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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Ren of Heavens

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I'm up to the bit with the nurse now. Loving how mental everything is becoming...


The bit when you're in the car underwater was rad, totally took me by surprise.


One thing I really like about this game, control wise, (other than the flashlight of course) is the way you move through doors. I love how you can push up slightly on the analog stick to just peek inside a room and pull back on the stick to move back/close the door, so cool.

What's not so cool concerning doors though is during the nightmare scenes, when you're smashing through them quickly and then you suddenly enter one with a creature inside! That gets me everytime without fail. It's like the zombie arms coming through the window in Resi, but x100! :laughing:

Seriously, do not play this game if you have a heart condition. :heh:


Looking behind you to see if there are any creatures on your tail is a nice feature too. It makes me laugh a bit though, as I think Harry looks a bit like the AVGN then. :grin: Anyone else see that, or is it just me?

Edited by RedShell
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Haha, I'm storming through this game just did my 3rd playthrough in one sitting last night in a time of 3 hours 47 mins :heh:


Tried answering questions the opposite that I normally would and looking at every bottle and woman poster... including staring at characters breasts and asses when I would and got a good few changes.


I went into the bar which was an Irish Bar this time

Cybil was back in the same clothes as my first play, coat and tie

Projector in class room had something different on it, previous 2 times it was a thing about mosquitos

School gym was decorated differently

Michelle was in different clothes and different hair colour

Conversation with Michelle on way to club was different from 1st two times and her attitude was different also

Dahila was in different clothes

After the bridge scene was wearing blue jeans with a white and green highschool sports jacket like you see "jocks" wearing in US shows/films

Nurse Lisa had crashed an ambulance again, same as first play.

Conversation with Lisa was way different as was her attitude, not as friendly as first two times, no lame Harry Hudini joke

Pawn shop was green this time, previous two times it was purple


A number of voice mails and text messages were different



Just realised there's actually 2 parts to the ending both seem to have the possiblity of being effected differently by different choices.


this time I seem to have gotten the Guilty/Drunk ending.


Also oddly the doctors notes where still the same, one paragraph changed that's all but it still said was "dependable" I thought this would have changed.


Oh and also different ending song.




Oh yeah and dispite this being my 3rd play the nightmare scenes still get my heart racing and those things still freak me out when they get close/jump on me. I also notice they change appearence too... possibly effected by your personality also?

Edited by Mokong
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You see, I feel a little silly because I'm playing it very frugally, and I'm still on my first play through.


But I HAVE to give a shout-out to 'that' puzzle in the Art Room of the school. It was such a beautifully contrived puzzle, and the sense it gave me when the solution just 'clicked' in my mind was pure awesomeness. My eyes watered, but I think that's mainly due to the weird day I was having. But yes, I can honestly now say that this game has made me cry with how brilliant it is.

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I played this until about half 3 last night, again. Finished eet! I said to myself that I'd stop, but I just wanted to carry on and keep on playing.


Oh my fucking God. That underwater car scene was brilliant. I looked at the windows and words would appear, such as "Don't fight it." I was frantically trying to get out. I tried unlocking the car, then unwinding the window, ahhhh. That scene made the game for me.


The other scene that made it is after you're in the apartment with the older Dahlia (I think it was her?) The staircase you go down after you leave the apartment is sooooooo long. I was going down there thinking "shit, was it this long on the way up?" Then I realised the game was fucking with me, haha. The jump you make down to the bottom, and the huuuuuuuuge room with the chair in the middle. That was so tense, I had no idea what was going on...


Also, that "endless" chase where you go through rooms with the TV and sofas, then the long corridors, etc. This game is a great mindscrew. :)


I did not predict that ending at all. I take it I got some kind of good guy ending, as I was told I was dependable in my profile at the end. Can't believe it was Cheryl with the psychologist the whole time. That's right, right? That part shocked me, and the way that Harry entered the room and looked bemused. Very sad.


Finally, that "shadow child" that randomly appears, such as during the amusemant park scene with the swans, and in the mall, very creepy. I jumped the first time.


9/10 game for me.


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It sounds like we got the same ending. :D


I'm curious as to what the others are like though.


For example.


I'm assuming the others are actually still Harry with the therapist? Or maybe there's another with Cheryl but a 'bad' version? I want to play this again now but this is a game I really want to take my time with so I can get the most out of it.


