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Ryback no longer featuring in the 6 man tag team against the shield at Mania.... instead he's facing Mark Henry...





Where did that come from?



I'd not been paying full attention to things on Raw and Smackdown but I always assumed Ryback and The Shields stories were heavily intertwined...especially as when The Shield first appeared it was costing Ryback the title (correct me if wrong...)


Where/when did Mark Henry come into the equation?


Has Henry gone Heel again then too?


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Where did that come from?



I'd not been paying full attention to things on Raw and Smackdown but I always assumed Ryback and The Shields stories were heavily intertwined...especially as when The Shield first appeared it was costing Ryback the title (correct me if wrong...)


Where/when did Mark Henry come into the equation?


Has Henry gone Heel again then too?


Henry hasn't been a babyface in a while. He came back and started squashing people. He and Ryback bumped into each other a couple of times and stared each other down, I think that was basically it. Then after a Ryback match Mark Henry came out and they had a bit of a competition to see who could beat up Drew mcIntyre the most.


Henry and Ryback wer supposed to have a match last week, but the Sheild interfered and Henry distracted Ryback to cause ryback to get beat up. Up till then Ryback was scheduled to be in the tag team to face the Shield at mania.


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So looks like The Miz is being pushed towards the IC title now, and leaving the US battle behind. He did fight Cesaro on Smackdown, but he's now got 'beef' with Wade.


I hope he does get hold of the IC belt, kinda pissed he didn't get the US one back.




Dolph & Big E vs Bryan and Kane at WM should be pretty interesting.

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They should just chuck the US title in the bin, it's next to useless now. Mainly being defended on Smackdown and on Pre-shows, it's a joke these days.


Edit: It's confirmed Bruno Sammartino is to be inducted by Arnie, as confirmed by Arnie himself.

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Why did Wade Barrett interrupt HHH, what's the angle for that?


Glad that the Miz beat Barrett after, I do want to see him with a belt of some kind.


EDIT - Got that wrong after reading the results, Wade was on his way down to the ring for his fight as HHH was leaving, but HHH kicked out at Wade for no apparent reason, other than to look badass.





Why has Del Rio been fighting the 'other champions' recently, what 2 weeks ago it was Wade, last night it was Cessaro. What's the point in this, surely Cessaro could of been scheduled to fight a US Contender.




I can see team Hell No losing to Big E & Ziggler at mania, but I don't know when Ziggler will cash his money in the bank in. Could he do it at Mania after the Del Rio v Swagger match, would they let something like that happen.




Now we're getting closer to Mania and what matches are on the card, I'm getting a clearer picture on a few of the matches, and would be confident in guessing who will win alot of them.


There is one though which I genuinely don't know which way it'll go. Del Rio vs Swagger. I would like to say Rio keeps the belt, but there's been a rather large push for Swagger since Elimination Chamber, and if he got away with drink driving and possession without repercussion from the WWE is that a hint that they want Swagger as champion.


I guess they need a heel WHC champion if Cena is going to win the WWE Championship.








Even if Dolph cashes in and wins the title soon, it won't matter, because he's literally lost to anyone and everyone even close to either title scene. Repeatedly. Besides his little run of wins around Survivor Series, since winning MITB, he's lost to Cena, Kane, Ryback, ADR, Sheamus, Orton, D-Bryne, Punk, Jericho, Big Shoe, Brodus, Mark Henry, Miz. He obviously can't hang with any of those guys and the only guy he can beat regularly is Kofi. Why should anyone give the slightest of fucks when he eventually wins the title if he can't beat anyone even in non-title matches with interference from AJ, Big E, and cheating?


There is no way him cashing in is going to be believable after he's been booked to be a total joke in the ring for the past 9 months. He's been booked so terribly. I think they think that, much like having the IC or US Championships, that's enough to make him over and believable, so losing doesn't matter. Except, it does. Especially when you're trying to build someone up as a future world champion. And current title holders repeatedly losing on TV over and over and not even defending their titles makes both the title and the title holder look shitty. How is no one in Titan Towers seeing these shows and making such obvious and terrible booking decisions?


