlike the old-school Sonic games (8bit and 16bit era), today's technology allows you to save games so players expect longer games.

To add the slow paced element, Sega added levels which weren't all too popular: searching Emerald pieces in Sonic Adventure 2, fishing with a cat in Sonic Adventure 1, working as a team containing at least one slower character in Sonic Heroes, Werehog form in Sonic Unleashed, etc. Mixing fast paces Sonic levels with slower paced Mario levels might be good...


Nintendo should care a little less about the casual gamer by pumping out all those sports/minigame series and start thinking about what their long time fans want a little more.

Edited by Dr.Boo
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That was one of Nintendo's biggest mistakes on the GC in my opinion: not enough non-sports Mario games. We only had SMS and PM:TTYD which were both great, but they were the only ones on the GC.

I hope Nintendo will at least make another Super Mario game in 3D and another Paper Mario RPG one.


Yeah, but you had Luigi's Mansion. That game is always overlooked! I loved it.


I still havnt completed Galaxy so right now i dont want a sequel, give me some time damnit! :p

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id like somthing a little more like the fludd addition (though NOT fludd), as in, it adds anouther layer to the game without completly rehashing the whole thing. the plannet system worked well, but im guessing anouter 120 stars of it would just feel like a bit stale.


hopefully they wont force you to go back and do it all again with luigi actinging like a bumbeling retard.

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I still havnt completed Galaxy so right now i dont want a sequel, give me some time damnit!


Lol, it's been out for like a year now...Get to it old bloke!

I absolutely went nuts on the game and played it on a regular basis. I got all the 120 stars with both Luigi & Mario and of course #121 star aswell. Not real hard to get that one though.


It shocked me to hear that Miyamoto said that he didn't really care much about the storyline, he thought that if the gameplay was good, people will love it nontheless. While I do agree with that, Stories in games give it that special, almost literature/movie, feeling to it. I would like to see a more in-depth story and, if possible, METAL GEAR STYLE CUT-SCENES :P

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Guest Captain Falcon

What I wouldn't mind seeing is one massive version on the Mushroom kingdom that had many different areas but they were all connected. It would be like the first Jak game in that respect (you know, the good one) in that you could wander from any one place to another without sight of a loading screen.


The trick would be that this world is still one big sphere which would mean that theoretically, you could constantly walk around it without end just by pushing forward on the stick. Of course, the sphere would be so big as to not be noticeable so it plays just like any open landscape level from Mario's past 3D efforts.


In each of the different areas, there would be star launchers to send you to outer space whereby the Galaxy inspired levels will take place. Watching the world drift away behind you whilst you blast into space would be real eye candy, as would the return trip when you come back down seeing the world get bigger until you finally touch down and continue walking around. And if that could be done without loading, all the better as you could still have the star bit catching mini game type thing going on.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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What I wouldn't mind seeing is one massive version on the Mushroom kingdom that had many different areas but they were all connected. It would be like the first Jak game in that respect (you know, the good one) in that you could wander from any one place to another without sight of a loading screen.


The trick would be that this world is still one big sphere which would mean that theoretically, you could constantly walk around it without end just by pushing forward on the stick. Of course, the sphere would be so big as to not be noticeable so it plays just like any open landscape level from Mario's past 3D efforts.


In each of the different areas, there would be star launchers to send you to outer space whereby the Galaxy inspired levels will take place. Watching the world drift away behind you whilst you blast into space would be real eye candy, as would the return trip when you come back down seeing the world get bigger until you finally touch down and continue walking around. And if that could be done without loading, all the better as you could still have the star bit catching mini game type thing going on.


I've been thinking similarly. But It would probably be more like metroid prime. I don't think what you've described would be that easy to pull off on the Wii.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I've been thinking similarly. But It would probably be more like metroid prime. I don't think what you've described would be that easy to pull off on the Wii.


I'm not too knowledgeable on such things, but I think it could be done - though like you say, not particularly easily. I would have thought it mainly a a question of memory and given the PS2 could do the likes of GTA:SA on 32MB, I think this could be done on the Wii's 88MB, though it might have to take a visual hit to keep the frame rate up.


And if it can't be done, make it the launch game for the Wii's successor and let a Mario game lead the console launch again like he did in the past - just like he should have done these last 2 generations.

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I think I'd rather have slight loading times and nicer graphics TBH. The other problem with having it as a giant sphere is they would have to put the bean bean kingdom, the mushroom world, and every other land from every other mario game in it since it would be the entire world of mario.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I think I'd rather have slight loading times and nicer graphics TBH. The other problem with having it as a giant sphere is they would have to put the bean bean kingdom, the mushroom world, and every other land from every other mario game in it since it would be the entire world of mario.


Well I wasn't really thinking about all the other places we've heard about. I was just thinking about this...




I couldn't for the life of me find the original Pal box with the red background which I had or the original SM64 Japanese box (the rumble pak version had different boxart) but they both had pictures of a spherical version of a version of Mario's world and that's where my thought came from.

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I'm not too knowledgeable on such things, but I think it could be done - though like you say, not particularly easily. I would have thought it mainly a a question of memory and given the PS2 could do the likes of GTA:SA on 32MB, I think this could be done on the Wii's 88MB, though it might have to take a visual hit to keep the frame rate up.


Well, I'm not too knowledgeable either in computer programming, but I don't think it would be possible to make a sphere so big that you wouldn't notice it to be a sphere, as you said. Take Oblivion's game world, for example, it's massive and it is said to be somewhere around 41 km^2. Take that surface area and apply it to a sphere and that sphere would have only a 1,8 km radius. My point being that Oblivion's world, gigantic as it is, would seem a lot smaller if it were spherical rather than flat.


I don't think what you propose is possible on the HD systems, let alone on the Wii. It's a good idea, though. :)

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Guest Captain Falcon
Well, I'm not too knowledgeable either in computer programming, but I don't think it would be possible to make a sphere so big that you wouldn't notice it to be a sphere, as you said. Take Oblivion's game world, for example, it's massive and it is said to be somewhere around 41 km^2. Take that surface area and apply it to a sphere and that sphere would have only a 1,8 km radius. My point being that Oblivion's world, gigantic as it is, would seem a lot smaller if it were spherical rather than flat.


I don't think what you propose is possible on the HD systems, let alone on the Wii. It's a good idea, though. :)


Well it wouldn't have to be a sphere exactly if they could find a way of looping the world in a way that never made any difference. It would just mimic the idea that you could walk forever in any direction you chose - something that should only apply to a sphere.


As long as they could then create the illusion of it being spherical when you went into space and came back again, it would still work.

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-Use gravity WAY more. I mean, i just drool at the thought of having to long jump of a planet, get into the gravitational field of another planet and using that planets momentum to throw you into the path of another planets gravitational field...*comes*

Yeah, but not like 100 purple coins on Dreadnought Galaxy, I can't do it, it frustrates me too much. I've tried holding the nunchuk on its side and it doesn't work :sad:

I demand a return of the Koopa Kids!



Bowser Jnr. was an abortion on the series.


What you need is something slightly simialr to 64, but in Daisy's castle.

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