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It sounds like we got the same ending. :D


I'm curious as to what the others are like though.


For example.


I'm assuming the others are actually still Harry with the therapist? Or maybe there's another with Cheryl but a 'bad' version? I want to play this again now but this is a game I really want to take my time with so I can get the most out of it.


I'll be starting my second playthrough soon. Maybe leave it for a week, but I'm eager to play this again.


More of these types of games for the Wii, please. And, when I say survival horror, I don't mean the action-fest that was Resident Evil 4. The no combat rule in this game really, really worked, and some of the lighting in this is brilliant. It's a dark game, but not an annoying hindrance. It does what it sets out t do. If only Capcom could replicate half of what this does with their Resident Evil series.

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Oh fuck that.


Had a long post writing about how great this game is, then lost it all when I had to log in again.


In short: great game, fantastic atmosphere.


I'll probably try the elaborate post again sometime later, perhaps after finishing my first run.

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Well it's shot up the Wii chart this week, going from 11 to 5. Hopefully word of mouth will now give it some positive momentum.




Anyway, I came across a rather amusing glitch last night. I'm not sure if the speaker in the Wii Remote is supposed to blare out static at one point in the game, but it did, and then it never stopped. At one point, I thought it was an intentional design choice, because it made the drawbridge puzzle a little harder when I was trying to listen to the phone... but then it went on and on and never stopped during any of the cut scenes. Sounded a little disturbing at times :laughing:


But yeah, I'm about four and half hours through (probably near the end),

it's transformed from a hugely atmospheric, yet urgent search for your daughter into a balls-out, psychological struggle to keep some sanity.


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Well it's shot up the Wii chart this week, going from 11 to 5. Hopefully word of mouth will now give it some positive momentum.




Anyway, I came across a rather amusing glitch last night. I'm not sure if the speaker in the Wii Remote is supposed to blare out static at one point in the game, but it did, and then it never stopped. At one point, I thought it was an intentional design choice, because it made the drawbridge puzzle a little harder when I was trying to listen to the phone... but then it went on and on and never stopped during any of the cut scenes. Sounded a little disturbing at times :laughing:


But yeah, I'm about four and half hours through (probably near the end),

it's transformed from a hugely atmospheric, yet urgent search for your daughter into a balls-out, psychological struggle to keep some sanity.


thats good news that it now at the 5th spot, is that also signed to sales numbers or do we have to wait till friday when the VGvchart numbers are in?


It also basicly confirms that evryone thought that i came out last week (march 5th) istead of the end if february.

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...and so the price begins to drop :-


£17.95 at Zavvi


STOOPIDDITTIES.. you're dead! £20 via Paypal the day before Zavvi deliver this price? How dare you.. how dare you?! :heh:


It's cool really though.. I was glad I was able to help you out by taking it off your hands :hehe:

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STOOPIDDITTIES.. you're dead! £20 via Paypal the day before Zavvi deliver this price? How dare you.. how dare you?! :heh:


It's cool really though.. I was glad I was able to help you out by taking it off your hands :hehe:


I actually feel incredibly bad! :hmm:


PM me your email address and I'll paypal you the £2. 05.


Do it.

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I actually feel incredibly bad! :hmm:


PM me your email address and I'll paypal you the £2. 05.


Do it.


Don't be silly.. it's no problem :smile: Like I said, I was glad I could help you out :hehe: It wouldn't have been good for you to lose even more money on it so.. really, it's all good :smile:


I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure it will be worth it :heh:


You still playing it?

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Don't be silly.. it's no problem :smile: Like I said, I was glad I could help you out :hehe: It wouldn't have been good for you to lose even more money on it so.. really, it's all good :smile:


I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure it will be worth it :heh:


Still feel bad. :(



You still playing it?


I'm not at the moment, want to leave a bit of a gap between playthroughs. But I'm actually really looking forward to going through it again. And then making the lady go through it and hearing her scream. Of course my excuse will be "But it's to see the different paths you can take and seeing how your decisions are different than mine." Much more subtle than "I like to see you scared."




This will mean I owe you one.

