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The Wrasslin' thread


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If you get chance to see it, me and my family are in the background for pretty much the entire thing! Me and my kids were the only ones chanting for lashley :p We are also the only ones chanting cowboy sucks and singing England when spud was on. We were so loud and into it that they gave us vip tickets for the photo afterwards with Pope and Moose which they then tweeted out!


That sounds like a great evening! I'm only just getting round to catching up on Impact Wrestling and I've just watched your episode. Awesome that you got to see Aron Rex's debut promo (a great talent in WWE and he deserves success somewhere). Thank goodness you guys were there as Impact crowds aren't always as vocal as they should be!

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That sounds like a great evening! I'm only just getting round to catching up on Impact Wrestling and I've just watched your episode. Awesome that you got to see Aron Rex's debut promo (a great talent in WWE and he deserves success somewhere). Thank goodness you guys were there as Impact crowds aren't always as vocal as they should be!


I ended up getting a ticket to meet moose for a picture which TNA tweeted out afterwards! I'm the guy in the red t-shirt with tattooed arms eating a corn dog after the women's match 😂😂

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  • 2 months later...

Okada vs Kenny Omega wrestle kingdom 11


What an incredible fight!! Totally off the charts.


Damn Japanese girls were crying in the crowd once the match had finished.


Meltzer gave it Six stars. Said it possibly the greatest match ever. I need to watch misawa vs kawada from 94 again as that has always been the best ever for me.


MOTY 2017 done and dusted!!

Edited by khilafah
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so it's my favourite PPV of the Year tonight : the WWE Royal Rumble. It's disappointed me the past couple of years, but this one does have the potential to be good. AJ Styles vs Cena should be great, as should the Raw Tag Team match. The rumble itself I'm struggling to predict, which is good considering the past couple of years have been easily predictable. I'd love to see Chris Jericho win it with Undertaker coming 2nd.


Orton has gone up in odds which has surprised me, I just hope they go with something as predictable as Strowman happens!

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So, the Rumble


Styles vs Cena stole the show in my opinion. Ok, Styles didn't win as i would have liked it to happen. But it was an absolute show stealer, lots of back and forths.


Didn't watch the Cruiserweight match, my internet crashed just as it came on. But did hear there is a new champion


Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns, good match. Kind of guessed someone was going through the leaning table, thought it would have been Owens with his canonball move. Still, goes to show that Owens can't beat Reigns without help at all.


Charlotte vs Bailey. Decent match, but i think it was more filler than anything. Knew that Charlotte would win.


As for the Royal Rumble itself. Little bit disappointed with it. Yes, it was unpredictable. But having Roman Reigns enter at 30, should have heard the fans boo. It was deafening. Was hoping it would be someone new winning it this year, kind of hoped it would have been Bray Wyatt winning. No real surprise entrants, a lot of people were expecting Samoa Joe to enter as his main roster debut. WWE are still going with the Goldberg vs Lesnar angle, having Goldberg eliminate Lesnar with authority. But with Orton winning, i can go with that.



Have heard WWE are going for Orton vs Wyatt at Mania for the WWE Title, Goldberg vs Lesnar for the Universal Title and Undertaker vs Reigns as the 3 big matches.


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  • 2 months later...



The Hall of Fame induction ceremony was as great as ever, but i feel they cut Teddy Long and Kurt Angle down as the previous inductees dragged on a bit. But a nice moment to hear Kurt's great entrance music once more.


Just watched Wrestlemania 33. What can i say, thoughts are below


2 big things came from Wrestlemania. First, the Hardys made a surprise return and won the WWE RAW Tag Team Titles. Delete chants were everywhere, and it was a good moment to see. It nearly didn't happen as Jeff was pretty hurt from Ring of Honor a few nights ago, but i'm so glad it happened. The crowd exploded when the music hit.


