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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles


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- Just Cause is listed in the credits. They're the cutscene cinematic designers/directors for all the cutscenes in RE5. This could mean Capcom is going to spend a lot more money on the production values of DSC in general. The cutscenes in RE5 were really good, so this can't be a bad thing.


- Shotaro Sugu is credited as Scenario Writer. He's an anime writer. One of the main writers on GitS:SAC, and the lead writer for Darker than BLACK. He was contracted by Capcom to write the scenario for RE: Degeneration. Could this be a hint that Degeneration will almost certainly be part of DSC?

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Have to admit that after seeing it in action it does look a lot better than the original and a more interesting than just simply being a plain old on rails shooter. Looks much more cinematic which will definitely enhance the experience. So yeh, it's definitely changed my opinion.


As for Capcom's other announcement of re-releasing the Gamecube Resi Evils on the Wii (only stated as being Resi Evil Remake and RE Zero), it's not a biggie as it's been known for ages that it was happening and already has happened as Zero was released in Japan to a very lacklustre performance. Still, RE fans are getting a hefty lot of the series on the Wii this year, even if there are two remakes in there.

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^ really? I remember the first week of sales or something where it only sold like 16K. Or at least I think Zero sold that on it's first week. The figure comes from somewhere. Still though, they've given pricing out for it and the RE 1 re-release for America of $29.99 which is slightly steep. And I thought they said Zero on the Wii wouldn't be getting a release in the west. ::shrug: Some people/companies just can't make up their minds.

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OK, it actually looks decent, I like how you can see the 2nd person on screen, the way the camera moved when "running" looked pretty good.


But here's my problem with this. If both Claire and Leon are together the whole time, it totally RAPES the cannon.


What about the events of the "B" scenario? They are meant to get divided and only meet up at certain points. Having them together all the time and retelling the story like that, just seems to be destroying what was one of the best stories in the franchise. Same could be said of Chris and Jill in UC i guess, but RE1 never had a proper B scenario.


Also seeing the bit at the start that looked like they are gonna remake the Intro movie from RE2.... that only makes me want a proper REmake2 even more

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In TDC you can also see your weapon when it reloads this time, which helps add to the action.


But here's my problem with this. If both Claire and Leon are together the whole time, it totally RAPES the cannon.
Yeah as I said, but got overlooked!...
Also, just realised they're gonna have to re-write the events of RE2 in order to tie Leon and Claires missions together! Leon and Ada may have their own chapter I suppose, but I guess Leons gonna be there when Claire meets Sherry, because Claire and Sherry aren't going to be a chapter!

Though I think it will be good having a new 'complete' story for RE2, as all the different scenarios made it a little complecated as the events/outcomes changed for each.

Edited by Retro_Link
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REHorror TDS Backlash:


In the wake of the game's first sighting in Famitsu there has been a huge backlash towards Capcom over the perceived shallowness of gameplay and the failure for Wii owners to get anything but ports and out-sourced spin-offs.


From hardcore communities to casual, from fansites to Capcom's own forums there is a strong consensus that Darkside Chronicles is a wasted opportunity and not what they were hoping for. Moderators on Capcom's forums have pointed to Umbrella Chronicles' sales as justification.


However Resident Evil 4 Wii, a port of a three-year old game that was already available on three other systems, sold almost 50% more than Umbrella Chronicles. They seem to have missed the point that people bought UC in spite of it being a light-gun game because consumers wanted a Resident Evil game and had few alternatives on the platform. It was even hinted that if enough people showed an interest and bought the game we could look forward to having a game with something approaching what other and older platforms considered "standard gameplay", a game with the minimum requirements of moving, shooting, dodging rather than something that only focused on one of these attributes.