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Finished my first play-through last night, with a time of just under 8 hours. I don't see how anyone can complete it quicker than that on their first go, unless they're missing out on loads of the little details / exploration elements. :hmm:


Maybe those people were too scared to take it slow and "enjoy" the surroundings. :heh:


But yeah, there's no doubt the game can be finished quickly if you want, I started and completed my second run today in a couple of hours! Got a different ending too. :cool:


Gonna start my third tomorrow, want to do multiple plays while everything is still fresh in my memory, to be able to spot the differences easier. ;)


From what I understand there are 3 different therapy room endings and 4 home video ones. So far I've had the "Good Dad" and "Sexy" endings. But I heard about a fith ending, a joke one to do with UFO's or something, anyone know about that one and how to get it?


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But I heard about a fith ending, a joke one to do with UFO's or something, anyone know about that one and how to get it?


To get the UFO ending you need to find 13 UFO's and take a picture of them with the phone.


You can only do this after playing your 1st playthrough. You have to save your game after the credits and start a new game from the same file. When you get to the Bar/Dinner at the begining there is a billboard with a phone number (Unidet Fruitcakes Alliance i think it says), as soon as you can use the phone call that number and start the UFO hunt. Some are big and hard to miss some are small and well hidden. If you miss one you won't get the special ending.


Luckily the final UFO is near the very end of the game before you go into the Lighthouse, so you can save without getting it, go in finish the game see what ending you get, then not save after the credits go back in, get the final UFO and get the joke ending.


It is a good WTF ending BTW, I found 7 UFO's on my 2nd play and found all 13 on the 3rd (forgot to mention it earlier)


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So far, so terrifying.


I won't spoil anything so I'll just say it's the attention to detail which really brings this to life. What really disturbs me (second to the horrifying chase scenes of course) are some of the back stories you come across. There's one you can find out about in the woods part of the game which I could have really done without knowing. Not overly gross or anything like ghost stories. Just ones that have a very real tone to them that make them so believable and more disturbing than any monster.


I've only just remembered to go back to this post. What message was that? There were quite a few in that section, I think. Which one did you mean in particular?


This is exactly the type of game I expected on the Wii. Something a bit different, making good use of the controller and system, and something more psychological than action orientated. Probably one of my personal favourites since Eternal Darkness. :)


This and Dead Space Extraction are probably two of my favourite Wii games now.

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To get the UFO ending you need to find 13 UFO's and take a picture of them with the phone.


You can only do this after playing your 1st playthrough. You have to save your game after the credits and start a new game from the same file. When you get to the Bar/Dinner at the begining there is a billboard with a phone number (Unidet Fruitcakes Alliance i think it says), as soon as you can use the phone call that number and start the UFO hunt. Some are big and hard to miss some are small and well hidden. If you miss one you won't get the special ending.


Luckily the final UFO is near the very end of the game before you go into the Lighthouse, so you can save without getting it, go in finish the game see what ending you get, then not save after the credits go back in, get the final UFO and get the joke ending.


It is a good WTF ending BTW, I found 7 UFO's on my 2nd play and found all 13 on the 3rd (forgot to mention it earlier)


I didn't realise it'd be something that would add extra gameplay too! Can't wait to give that a try. :)

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I've only just remembered to go back to this post. What message was that? There were quite a few in that section, I think. Which one did you mean in particular?


This is exactly the type of game I expected on the Wii. Something a bit different, making good use of the controller and system, and something more psychological than action orientated. Probably one of my personal favourites since Eternal Darkness. :)


This and Dead Space Extraction are probably two of my favourite Wii games now.


I believe that was the message that...


was about a girl being brought to a party in the woods with some people she doesn't know, you get the voicemail from her asking her mum to pick her up and then later get a picture message of her body having been drowned by adolescent drunks. Just seemed overly real to me.



Left a bad taste in my mouth.


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I believe that was the message that...


was about a girl being brought to a party in the woods with some people she doesn't know, you get the voicemail from her asking her mum to pick her up and then later get a picture message of her body having been drowned by adolescent drunks. Just seemed overly real to me.



Left a bad taste in my mouth.


Ahh, I remember now. The backstories are excellent, aren't they? I loved getting voicemails and text messages - could be my favourite aspect of the game. You feel very isolated in this, yet at the same time the messages and information create an illusion that you aren't. This game is very good at illusions. The ending is great, as it just proves how little you actually know throughout. Loved it. :)

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