Tonight, why was there any reason for HHH to punk Wade out? Since when do guys come out for their matches while someone is still leaving the ring after a promo? It didn't make HHH look like a bad ass, it didn't make Wade a rub for facing off with HHH, it just made Wade look like a punk loser. Then he loses to Miz. What the fuck?


Or why does Antonio Cesaro, the longest reigning champion in the company right now, not only not have any program going into WM, but also is used as a straight up JTTS for the entire month before WM? He dominates Miz for 2 months, and then loses easily to him, jobs at least 3 times to Ryback, gets booked in "title vs title" matches where he looks like a chump both times, gets beat up after a match, gets jobber entrances, has had no mic time, and gets made fun of on commentary? He had what seemed like a natural WM feud with Miz going strong, then it just ended and Wade was put in his place because he and Miz both have movies.


Before tonight, when was the last time Hell No not even defended the titles, but even have a tag match together? It seems like it's been months. Why instead of doing the obvious story of them breaking up and having a WM that was started at the Rumble, are they shoved into a random tag match 3 weeks before the big show with Ziggler and Big E? Why does anyone think Big E and Ziggler can win the tag titles when Big E. can't even help Ziggler win a singles match?


The entire past 3 months have been next level bonkers, as some terrorist looking dude is wont to say. Everyone is all hopeful for HHH taking over, but these shows have not only been ultra boring and grueling to watch, they've also been horribly booked on all levels of the cards. Can he not say, "hey Pops, I don't think having Ziggler lose every match is good for him. And I don't think having Wade and Cesaro lose every match is good for the titles. Why don't we just have them drop the belts instead of losing every week in non-title stuff?"


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I've said it before, i'll say it again. This years Mania (minus Punk vs Taker) looks shoddy. We've got 2 very predictable outcomes on the Triple H vs Brock Lesnar and Rock vs Cena matchups, we've got manythrown together matches (in Jericho vs Johnny Curtis, Hell No vs Ziggler/Langston, Clay/Tensai/Funkadactyls vs Rhode Scholers/Bellas (who split and reform more often than Bret gives a 4/10), Ryback vs Mark Henry and Shield vs Orton, Sheamus + Show. And we've got a WHC match between Del Rio vs Swagger. And thats about it really. Hardly any build for the thrown together matches.

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Damn... where's the prestige gone of being a belt holder. To be a pre-event match is ridiculous.


Although I can't believe at Elimination that Del Rio Defended his WHC as the opening match of the PPV. It's the 2nd biggest belt in the sport.



I do find it amusing after only re-picking the sport up for only 3 months I'm already getting frustrated with the treatment of the belts / wrestlers.

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Damn... where's the prestige gone of being a belt holder. To be a pre-event match is ridiculous.


Although I can't believe at Elimination that Del Rio Defended his WHC as the opening match of the PPV. It's the 2nd biggest belt in the sport.



I do find it amusing after only re-picking the sport up for only 3 months I'm already getting frustrated with the treatment of the belts / wrestlers.


You'll get used to it. And the WHC seems to open Mania as well, it has for the past 2 anyway (Del Rio vs Edge and Sheamus vs Goat Face). Don't bet against it being the opener for this years one either, which annoys me.


And WWE treat the WHC like a step-up to the WWE title, or a step down depending.

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Wrestlemania predictions anyone?



Wade Barrett Vs The Miz - For the Intercontinental Championship - Pre Show on Youtube / WWE.com


Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars




Team Hell No Vs Ziggler & Big E - For the Tag team championship


Ryback Vs Mark Henry


Sheamus, Orton, Big Show vs The Shield


Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger - For the World Heavyweight Championship


Triple H vs Brock Lesnar - HHH Career on the line


The Phenom, The Undertaker vs "The Best in the World" CM Punk - Undertaker undefeated Mania Streak on the line.



The Rock Vs John Cena For the WWE Championship


My Picks in RED


I've got a feeling this Mania will see alot of heel victories. Well, in the main matches anyway. Ziggy&Big-E, Swagger & CM Punk. I think they'll all walk away as new champions or with bragging rights in the case of Punk.


I still cannot believe that we can have 3 tag matches at this ppv, but no US, Intercontinental or Diva's belt in the card (I know IC is technically there, but it's a pre-show match)


Fandango getting paid to debut at Mania is a disaster. I like Jericho, but this could easily of been Cesaro vs (US Belt Contender here).


