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Formula 1 2009


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do not see it mentioned but in news mentions that from this year there will be NO points and the champion will be the person with the most wins :/


what a pile of shit


There's still going to be points - it's only the championship winner that's decided on wins. Great thing imo.

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This is rubbish, it totally eliminates anyone not in the top one or two teams from scoring the crown. And how the on earth do these new budget caps for 2010 work? Now there would be effectively two classes of F1 team with two different technical regs? What?



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This is rubbish, it totally eliminates anyone not in the top one or two teams from scoring the crown. And how the on earth do these new budget caps for 2010 work? Now there would be effectively two classes of F1 team with two different technical regs? What?



Yeah I'm not happy about it going to the most number of wins, piece of crap.


12-9-7-5-4-3-2-1 was a much better solution, it gives others more chance of catching up.


Also what a load of bollocks this is...

For greater clarity for spectators and media, wet tyres have been renamed "intermediate" and extreme-weather tyres renamed “wetâ€.

lol, why not just call the tyre options: slicks, wets and extreme wets!

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Well I'm not amused at these changes and I was hoping that 2009 would be the best season for a long time. I think however, I'll reserve judgement until after the 3rd or 4th race and if there is no positive change then I think it will be best to revert to a broader points system. I am pretty puzzled at this decision though and I hate to say it but it smacks of Bernie and Max being annoyed that Massa didn't win last year.


Perhaps they should have waited until next year to introduce this becuase I think it would have had a much greater effect in corrolation with the refuelling ban. i.e. drivers risking staying out or losing time changing tyres. Time will tell though, as always. But for now I am skeptical.

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I honestly think Bernie is totally senile now. He stomps around demanding more overtaking then stands in the VIP lounges of boring ass courses like Valencia declaring it as an ideal example of a truly great circuit. What exactly is going on in that little Gollum-esque head of his? Does he even watch F1?

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Right some people's reaction to this have been a little bit OTT.


For a start, gaggle posted something along the lines of it eliminating anyone in the top 1-2 teams from winning the title. Now tell me, when HASN'T that been the case? Look at the drivers who've won the crown over the last 20 years and they've all drove for the best team. The only times this wasn't true was when Schumacher almost beat Villineuve in 97 and again when he, quite miraculously, got it down to the final race in 98.


Secondly, this season it will be VERY close. I really don't see any one team being miles ahead of the rest to the point where 1 driver has racked up 4-5 wins in a row. new rules and tighter budgets for upcoming years means we should see a lot of variety in race wins.


Thirdly, every driver still recieves points and these determine the positions of all the drivers aswell as constructors points. If wins are tied the winner is the person with the most points. It's great, especially when drivers will most likely be exchanging wins, considering the smaller budget of teams over the next few years.


Yes, this system would be floored in the days when teams like Ferrari were willing to spend 10-11 times more than the middle teams, but on a smaller budget it has massive potential. I'm sure people just need a few days to get used to this news before it sinks in.


Also, as for the budget changes..well alot of the input for the new rules has come from FOTA so there you go. 20 years ago there were 26 drivers on the F1 grid, this year there's only 18. Change needs to be made, especially in terms of budget.

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Apparently Button is now 5/1 on for the championship - who'd have thought that 3 weeks ago?


The thing is who honestly believes he's that likely to win it now? Pre-season testing doesn't mean too much, especially in a season like this with massive rule changes. If the Brawn cars really are that good in a real race situation then I'd much rather have my money on Barichello.

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The thing is who honestly believes he's that likely to win it now? Pre-season testing doesn't mean too much' date=' especially in a season like this with massive rule changes. If the Brawn cars really are that good in a real race situation then I'd much rather have my money on Barichello.[/quote']All the teams/drivers spoken to, do seem very impressed by the Brawn mind you! I reckon it's gonna be up there, not sure if they'll sustain it throughout the season mind, but still.


It wierd, when I looked on ladbrooks or somewhere, Barachello odds were far worse than Jenson, he was around 6th or 7th favourite or something!

Barachello out performed Jenson numerous times last year, so at those odds, he'd be a good bet to put on!

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Oh I agree and I don't pretend to know more than anyone who's actually involved. It's just so hard to know whether the pace is real and actually a true indication of likely race performance.


