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From the creators of fl0w.


Out today. £6.29


Loved fl0w so this should be fantastic. :D









David Jaffe's wise saying:

Holy Shit! Now I had played the first level before and really liked it. I had liked it alot more than flOw which- as I always say- I APPRECIATED but never really enjoyed as a game experience. But this new game? Shit, man. It's on the road to being a classic, no doubt. And I don't say that lightly cause while the core game mechanics are fun, it- in my mind- lives or dies by the emotions it creates while you play. And you guys know I'm a disappointed cynic when it comes to video games evoking subtle emotions in players. But I'll tell you what- from what I saw on Friday- these guys/gals at TGC are well on their way to having made one of the most emotional games of all time. I love what I saw. And if the whole game feels like the stuff I saw last week...well wow! Just wow! And the coolest thing to me is, hell, now I'm inspired to step up to the plate and try to do something a bit more meaningful as well. Maybe not with our current title, but one day soon. Thanks TGC!





In Flower, the surrounding environment, most often pushed to the background in games, is pulled to the forefront and becomes the primary "character." The player fades from an external and stressful world in the opening of this fresh and genuine game only for PS3, and journeys through beautifully vivid landscapes, changing the his surroundings and exploring nature along the way.


Playing as the wind, the player guides and grows a swarm of pedals by interacting with other flowers and the surrounding environment. The goals and journey in each level vary, but all involve flight, exploration and interaction with the level. Using simple SIXAXIS wireless controls, the player guides the lead petal and accumulates a swarm of flower petals as he moves at his own pace within the environment, causing the on-screen world to change. Flower's gameplay offers different experiences, pacing and rhythm to all players. Along the way, the environment will pose challenges to the player’s progress. Both pastoral and at times chaotic, Flower is a visual, audio and interactive escape on PS3.


General Features

  • Simple Gameplay Controls – Accessible controls appeal to both the casual and hardcore gamer and offer simplistic and relaxing gaming. Freely playing as the wind is as easy as titling the SIXAXIS wireless controller.

  • Lush and Interactive Environment on PS3 – In Flower, over 200,000 blades of grass are simulated and animated simultaneously on-screen, creating an verdant environment not possible on any other platform.

  • Dynamically Adjusting Experience – Players with differing skill levels and/or moods can intuitively customize their game experience and enjoy the game at their own pace.

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Reading past the errors it sounds very different but not really my thing. I guess I won't no until/if I play it but I can't imagine it being very fun.


When I have a game there has to be a reason behind it or a goal or something but this is vague, and I guess that's the sort of point.

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[*]Lush and Interactive Environment on PS3 – In Flower, over 200,000 blades of grass are simulated and animated simultaneously on-screen, creating an verdant environment not possible on any other platform.


Check and Mate! *points and laughs at 360 havers*

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Check and Mate! *points and laughs at 360 havers*


It does help to have 6 chips capable of calculating raw numbers faster than any conventional CPU on the market (well, apart from the Core i7, but thats hardly cheap at the moment).


Jesus, lets not get into which hardware is better. Both have their strengths, which is well known.


I hope this game is a little more fun than fl0w but i'll probably buy it.

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You know as well as i do, grass-rendering is the benchmark by which hardware should be judged.



....but yeah, this looks like another great PSN game to offset retail Shooter syndrome which im currently plagued with. The price looks good too

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You know as well as i do, grass-rendering is the benchmark by which hardware should be judged.



....but yeah, this looks like another great PSN game to offset retail Shooter syndrome which im currently plagued with. The price looks good too


Yup. This is why variety is crucial. Lumines Supernova also came up today and Cuboid. All 3 seem good.

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It's due out next week, February 12th, Choze must have just made a mistake/been misinformed.


This game is going to be the perfect antidote to all the oppressive games I've been playing recently; Dead Space, FarCry 2, Fallout 3. I found flOw to be an interesting experiment that could have done with being a bit more 'gamey', so I like that there's more of an objective — and Trophies — this time around. Plus it looks absolutely gorgeous!

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It's due out next week, February 12th, Choze must have just made a mistake/been misinformed.


This game is going to be the perfect antidote to all the oppressive games I've been playing recently; Dead Space, FarCry 2, Fallout 3. I found flOw to be an interesting experiment that could have done with being a bit more 'gamey', so I like that there's more of an objective — and Trophies — this time around. Plus it looks absolutely gorgeous!


I was angry. Jostiq had it wrong too. Looks freakin' awesome.

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whoops i made mistake with the release date :p


there's a ton of good stuff up this week though.


I don't get this, what are u meant to do?


You fly around using the motion sensor collecting pollen.


I may be wrong but i have not read up too much so the game feels fresh. My expectations are that it will be a simple relaxing artistic game.

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whoops i made mistake with the release date :p


there's a ton of good stuff up this week though.




You fly around using the motion sensor collecting pollen.


I may be wrong but i have not read up too much so the game feels fresh. My expectations are that it will be a simple relaxing artistic game.


Yeah it is a simple relaxing game but has more actual gameplay to it than flow did...

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This should be out today I believe. I can't wait.


Edit: Just played the first 'level'. All I can say is wow.


The game looks amazing and the controls are the best implementation of motion controls I've seen bar none.


I had a massive smile on my face while playing it.

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