I also like Rhodes Scholars, but it's a wasted spot against team Junk, Which again I think could of been filled with a belt defense.

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Here's my picks:


Wade Barrett Vs The Miz - For the Intercontinental Championship


Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars




Team Hell No Vs Ziggler & Big E - For the Tag team championship


Ryback Vs Mark Henry


Sheamus, Orton, Big Show vs The Shield


Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger - For the World Heavyweight Championship


Triple H vs Brock Lesnar - HHH Career on the line

The Phenom, The Undertaker vs "The Best in the World" CM Punk - Undertaker undefeated Mania Streak on the line.


The Rock Vs John Cena For the WWE Championship

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I know I haven't seen Raw properly in a few months but I did watch the Rumble and don't recognise these names?


Where'd they come from and how'd they get into Mania matches so fast?



When is Mania BTW.... I must remember to order it






OK just looked them up... So "Tons of Funk" is Brodus Clay and Tensai? When did Tensai turn face?


Looked up this Fandango dude.... why is Y2J fighting this newbie at Mania? Could they not have come up with something more decent for Y2J? Or does this new guy put on a good match?





Oh and it sad that the IC title match is being done as a pre-show :(


I was also hoping that Seamus would be pushed for it to fight Wade as was hoping to see some sort of Ireland vs England angle on the story :D... maybe another time and for a higher title :heh:

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I know I haven't seen Raw properly in a few months but I did watch the Rumble and don't recognise these names?


Where'd they come from and how'd they get into Mania matches so fast?



When is Mania BTW.... I must remember to order it


Tons of Funk is a team consisting of Brodus Clay & Tensai.


And Faaaahn Daaaahn Gooooh Is actually Fandango, he's been set to debut at multiple Raw & Smackdown shows, but because ring announcers and other WWE Wrestlers couldn't pronounce his name correctly he refused to Wrestle.


Jericho took the piss out of his name with some excellent names, Which has resulted in Fandango appearing at the end of Y2J's matches and beating him up causing this rivalry.



As I mentioned, it's a bit of a joke that Fandango gets a slot here but Cessaro and the US title doesn't. Same for Tons of Fun rather than the Diva's title match.

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As I mentioned, it's a bit of a joke that Fandango gets a slot here but Cessaro and the US title doesn't.


I do like watching Cesaro, but what's even worse than that is the fact the title isn't on the line. Even more worse than that is the IC Title being defended in a pre-show. That title is the 3rd most important/prestigious at the moment and yet it's being used for a pre-show match. Like Jimbob also mentioned the WHC will probably start the event off, which I still disagree too. I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to actual behind the scenes stuff or PPV billings but I don't like what they're doing with some of these matches and titles.

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I do like watching Cesaro, but what's even worse than that is the fact the title isn't on the line. Even more worse than that is the IC Title being defended in a pre-show. That title is the 3rd most important/prestigious at the moment and yet it's being used for a pre-show match. Like Jimbob also mentioned the WHC will probably start the event off, which I still disagree too. I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to actual behind the scenes stuff or PPV billings but I don't like what they're doing with some of these matches and titles.


Yup it's like @Jimbob and I were saying that the prestige of these belts just doesn't seem to be there anymore.


US or IC Title holders, regardless that they aren't as big as WHC or WWE should still be viewed as Champions.

And Wrestlemania is the biggest ppv of the WWE Calendar, so surely every belt & champion should be on display here.


I was recapping Wrestlemania 20 where there were 7 titles defended on the card.


Now they've got 3 titles (US,IC, Womens) that they aren't even featuring in the main PPV.


But still I could complain alot more about the matches, like I don't see any point having Ziggler & Big E vs Hell No.. Personally think Rhodes Scholars would be more deserving of a tag champs shot.


would also free up Ziggler to maybe amount to something in singles competition, heck could push him towards WHC belt.


Would like to see Daniel Bryan go to single's and see him pushed into a better position too.

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Jimbob’s Wrestlemana Predictions (or as i call it, a 4 hour RAW)


Firstly, the card for this years “Show of the Immortals” is crap. It’s weak, and is only being propped up by 1 or two matches which I believe are the highlight of Mania and the other matches have been added just for beefing the card. I’m confused as to why Cesaro is not on the card at all, the US title has lost all meaning and may as well be retired as far as I care. And Sky want £3 more for this event


Anyway, the card and predictions.