I've never rated Button (as my few posts here will show) but I would love it if someone like Brawn can make a team like that go places.


Best news so far this season, for me, is the lack of McLaren pace. I really find that team displeasing to the very highest level. Far far too corporate/German* for my liking.


I really think this is shaping up to be one of the best seasons in a long while. The new rules/lack of any great testing could make it fantastic from start to finish.


I'm sure a few people have said they plan to attend certain races, might well be able to sort some mini-meets at some venues.


*The German bit is a OTT joke - nothing against Germans at all here.

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Best news so far this season' date=' for me, is the lack of McLaren pace. I really find that team displeasing to the very highest level. Far far too corporate/German* for my liking.[/quote']Good, someone who feels the same!


If the Brawn is highly competitive, and the McLaren not so, it'll be interesting to see what all the new 'glory bandwagon' F1 fans do!

Will they ditch Hamilton and instantly start supporting Jenson? or will they stick with him through a rocky[/speculation] season?





FOTA 'concerned' about FIA decisions


The Formula One Teams' Association (FOTA) has expressed its 'concern' about the FIA's decision to impose a radical rules shake up on the sport.


The FIA announced on Tuesday that it was rejecting a FOTA proposal to revise the points structure in F1, and instead was to introduce a system whereby the world title would be handed to the driver with the most wins.


Furthermore, the FIA has announced plans for a voluntary budget cap to be introduced - offering teams that sign up to limit their budget to £30 million per season the chance to be as competitive as those with unlimited spending power.


The plans have not gone down well with FOTA, which felt in recent weeks that it had made much headway with plans to reduce budgets by 50% for 2010 through a series of cost-cutting measures.


A statement from FOTA chairman Luca di Montezemolo said: "With regard to the decisions taken today by the FIA World Council, FOTA would like to express its disappointment and concern at the fact that these have been taken in a unilateral manner.


"The framework of the regulations as defined by the FIA, to be applicable as from 2010, runs the risk of turning on its head the very essence of Formula 1 and the principles that make it one of the most popular and appealing sports.


"Given the timeframe and the way in which these modifications were decided upon, we feel it is necessary to study closely the new situation and to do everything, especially in these difficult times, to maintain a stable framework for the regulations without continuous upheaval, that can be perplexing and confusing for car manufacturers, teams, the public and sponsors."

I'm REALLY dissapointed with the FIA, seems FOTA weren't even consulted.


I've really like FOTA's proposals [new points system] and plans for the sport, they seemed to really be getting on top of things and driving F1 in the right direction.


I'm also annoyed because wasn't a statement put out a while ago saying how important public opinion was, and that the public reactions to proposals would be collected through opinion polls, before such changes were decided on. Yet this doesn't seem to have happened!

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Bernie stated in a BBC interview that he blames the guys in the cockpit for any lack of overtaking, rather then the circuits or the cars. In my view, you could have a system in which the front three guys got medals and everyone else had a member of their family lined up outside and shot, but I think you'd be very lucky if that greatly improved overtaking on dull circuits like Valencia or the Hungaroring.

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Button: New points could confuse fans


Jenson Button thinks the new Formula 1 scoring system has the potential to confuse the public, but accepts the reasoning behind it.


From 2009 the driver with the most race victories will be crowned champion, with the traditional points system only used to decide tie-breaks and lesser placings.


Button is concerned that it will be difficult to explain the new method to casual fans - and that it could lead to titles being decided earlier.


"I think the public will struggle to understand why a driver with 60 points can become champion instead of the one who has 100," he told Gazzetta dello Sport.


"I understand the logic behind it and I find it interesting.


"For sure it's an incentive to always go for the win, but it seems risky too - after nine races, we could find ourselves with a driver that has already won the title and can stand still eating ice cream, while the guy in second in the standings is just 18 points behind."


Bernie Ecclestone, whose Formula One Management organisation came up with the new system, said earlier today that he felt Button could benefit from it given Brawn GP's impressive testing pace.


"If Brawn has got it right, then there is a chance that for the first three races we could maybe see Jenson winning," said Ecclestone.


"Now that it is not points that decides the championship, if he has three races in his pocket then it is not bad - although I suppose in the end you have to look at the old timers like [Fernando] Alonso, Kimi [Raikkonen], Felipe [Massa] and Mr [Lewis] Hamilton."