The analysis of Umbrella Chronicles I wrote last year still holds true today:


No matter how many bells and whistles the game has, no matter how you dress it up, it’s still fundamentally a light-gun game. You point the little wiimote at the screen, and you press A. For everything. Attacking, picking up weapons, opening doors, whatever happens in the game you can only respond the same way over and over. And there’s no chance for anything different to happen, even with the inclusion of some very short alternate paths, as the enemies’ paths are pre-scripted and you are tethered to the ground like your feet are encased in concrete.


The devs specifically said they changed it from RE4-style into a light-gun game to try and hook people new to video games into the series. Whatever way you look at it, even if you think the expansion of the fanbase is good for RE in the long-term, they consciously chose to make the game worse in order to bolster sales and for that they are failures as game developers. The sheer pressure as BOW after BOW flooded in to a room, the managing of ammo, all those years of great art design in one game. With RE4 gameplay it could have been the greatest Wii game ever, maybe even the best RE game ever. But they caved, going for the "safe" option, depriving everyone of what could have been a momentous game.


To add insult to injury this is essentially the Resident Evil 2 remake fans have been clamouring for for years. No more lifting of Outbreak assets, the trailer indicates a completely revamped RPD. Unfortunately no matter how good the graphics are, no matter how many bonus scenarios it comes with you'll never be able to overcome the fundamental flaw of it being an on-rails light-gun game. What's worse is just how close this game is to being like RE4. Enemy behaviour and movements are taken right from their original games. Your AI controlled partner actually performs RE4-like actions such as walking, targeting and shooting on-screen in front of you. I am aware of the difference in budgets between RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles but that does not preclude them from enhancing the gameplay as the environments, models and audio for a third-person survival-action would be of identical quality. What would need to change is how enemies are spawned but given what they did in Mercenaries that wouldn't be a problem, even on a linear path.


Whilst I've always been dismissive of online petitions I would strongly urge fans to keep the argument going in the public eye. Umbrella Chronicles did use to be an RE4-style game, there's always the chance they could change it back for Darkside Chronicles. I know the chances are slim but anything is better than having to endure another "test" to see if Wii owners really do want games with fully-developed gameplay and having to wait for its release before we can even start hoping for a real Resident Evil game. After all, enough people talking about racism got them to add arab and caucasian enemies to Resident Evil 5.

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Though I think it will be good having a new 'complete' story for RE2, as all the different scenarios made it a little complecated as the events/outcomes changed for each.


I believe however it was stated which scenarios were cannon.


I think it was Leon B and Claire A, which ever combination had Sherry infected with G and needing the vacine and Ada is "killed" by the Mr. X Tyrant.

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I don't think it was ever "stated". Even the Wesker's report video they released showed Ada "dying" from Leon A I think, yet showed scenes from Leon B too.


Also there's the fact that in Umbrella Chronicles her scenario starts in the sewers, which at the very least implies they were going with her falling, since in the Hunk scenarios in RE2 the G virus sample ended up in the sewer.


Officially there's canon elements from both basically. The fans will always say Leon B, Claire A makes more sense but I don't think Capcom honestly even cares they'll just pick and choose however they want.


I doubt this game will have all the elements from both scenarios. We'll be lucky if "Mr. X" appears in it at all I think.

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They should have just downgraded Resident Evil 5 for the Wii, I'd rather wait two or three years for it because I loved RE4 on the Wii better than I did on the PS2.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Resi Evil fan so I'm obviously looking forward to this game but I think Resi Evil 5 would be better on the Wii IMO.

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They should have just downgraded Resident Evil 5 for the Wii, I'd rather wait two or three years for it because I loved RE4 on the Wii better than I did on the PS2.


I'm not so sure about that. I mean, RE5 isn't by any stretch so good as RE4, and I don't really believe that it will be remember in same light as RE4 was. Downgrading already semi-meh game wouldn't certainly do any good.

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I'm not so sure about that. I mean, RE5 isn't by any stretch so good as RE4, and I don't really believe that it will be remember in same light as RE4 was. Downgrading already semi-meh game wouldn't certainly do any good.


