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  MoogleViper said:
Would it not makes sense to have more than one judge? I'd say three as then it isn't too complicated and it's an odd number so there won't be any ties.


OK, three judges it is :heh:


First three to sign will be judges (unless MoogleViper wants to be one, then that will be two)

  d666 said:
OK, three judges it is :heh:


First three to sign will be judges (unless MoogleViper wants to be one, then that will be two)


Ok go on then. (also three judges will help speed things along if a judge isn't online)


Also the overall winrar of the rapping-ness should record one of their songs and upload it onto youtube. (or just anyone that wants to do it.)

  MoogleViper said:
Ok go on then. (also three judges will help speed things along if a judge isn't online)


Also the overall winrar of the rapping-ness should record one of their songs and upload it onto youtube. (or just anyone that wants to do it.)


Good idea. If they have the instrumentals then I agree. So the winner of the battle records one of their songs and uploads it on YouTube...TBH, I'd love to hear Jayseven's rap :heh:


So we have MoogleViper, The Villan and...


Ill get on this, judge or mc it dont matter to me.


ANd on the beat thing, we should just give them a beat via youtube, and they write to it, we can read along too, makes it easier for those without mics to have a turn.

  Skunky said:
Ill get on this, judge or mc it dont matter to me.


OK, cool.


So MoogleViper, The Villan and Skunky are our NEW judges :bowdown:


So which one's Simon, which one's Cheryl and which one's Louis? :heh:


Oh, that's easy.


Moogle is Cheryl because everyone wants to bone him.


I'm Simon because everyone wants to throw bones at me.


Skunky's Louis because he can't be Cheryl or Louis.


Louis is the best one to be, imo. Simon is a hate figure and Cheryl has horrible taste in men (Ashley Cole = Twat.).


So im the annoying prick who talks loudly when making a point that the crowd will like, grim!


Lets get some lyrical buckshots spread into the domes of the ne audience.

  Letty said:
Well young fellow, you're challenging me?

I heard you are riff raff, with a gangrenous CV!

Its not tea you sip, you uncultured couth,

instead you remain unsound of mind, forsooth!

I know that thine woman is quite a catch,

for I have had relations with her, she mentioned you're no match! (in true gentlemanly manner, candles unlit, missionary)

So in conclusion, my dishevelled aquaintance,

you have not a chance, so don't try my patience!



pip pip!


I preface this by saying that this is all made-up and I really love Letty and she's a very attractive girl. : peace:


You're a rude one, but so am I

So in truth I tell you that your odour attracts flies

Okay, okay, that was a lie, but of this I am sure

Your shitty rap was one fuck of a bore

Me, uncultured? You're having a laugh

When all I can think about is "When's that bitch gonna take a bath?!"

My woman a catch? Sure sure I agree

'Least she has a decent smelling snatch.

Hold up, I don't wanna be cruel

Ain't your fault you look so like a mule...

All your motherfucking books

Can't cover up those buttugly looks

"Wuthering Heights", like that Kathy bint,

Hey, I'm Heathcliff, I ain't letting you in!




Paj-meen-ah? More like Paj-clean0r!!

You're so unqualified that you might aswell have a pen0r!

On your face. Whats that? You do?

It can't even reach your gob, ;)

I heard you tried to change the hue

of your hair, yet you still look like a knob.

Whilst my snatch may smell, yours is worse

One sniff and I know I'll leave in a hearse.

I know its not your fault, that you look like a zucchini,

and you don't have to hide the fact,

that you do wear a bikini.



  Letty said:
Paj-meen-ah? More like Paj-clean0r!!

You're so unqualified that you might aswell have a pen0r!

On your face. Whats that? You do?

It can't even reach your gob, ;)

I heard you tried to change the hue

of your hair, yet you still look like a knob.

Whilst my snatch may smell, yours is worse

One sniff and I know I'll leave in a hearse.

I know its not your fault, that you look like a zucchini,

and you don't have to hide the fact,

that you do wear a bikini.




This has turned out really offensive, but yeah. :heh:


I ain't ashamed about the 'kini I wear

Your mum told me she had one to spare...

Yes, we're at it, every night and day

No Scrabble or bridge, she got better games to play

Ploughing this much makes my back sore

But it's worth it when she yells, "HAXXOR!"

Don't worry though, I treat her real well

In fact I hear the sound of weddin' bells

Oh no, that's the Ice-Cream truck...

...YOU DRIVE!!!!!!!!

Cause at school you never gave a fuck.

S'alright though, my rap is sick

You wanna take a ride on the Pajmondo Stick tm??

  Paj Meen Ah said:
You wanna take a ride on the Pajmondo Stick tm??

Love it. :bowdown:


Still, the whole 'sleeping with your mum', bit of a cliche :heh:. I'm just kidding (I'm terrible at trying to offend people on purpose).

  Molly said:
Love it. :bowdown:


Still, the whole 'sleeping with your mum', bit of a cliche :heh:. I'm just kidding (I'm terrible at trying to offend people on purpose).


No, I know, but I felt I couldn't just leave the initially "Mum's bikini" comment hanging. Would be worse, let's all agree.

  Skunky said:
Ill get on this, judge or mc it dont matter to me.


ANd on the beat thing, we should just give them a beat via youtube, and they write to it, we can read along too, makes it easier for those without mics to have a turn.


Wifey riddem!!!




I have a low quality mic and i made a rap about some guy who gave some other guy a handjob on a trampoline. But its incredibly homophobic so i wont post.

  thirtynine. said:
Now you just look crazy.


I always look crazy though.


Technically you already looked insane, as you replied to letty's rap, despite the order placing you after me, AND the fact I'd already posted. In fact, in your absence both Letty and I had done 2 raps each. Your silence now is just confusing...are you playing? Aren't you?


WHO KNOWS?!:shakehead


*lies prone*

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