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Both awesome, but Danny had me covering my mouth and going "ooooooooooooh!" like all those hip black people do on TV. He was spot on - Incest is the new mum joke. Still; going 2nd always wins!


Though I guess if the winner picks a challenger (which kinda defies the whole meaning of 'challenger'), the winner goes first the next time?


I've got some awesome ideas for going first - though I doubt I'd win with that path.

  jayseven said:
Though I guess if the winner picks a challenger (which kinda defies the whole meaning of 'challenger'), the winner goes first the next time?


Or the challenger should choose. He/she may want to go first.

  MoogleViper said:
Or the challenger should choose. He/she may want to go first.


Winner chooses the challenger. The challenger chooses whether to go first or second. Just to make it a little interesting for the 'theory' people have come up with :heh:


Dannyboy, pick from the list of 'playaz' who you want to challenge (the list is at the beginning of the thread in case you never knew)


I'll slum it in second, amigo. Bejinxing your face 'til it's green with wincing; I'm a pie maker and you're the mincing. I'm a bruiser, you're a loser, I'm a sex-change surgeon gonna make you from a he to a her; I'll Word Up and you'll curl up - I'll see you inside and make your suicide look convincing, brrruup!


Just warmin' up.


You messin' with me? We haven't even begun!

You think you can take it when I turn the mic on?

You talk about suicide and changing my sex

- I wanna bombard your brain with rays of X

to see what went wrong, why it's so fucked up;

you probably enjoy watching "2 Girls, 1 Cup"!

Perhaps it's just gone - perhaps it's been sold?

Or perhaps it simply stems from being too often RickRoll'd?

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
You messin' with me? We haven't even begun!

You think you can take it when I turn the mic on?

You talk about suicide and changing my sex

- I wanna bombard your brain with rays of X

to see what went wrong, why it's so fucked up;

you probably enjoy watching "2 Girls, 1 Cup"!

Perhaps it's just gone - perhaps it's been sold?

Or perhaps it simply stems from being too often RickRoll'd?


Well done Dannyboy, we had a good match, and you totally deserved to win.

I couldn't compete with your level of lyrical gold.


(whups, looks like I'm down before I'm in!)


What a surprise - another motherfucker wants to get inside me

Do I look like goatse when you stand behind me, danny-dee?

Do you think I'm-a let you take this ride for free?

Even a whore's gotta pay for any time in a taxi

You got me though, my bad, I like shitting hos

'cos I can whip em and kick em and they don't say no

But I heard about you and your clique down in mehico

Took your whole gypsy village to see teh donkey show

Just two minutes all it took to get your juices to flow

A flutter of his eyelashes and you were good to go

She was dribbling and coughing and alluring you so

You couldn't tell which performer made you hornier, Gee

So you hitched the ass and raped the girl for all your peeps to see

Took the mule with you on your honeymoon to-

Oh wait a minute, sorry, I should be making fun of you too

For all this is doing is bringing up happy memories, fool

I mean, everyone even saw teh video on youtube

So forgive me, but I'll have to say pass

I don't want to associate with an ass-fucking ass.


Well done, my good sir - I'll have to salute thee:

I'm normally not tricked, yet you just RickRoll'd me.

Though I feel I must tell you - it's your only success:

The rest of your post is simply one big grim mess.

You talk about donkeys, and gypsies, and shit

- I'm sorry, my man, I couldn't make sense of it.

Back out now, save yourself from the shame

- 'cause right now you are simply throwing shit at your name.


Dude when I step up, I don't step back down

I do what it takes to take back that crown.

Who's calling who sir? Who's naming the man?

Sounds like you already conceeded here, Dan!

Who can't think of any synonyms for dookie shit?

Who sees a link for youtube and can't help but hit?

You sucka, that's who be the new foo' in town

Just make sure you shave that beard before you go down

Just know you got played like a trumpet right here, right now

So go home back to that donkey, that sheep and that cow

I'm sure they'll kiss the soft spots like no other

Wait - is it bigamy when all your bitches have udders?

Or is it big of me to bend over all of your sisters

And one by one - count 'em - seven snatches are blistered

I see you twitchin' you can't wait and turn

But boy, low lie, less you want some more burn


(i think in future we should elect a category and see who can produce the best rap about that, rather than continue the hefty focus on insults...)

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Agreed. It would make room for more diversity and originality.


OK, cool but how are we gonna choose? A judge chooses the category and the playas have to rap about it?


I win again? Wow, thanks, guys. :)


And yeah, letting the judges choose a subject or theme is fine, but the participants could also come with suggestions, no?


Anyway, I think I'll let two other people have a go now. I actually wanted to challenge one who we hadn't seen in action, yet for some reason I missed the fact that Jay battled in the first match - silly me. :rolleyes:


(BTW, I just disproved the fact that the second player wins. ;) )

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