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Mass Effect 2


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I don't really see the point in doing New Game Plus on ME2 anyway as you reach the level cap on the first playthrough. Unless you want to keep the face you created for your character I can't see a reason to unlike ME1.

I did every mission on ME2 but havent reached Level 30 yet. Am at Level 28

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Oooh ok I stand corrected then. The DLC looks pretty good with the added bonus of being free. I wonder if there'll be more tank based missions other than these new ones.


I was thinking to myself the other day about how the fight with the reapers is going to work. I mean it's doubtful all the battles will be on planets. If they're in space it'd be cool if there was a little strategy game involving the galaxy map. Like if you save a planet or something you have their fleet available to fight or whatever, just a thought. Perhaps too early to be thinking about that sort of thing? Maybe it'll just be that the side missions will be gaining the loyalty of/helping other species so that they can fight the reapers. You don't help them, they get wiped out and make your fight harder.

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I think it'll be a meta-threat thing. Seeing as one Reaper almost killed *everyone* and we saw thousands (at least), I don't think battling them head on will be a thing. My guess is some kind of quest to put together an effective defense based on Collector technology or other stuff on the other side of Omega- 4.


They'll turn up, obviously, but I don't think they'll be much more than a force we see indirectly.

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The best (awesomest) idea I have heard about how to fight the Reapers is to modify the mass relays into giant guns.




Perhaps the massive gun that disabled the reaper was a modified mass relay. I wonder if Cerberus actually found the weapon that caused it.




Actually, if they create special remore-controlled ships with Mass Effect drives then they could technically fire those through the relays for massive damage.

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Anything jumping through a mass relay can suffer drift up to several thousand kilometres, so they aren't exactly interstellar sniper rifles. That said the Prothean relay in the first game, the one that jumps the Mako into the Citadel, is clearly very accurate. That or the "cool!" factor outweighed the lore.


I'm pretty sure the key to the third game will be dark energy. It's mentioned several times in passing during the sequel, and as it's the underlying force behind all mass effect technology — which, as explained in the first game, was left behind by the Reapers — it would be a fitting solution.

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I want to find out what happens to Shepard & co from ME2 to 3. I'd like to be able to start with most of the familiar faces at my side this time, though assuming the next game takes place 5 years or so later, Thane will be dead and Mordin probably an OAP anyway. Also of course the whole thing of Shepard dying or not too - I can imagine a weird/awesome thing where you start a new character regardless and then team up and/or take down your Shepard and his/her team (if he/she survived.)

Edited by gaggle64
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That's not an ending, that's an extended and slightly more permanent Game Over reserved only for people who really, really suck. At life.


I doubt that particular branch of the story will continue into ME3. It's so tragic to see such a pathetic Shepard :laughing:


How exactly did Joker gather all those dead bodies from the Collector Vessel before it blew up, anyway? :heh:

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Apparently if you get that end it's actually something that carries over into ME3 as part of the story, so I'm curious to see how it's done. I'm deliberately trying to set up to get my people all killed in my second play-through just to find out.


And I assumed the coffins were empty but still ceremonial, as per navy tradition.

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That's quite interesting. Would they bring Shepard back to life...again?? I really don't see how unless some Collectors made off with him before the explosion, unlikely though. It'd take a lot of effort to do Shepards storyline and this unknown characters storyline as well. Jokers not really a combat person.

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I've played and completed ME1, exported my character to ME2 without any problems.


I went back to ME1 and re-used the same character, played as a renegade this time, reached level 59 and I'm now trying to export that save to ME2 but its not working. The file is yellow in colour and its really annoying me :(



Any help?

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Yeah I was a bit annoyed when I first played ME2 to find that I didn't have my level 60 character available. I didn't realise I would have to have finished the game, that level 60 was the last achievement I needed in ME1 so I just stopped playing then and there :heh:


Mind you, the bonuses would've just made the game easier so it's not really that desirable on the first playthrough...

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Yeah I've completed the game. Killed the the council, beat saren, picked Udina as the new leader (though i just found out the last decision doesn't matter) and I also watched the credits roll by.


I did this twice - just in case - and I now have 1 file in green level 50 paragon and 2 exact same files in yellow level 59 renegade.

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