Goldberg vs Lesnar lasted longer than i thought, at least 5 minutes. And Goldberg sold the German suplex at the start so badly. But was predictable, same as Orton vs Wyatt whom would win. Some moments in that match were Wyatt's turning the ring mat to show maggots and worms, and Orton's RKO out of nowhere to win.


The Women's matches were good for a change, but the Smackdown one was predictable with Naomi winning the title back.


The pre-show had the IC title (why), the Cruiser-weight title and the Battle Royale. If this was Big Show's last Wrestlemania, why a pre-show and not the main card?.


Shane vs AJ was a highlight match to say the least, lots of action throughout.


And in a sad moment, i firmly believe The Undertaker finally retired after his match with Roman Reigns.




He even kissed Michelle McCool at ringside, which is out of character for Undertaker. He was certainly burned out,

so now it's an end of an era and off to ride into the sunset. All i can is Thank-you Taker.


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  • 5 months later...

Heard the news a few hours ago that Bobby Heenan had passed away. He was hugely entertaining and probably the main reason I was a wrestling fan as a kid, as he made every match entertaining to sit through with his commentary. For example the entire Royal Rumble match in 1992, or when HBK kicked Marty Jannetty through the barbershop window:

" Jenetty tried to dive though the window to escape!"


Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon where fantastic on commentary just for pure entertainment value. RIP

Edited by Helmsly
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You guys may have some ideas on this. I'm probably going to re-sub to the WWE Network soon now that I actually have internet fast enough to know be driven nuts by the buffering and I was thinking about trying to work my way through some WCW as I never watched that back in the day. Where would you recommend I start? I do find older wrestling hard to watch so I'm thinking mid 90s or later but I'm willing to go earlier if people think I should.

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  • 1 month later...

Despite saying in my last post that I was going to sign back up to the WWE Network it took until today for me to do it. I was interested enough in watching Kurt Angle's first WWE match in years that I decided it was worth it. After that I plan on going with my original WCW plan that I spoke about. Figured I would just start at the first Nitro and work my way through.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I signed back up last month and have been making my way through everything WWF did in 1992. I will always enjoy watching the Royal Rumble from that year as it was one of the best PPV's of that era. It was also fun to watch through SumerSlam 92, which was held in Wembley Stadium, as I'd actually never seen before. I'd forgotten what a big deal that was at the time and how cool it was when various WWF Superstars came over here to promote it. It just a shame there isn't any of the smaller shows like Superstars of Wrestling, Wrestling Challenge and Prime Time wrestling that helped further the storylines along between PPV's. For that year the only non-PPV shows they have are two Saturday Night Main events from the start and end of the year. So you miss any build up for new characters that showed up between Summerslam and Survivor series, which is when guys like Razor Ramon, Yokuzuna and Nailz showed up.


I also didn't know the Ultimate Warrior had left the WWF before the PPV aired, and as a result he was replaced by Mr Perfect


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
14 hours ago, Happenstance said:

Might have to make my annual resubscription to the WWE Network this weekend ready for the Royal Rumble tomorrow night.

i was thinking about doing the same but I normally regret it afterwards. I guess at least now, even if I end up disappointed with the Royal Rumble I have a month to watch through all of their old content on their network though. Last year I ended up watching through everything WWF did in 1991

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I love the Royal Rumble event and yet again I’m excited about what could happen tomorrow night....! I still haven’t learned though, as I’ve been excited the past few years and each time come away with a feeling of bitter disappointment afterwards.

The Women’s Rumble has been a long time coming and I’m glad they’re running it with the same rules as the men. I always like a surprise and feel there will be many more surprises in the Women’s one (not least because they have, what 20, active females on the main roster and there are 30 spots in the match!)

I hope the Men’s match isn’t as predictable as having Reigns or Cena win it. Nakamora seems a possibility but I’d prefer a huge surprise, such as Ziggler, Bryan or Jericho. Incredibly unlikely I know, but a man can dream!

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