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That is odd. I guess starting as you mean to go on is a good thing though. Splitting the two chambers up as much as possible is probably a good idea.


So tempted to check wwe.com, but no! Must avoid spoilers. I'll be able to watch it tomorrow night hopefully.

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No Way Out Results (Spoilers Highlight to Read)


Triple H wins Smackdown Elimination Chamber

Shawn Michaels def JBL

Randy Orton def Shane McMahon

ECW Champ Jack Swagger def Finlay

Edge wins RAW Elimination Chamber




One or two results a little predictable but one took me by surprise.

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Results-wise, it looks rather predictable, but it managed to throw you a few times. You didn't really know what was going to happen going into it and you couldn't really predict much of what would happen. I wouldn't have predicted Edge being eliminated first in the Smackdown Chamber match, for instance, but I probably would have said Triple H would win it. Yet when he entered the Raw Chamber match you just knew he was going to win it, just like Jericho at Unforgiven. Although I wish Rey Mysterio had won it at the end just for them to throw a red herring.

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Oh come one, how can they seriously do that



Man, I was enjoying the show right up to the start of teh RAW chamber, the first Chamber was good, Edge eliminated in less than 5 mins, loved it, Taker vs HHH in the end was awesome (would love to see them feud again...maybe for the title at Mania?) And I swear that time HHH got his foot to the rope, I'm sure the ref counted 3 before his foot touched the rope.


Orton vs Shane was awesome, didn't get a massive bump from Shane but still a good bit in there, getting up from the Coast to Coast to Cody, straight into that top rope elbow to announce table, was cool... though since he just did a Coast to Coast on the last RAW, seeing it twice in a row kinda takes away from it.


JBL vs HBK was awesome... and I actually was surprised Shawn won, like I said before I expected them to carry it over to Mania... though I guess they still could... prolly will... but would have been more interesting if Shawn had lost this one.


ECW match, shame, wanted Finley to win... but I'm gonna say it'll be a Triple Threat at Mania, Swagger vs Finley vs Christian, with Christian winning.


Then came the RAW Chamber, all looking good until that bloody Edge came in.

OK, I know I wasn't expecting Kofi to win it, but I was damned looking forward to seeing him compete in there. I was disgusted when I saw Edge come out and take his place.


I was hoping that when he got out of the pod all the RAW guys would gang up on him, at the very least Rey and Cena should have teamed up against Edge and Jericho.. but no Rey had to go for the 619 and send Cena into an Edge spear. Was so hoping for Rey to win then, but you just knew Edge would take it especially with all the near falls Rey was getting. Shame too cuz Rey was putting on a great show in the Chamber, really enjoyed his performance.


Question I guess now is, who will Orton choose to fight at Mania... Edge or HHH? I'm reckon they are gonna do something like, Edge is taking the World Title to Smackdown, leaving RAW with no title, Orton will feud for the WWE title at Mania with HHH and either, Orton will win it taking it to RAW or else HHH jumps to RAW for some reason (Stephine?) and the circle of switch the Titles and brands is complete. I don't see Orton jumping to Smackdown as I doubt Ted and Cody would be able to switch too.


I Can't see Orton fighting Edge at Mania, as that's two heels against each other, plus for reasons of character history Orton vs HHH makes better sense


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I just finished watching No Way Out


Awesome, awesome PPV. At first, I was surprised that the SD! chamber was first ("Why not make it the main event? Cena will win the RAW one").


Edge being eliminated first was awesome. It fit his character, and it was a surprising moment, the champ being eliminated in the first 5 minutes. Kozlov proved he shouldn't be in the chamber, but Jeff, Show, HHH and Taker pretty much proved they should. The match was great. As was the finish (The Undertaker was robbed, though).


Shane/Orton was disappointing. This was probably Shane's worst match, and it's his fault. Orton made all he could to make the match good.


Finlay/Swagger was eneventful. Not bad, but in a show filled with high-profile matches...


JBL/HBK was meh. I wasn't expecting technical prowess, so I wasn't disappointed. And the last 5 minutes were great. HBK beatdown FTW!


And the RAW chamber...Edge appearing was surprising enough, and I instantly realized why it was the main event. Still, I watched Knox and Kane being eliminated (predictable) and then Cena enters, beats down the others...and is promptly eliminated by the combined efforts of the 3 :hehe: I had waited for so long to see someone teach Cena a lesson, and finally it happened :grin:

By now, the chamber was full of win. Edge and Jericho (my favourite heels) were survivors, along with Mysterio (who was putting a hell of a performance. His two glass hits and the Spiderman Hurracanrana were sick. Plus, I had a dream where he won and wanted to see an upset win :heh:). I wasn't disappointed. What a hell of a match. Jericho's multiple codebreakers, his Leap/Walls/Rollup interaction with Mysterio, and then Edge/Mysterio f'in stole the show. I wanted Mysterio to win so bad (he hadn't hit the 619 yet), but Edge eventually took the gold.


And have I mentioned the crowd was hot? What an awesome show!



If you haven't watched it yet, do it. Now.

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Just seen NWO. Awesome PPV! I pretty much agree with what you guys have said. Some great surprises that leave many, many questions! Cant wait to see Raw now, but that will have to wait seeing as its 1am!



Didn't really want HHH to win. Some of the crowd were booing, haha. Jeff gave an amazing performance throughout. Thought it was a bit crap when Show and Vlad were in the ring alone with Jeff, but that was the only poor part of that chamber.


As for the Edge thing, holy crap! Didn't see that coming. Obviously when he did enter the second chamber it was expected he would win, but im sure we all hoped he wouldn't! Great stuff. Rey was amazing, even though he annoys me a bit.