I honestly can't describe how much I despise Bernie!... I just find him such a disgusting little creep, with eyes only for his own pockets! He just doesn't give a fck about what's best for the viewers [i'm not jst talking about this latest decision].


Maybe I'll start a 'Get Bernie Out' petition... I'm sure many an F1 fan would sign it, and FOTA would love to see it!

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Alonso also criticises the decision...




Alonso hits out at FIA over rule changes


Two-time Formula 1 world champion Fernando Alonso has criticised the FIA's decision to change the rules right ahead of the start of the season.




Alonso believes the constant rules changing is not helping the sport, and he was critical of the FIA for not listening to the teams, the drivers, or the fans.


The Renault driver also admitted he was worried about the future of Formula 1, and is hoping some of the rules can still be changed in the near future.


"I don't understand the need to change the rules of the sport constantly. I think this kind of decisions can only confuse the fans," Alonso said in a statement on his personal website.


"Formula 1 has existed for over 50 years thanks to the teams, the sponsors, the drivers and, above all, the fans from all over the world, and none of them have been able to express their views in front of the FIA.


"I worry, not so much about the decisions that affect the season that's about to start, but, above all, those that affect the future of the competition in the coming years.


"I hope somehow these measures can be reconsidered in the short-term."





and it continues...




Schumacher 'astonished' by new rules


"I cannot imagine those changes to help F1, especially regarding the new system to find the champion. I cannot see how it makes sense to eventually have a world champion who has less points than the driver coming in second, even if I also think it is a good move to try to strengthen the winner's position.




Enter Mark Webber!...




Webber fears no reward for consistency


Webber believes consistent drivers like Kubica are likely to lose out with the new system.


"Robert Kubica would have been nowhere near the championship last year, and do you want that? Robert drove awesome last year and he would have been nowhere near the title hunt with these regulations," Webber told the BBC.


"You could have the world champion making more mistakes than the guy who is second.


"Whether consistency makes a better driver, or the driver who wins more races is better than the guy who is more competitive at more races throughout the season, is a matter of opinion."


The Red Bull driver reckons the racing could become more aggressive as a result of the changes, although the Australian feels there has not been a lack of excitement in the past seasons.


"I can see why they're trying to do it like that so there could be some guys who might not sit in so much and to start going for wins, especially when it's down to two or three guys," Webber added.


"The last few years we've had bloody exciting races. It wouldn't have been something I would have thought of or done, but we'll see how it comes out.

Seems the rule change isn't going down overly well!

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I think the worst thing is that the new rules don't reward consistent racing...you could have a stormer the first 5/6 races of the season and then do shite all the rest of the season yet still win the titles if no one matches your 6 wins... In any other competitive sport thats based on a season...it just makes little sense Plus whilst yes the racers in smaller teams have little chance of winning even with the old points system, they have even less chance of competing now... At least before they could semi compete by getting the odd podium...now that means little for them just constructors points...


It just doesn't make sense...how you will have an almost two tiered drivers championship those who have won races and those who havn't.


A simple way to give incentive for people going for the win is to increase the points for the higher positions, yes it may cause a bigger gulf between top and bottom points wise, but it may make the racing more exciting.


Personally think the last 2 seasons have been up there for excitement. Of course the Lewis factor does help as people who havn't watched the sport since Damon Hill days (my Dad lol!) have regained an interest.

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Oh dear, what a mess F1 is becoming:


After publically announcing the points system change, turns out it may not even be legal to make the change so close to the new season:


FOTA says points change is not valid



How does the FIA not even know it's own governing rules! what a joke!


Hamilton saddened by FIA's decisions



Montezemolo slams 'absurd' rule changes



You've gotta agree, and ask what's the point of a global F1 fans survey, if you're nor even gonna listen to the responses. Without the fans you've got no sport!





The BBC website is now reporting that the new system has been scrapped, or at least defered until 2010.






I don't think this system being introduced in 2010 either.

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Good grief, I can see this is going to become an increasingly political year in F1 - the debate about the points has been brief but rather bitter, I'm not even sure I want to know the kind of mud that's going to be slung over the coming season over budget caps and 2-tier technical regs.

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