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I downloaded the DLC, but I have no idea how to start it. Anyone? :3


It should appear on the Galaxy Map - you'll need to scan the planet.


The controls for the tank are really good, but the missions are rubbish. Still, this is likely just a test for Mass Effect 3. There's absolutely no harm in testing the waters with free DLC (which I believe Criterion were doing with the bikes in Burnout).

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Yeah the tank missions suck pretty hardcore. Combat is rubbish too, seeing as the only way they could get it to fly was by building it out of tissue paper- the only way to kill anything is to hammer the fire button and pray that the auto aim takes out the silhouettes of geth ants on the horizon as they stand there, A.I patiently awaiting your arrival in to some nebulous trigger range inside which they execute you instantly like a crack squad of interstellar assassins.


Terrible stuff.


The only highlight is at the end with the cool effect on the prothean device. That's it.

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Ah the marker didn't appear on the map until I restarted. The dlc was a real pain to download, constantly getting stuck, took a very long time. Might've been why I couldn't find it originally.


And now that I have... well... lets just say it's a good job it's free. Flying the hammerhead is fun but the missions are dull.


And it's almost awkward the way they obviously haven't had any of the voice actors in to do any more work.

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Ah the marker didn't appear on the map until I restarted. The dlc was a real pain to download, constantly getting stuck, took a very long time. Might've been why I couldn't find it originally.


Just wondering, were you still in ME2 while it was downloading?


As ME2 constantly connects to Xbox Live it pauses all downloads. So you have to go to dashboard/play another game while it downloads.

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Maybe we won't see the Hammerhead return. Shame more developers don't take that approach with DLC. Then again the majority just want cash out of it rather than care about the fans reactions. Seperate question, what class do you guys reckon is best for an Insanity playthrough? I tried Vanguard as it was from my first ME2 file and pretty much got my ass handed to me.

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On Insanity I struggled with sentinel, because your main bonus is a heavy shield which just gets wiped out in a couple of hits anyway.


However I've heard it's pretty easy with infiltrator.

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  • 3 months later...

New DLC coming soon, 'Lair of the Shadow Broker', seems to involve teaming up with Liara to take him down. I don't really want his story wrapped up in a DLC though to be honest. I was hoping it'd continue into ME3.



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I got my copy Tuesday, that's why I haven't touched that free game Alien Swarm I've made a thread about. This is more important :D. First, I've downloaded the Bring down the sky dlc for Mass Effect 1, forgot all about it during my playthrough, but I installed it and played through it and the last mission again, to update my save. Pinnacle Station didn't seem worth my money.


And now I'm finally enjoying Mass Effect 2, I've already been through a lot. Recruited most of the people, and have also done some sidequests. Only Tali is missing from the "core" group, and I'm about to start Kasumi's heist.


Great to know more stuff is coming soon, especially more Liara, she's my love interest ;).

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Heh, read the spoiler.. Didn't know who you were talking about, and wondered if I had missed anything, but he/it just comes up very late in the game. He's cool though.


I finished the game, have done practically everything, Except for the Overlord dlc, since I wanted to keep 1 assignment left to take the aforementioned guy from the spoiler with me in my squad. There are no other mission left, and I figured there would be some unique dialogue perhaps, if I took him with me. Unfortunately, eventhough I loved the game, it's pretty buggy, can't remember having issues with ME 1. And the game always crashes during the Overlord assignment, from what I gather from googling, it seems to be caused by choosing this particular squadmember (is it really a spoiler? :D).


Also, kind of disappointed that I never got the option to invite Kelly to dinner, can't recall any bad choices. Then again, I intended not to cheat on Liara anyway, even with a minor character. But it also means I can't buy any fish :D. Hmm, just got a look of her voice-actor, pretty cute too.


Anyway, now I'm one of the many who have to wait 'till the release of ME3 to see what happens :D. I'm really curious what carries over.


My choices (the ones I can remember):

-Eventhough I don't like the guy, Udina is counciler. The council survived from ME1 by the way (as did Wrex, and most NPC's who could be killed).

- Most or all minor NPC characters survived, I'm sure I'll get to see some of them again. For example, the Asari merc in Samara's recruitment mission, the one you find out murdered the Volus victim of the crimescene. Rana from ME1 got to escape Okeer's base, Vido (was it?) escaped Zaeed's revenge, because I saved the refinery instead, saved the Krogan scout during Mordin's loyalty mission, and others.

- Killed Morinth. Too bad there wasn't a real Paragon option where they both get to live though.

- No love interest, not even Kelly, so I'm staying faithfull to Liara.

- I let Mordin keep the genophage data.

- I "reformed" the heretic Geth.

- Recruited everyone, and everyone is loyal.

- The whole crew survived (although I did see Kelly's deathscene on Youtube, damn that's horrible :D).

- Destroyed the collector base. The Illusive man didn't like that.


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