Indeed, when you look at original RE releases this is one of the lowest scoring of the main story line games;


RE4 (GC) 95.75%

RE:CV (DC) 93.61%

RE2 (PS) 92.43%

RE (PS) 89.95%

RE: REmake (GC) 89.92%

RE3: Nemesis 88.32%

RE5 (XBOX360) 85.95%

RE0 (GC) 84.02%


I'm pretty sure that the designers will be disappointed with this, especially after the success of RE4.


What's more REDC looks fantastic and it's a Wii exclusive!

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Can someone shed some light on the above for me. I didn't know 4 + 5 had some system which scaled the difficulty to your skill level- can someone tell me how exactly that worked?


I didn't really get what that meant either. All Resi 4 & 5 have are different difficulty levels, which RE:UC had aswell, so...?

Maybe something got mistranslated in that sentence?


RE4 dumbed itself down if you died a few too many times. For example, in the Castle Water Room, when you lower the stairs there come 3 scythe monks down them. If you die like 4 or 5 times and hit retry, at some point no one will come down those stairs.


If the game thinks you're having a hard time clearing a section, it will automatically lower the number of enemies on screen, making it easier.


The way to go around this feature and always maintain the same difficulty is not to hit retry, but to load your last save file, that way you will always have max difficulty.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Some info from the preview in the new(May 2009) GameInformer:


"While the main focus of the game is on retelling the events encapsulated by Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil: CODE Veronica, you'll also play through brand new shenanigans staring Leon Kennedy in South America, adding yet another twist to the legendary RE narrative."



Also they have "online TBA" in the header of the article.

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They should have just downgraded Resident Evil 5 for the Wii, I'd rather wait two or three years for it because I loved RE4 on the Wii better than I did on the PS2.


Will never happen. Don't get me wrong RE4, Wii is the best RE yet, but Wii just can't handle RE5. It's made with Xbox360 and PS3 in mind. They tried with Dead Rising, and it failed miserably.


That said, you're not missing a lot. I even lost interest after I stumbled upon another 'evil laboratory'. It has strayed too far from what makes RE great. RE4 had great settings, creepy atmosphere and still had you guessing WTF was going on. Not so with RE5. In the first level, you get a Las Plagas-like headburst. There are no surprises to be had. You even never feel quite lonely (because you're never alone. D'uh.). A nice lady by your side 24/7 and a good, warm tropical sun? Not exactly the most proper of horror settings.


And c'mon. Did they have to use the exact same crates as in RE4? Did they have to recycle the truck-coming-at-you-so-shoot-the-driver-bit? A copy of the famous housestorming opening in RE4, only far less memorable? Check! Merchant replaced by *gasp* between-level screen? Great choice! Why have characters when you can have screens? Remember the day/night-cycle in RE4? You had a good indication of the passing of time. not so in RE5. It's daytime for a very long time, then night falls very suddenly, one on-rails scene at night and whops, it's day again. So it practically skips the entire night bar one encounter, in which you man a mounted gun. Apparently, 2009 gamers are deemed to chickenshit to go out at night. :rolleyes:


Really, I played RE4 Wii for comparison. They don't even compare. It's not bad in any way, but tries so hard to be RE4, and at the same time wants do something different... but makes all the wrong choices in doing so.


Oh, and it was always going to have one, big flaw. It doesn't have Wii-controls. If you've played RE4 twice like me, it's extremely hard to go back to analogue sticks for RE. The only thing RE5 does better, is that you can finally strafe. But for pure originality, atmosphere, settings and enjoyment, RE4 Wii is the clear winner.

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Some info from the preview in the new(May 2009) GameInformer:


"While the main focus of the game is on retelling the events encapsulated by Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil: CODE Veronica, you'll also play through brand new shenanigans staring Leon Kennedy in South America, adding yet another twist to the legendary RE narrative."



Also they have "online TBA" in the header of the article.


I would love this to have online co-op with Wii Speak!

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