Didn't watch the ECW match, but the other matches were good. Randy and Shane was pretty cool. That RKO at the end was sick! Best hang time hes got on it ever, all thanks to Shane though as he took it properly.


Loved it when Shawns' wife clobbered JBL. I really dont like JBL. It was a good storyline but hes so shit in the ring. Hope thats the end now, but i dont think it will be.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Have to revive this as monday's Raw was so awesome.


Some Wrestlemania matches are taking shape, most notably Orton Vs. HHH. Its going to be awesome! The build up already has been immense with Orton taking out the McMahons, but last week was cool when HHH chased him backstage with the sledgehammer, and this week there was so much tension. Just want them to go at it! But they've called a truce until mania not to fight. Love it. Evolution battle revived :)


The Edge match was a bit lame though. Big Show Vs. Edge at mania? Can't see that happening, Big show is crap, though thats the way the card reads at the moment. Cena has to get back in the picture as he was screwed. Im guessing when Stephanie comes back as GM she will clean up after all Vicky's stupid biased decisions.


Last few Smackdowns have been really bad though. They even shortened last weeks one to less than an hour i think. Pissed off with what they've done to Jeff. Matt is such a bad public speaker, he cant do any dramatic scenes, so the whole brotherly feud is just a bit rubbish. Jeff wont fight Matt and its just stiffled both of their careers. So fuckin lame.


Oh and Taker Vs. HBK at mania. 16-1 baby! Come on HBK!

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Oh and Taker Vs. HBK at mania. 16-1 baby! Come on HBK!


I actually see Taker getting to 20 Manias before losing or retiring for some reason, but HBK would be the right guy to defeat Taker and i wouldn't mind seeing that.

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Shawn/Taker has awesome written all over it. If we consider it's been teased in the past 3 royal rumbles...


Orton/HHH is becoming such a great feud. Can't wait to see what happens until wrestlemania.


Edge/Big Show is the right course of action to take...if we don't consider Cena. No doubt we'll see John Cena in that match, though. It will probably be a Triple Threat.


Looking forward to the Hardys match. Jeff won't keep that attitude for long.


The only think that makes me go WTF is Mark Henry on the Money in the Bank match. I can understand Kane (who can at least keep a fast pace), but Henry?


News just in


Boogeyman has been fired


Wondering who actually cares.


I do.


Being happy about the firing counts as "caring", right?

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Couldn't care less about him to be honest, never really saw him in action. Just looked like a really bad gimmick.


Speaking of which, what happened to Umaga? He had a returning match then disappeared. Speaking of disappearing, where has RVD gone? He returns at the rumble and thats it? He's awesome man, he should get a regular spot. Unless he didn't want to of course and just did a special apeparance.


I've got a feeling Taker might lose though. HBK did end Ric Flair's career last year. This is the kind of thing he does. Either way, it will be an awesome match.

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Couldn't care less about him to be honest, never really saw him in action. Just looked like a really bad gimmick.


Speaking of which, what happened to Umaga? He had a returning match then disappeared. Speaking of disappearing, where has RVD gone? He returns at the rumble and thats it? He's awesome man, he should get a regular spot. Unless he didn't want to of course and just did a special apeparance.


I've got a feeling Taker might lose though. HBK did end Ric Flair's career last year. This is the kind of thing he does. Either way, it will be an awesome match.


Pass on Umaga, i reckon the writers can't find anything for him atm so have put him in dark matches.


As for RVD, he only came back at the Rumble for a special appearance, don't think a perma return is on the cards.

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Pass on Umaga, i reckon the writers can't find anything for him atm so have put him in dark matches.


As for RVD, he only came back at the Rumble for a special appearance, don't think a perma return is on the cards.


Who knows. Maybe he'll come back for good one day.


As for Umaga...why bring him back if they have no plans? Surely they have something. Maybe a feud with Kozlov? Or a spot at MitB?

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Grrr, fuckin' Matt Hardy is such a cock!!!


I was well up for Money In The Bank with both of them in it. Would've been great with them finally fighting in a ladder match. Then Jeff could have won and got the title later this year. But no, they decide to screw Jeff yet again. It's blatantly going to be Matt Vs. Jeff at Mania which is lame. Oh well.


The HHH Vs. Orton thing is still looking awesome. And Umaga was back, he actually had a decent match with HHH until Orton interefered.


Looking like a triple threat for Edge's title. So glad Big Show didn't get to have the contract signed. Triple threat will be loads better.


Havn't seen this week's Raw yet, but glad to see Smack! doing better.

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Grrr, fuckin' Matt Hardy is such a cock!!!


I was well up for Money In The Bank with both of them in it. Would've been great with them finally fighting in a ladder match. Then Jeff could have won and got the title later this year. But no, they decide to screw Jeff yet again. It's blatantly going to be Matt Vs. Jeff at Mania which is lame. Oh well.


The HHH Vs. Orton thing is still looking awesome. And Umaga was back, he actually had a decent match with HHH until Orton interefered.


Looking like a triple threat for Edge's title. So glad Big Show didn't get to have the contract signed. Triple threat will be loads better.


Havn't seen this week's Raw yet, but glad to see Smack! doing better.


The Matt - Jeff story is following a similar path as the Taker - Kane story back near Mania 14 where Taker would never fight Kane no matter what Kane did to try and get a fight.


Orton - Triple H, well that has 5* written all over it to be fair. Getting better and better.


As for the World Title Triple Threat, not sure on that one.


For both title matches, i reckon Cena or Orton should win to take a title back to RAW and leave SD with the other, or continue with both titles on SD until the draft.

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