Wade Barrett Vs The Miz - Intercontinental Championship Pre-show Match


Firstly, why is this even a pre-show match? Whose wise idea was this to make the IC Title a pre-show match? It’s got prestige and honour; many greats have worn the strap including Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Ultimate Warrior, Razor Ramon and HBK. Anyway, enough of my complaining (as there is plenty of it). Looking at both competitors, Barrett is hot and so is Miz. Both have had recent movie appearances, so this could go either way. Miz hasn’t held a title in a while so it would make sense for him to win, but I can’t see it


Winner: Wade Barrett


Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars


Pointless match, pitting 2 good, talented superstars against Brodus Clay and Tensai (please drop this gimmick and go back to Albert). Rhodes Scholars, thought they split for good. But I see it’s not the case. It’s a pointless match, should have been the IC title match. And WWE needs to call it’s momma.


Winner: Rhodes Scholars


Chris Jericho Vs Fandango


Fandango, why debut at Mania? He’s had NO TV TIME at all, this is just a filler and something for Jericho to do (hence why he was a bit miffed when he was told to begin with). Fandango was going to debut several times, but no-one got his name right. Jericho takes the mick, he attacks and gets him in a match. Looking at the build, it’s not been good. It’s a waste of a match, again could have been something else.


Winner: Chris Jericho


Team Hell No Vs Ziggler & Big E - WWE Tag Team Championship


Rhodes Scholers or Prime-Time players should have been the challengers for the Tag Titles, I see no reason for Ziggler and Big-E to even challenge. And like Fandango, Big-E has had NO TV match on RAW as far as I see, so I can’t judge that. Ziggler is the MITB holder and hasn’t cashed in?. Why????. Ziggler should have cashed and joined the WHC match, made it more interesting. And this should have been a Triple Threat (but it’s not). Hell No, even though dysfunctional have more hope of winning. AJ will get involved, and probably ejected/cost a team the match.


Winners: Team Hell No


Ryback Vs Mark Henry


Feed Me More: It’s had little build, it’s another filler for the card. I feel sorry for Ryback, he was challenging the WWE title back a few months ago. Henry is injury-prone. I want to know how Ryback plans to Shellshock Henry, and because of this and this alone I pick


Winner: Mark Henry


Sheamus, Orton, Big Show vs The Shield


What I want is Orton to turn heel and revealed as the leader of the Shield. What we’ll get is not this. Shield are a group of future champions, and are very talented. I’ve been impressed with them over the past few months and I see bright futures for them all. A good build up (for a change) to the match, and one I look forward to watching.


Winners: The Shield


Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger – World Heavyweight Championship


Again, another good build to the match. Swagger got lucky with his DUI, a suspension should have been in place and this match not happening. But it’s another type of “Eddie vs JBL” matches from Judgement Day 2004. Swagger going on about his “America” and Del Rio being the Mexican from across the border as champ. It’s had some good build, and Colter has certainly added depth to the rivalry. It’s going to be close that’s for sure. And I hope it’s not the opener, because I want something to happen if it isn’t.


Winner: Del Rio (**Ziggler cashes in and beats Del Rio afterwards**)


**If it happens, thank you. Del Rio is beaten bad, Ziggler finally cashes in with no-one stopping him.


Triple H w/t HBK vs Brock Lesnar – Career match


Build is good, but it’s obvious who’s going to win. It’s a typical “revenge match”, Lesnar broke both HBK and Triple H’s arms. Both want revenge, hence why HBK is in the corner of Triple H. It’s had a good build; don’t get me wrong at all. But it’s close to clear who’s going to win, and we won’t get a 3rd chance at this.


Winner: Triple H


The Undertaker vs CM Punk – Streak Match


THE match that I want to see, it’s had fantastic build. And it’s had a good story based around the late Paul Bearer. Ok, it was pushing a little far yesterday. And that was coming from the family, who approved the story. It’s going to be close, I could have given a clear winner a few weeks ago. But I can’t really, not now. Too close to call, and it will be a fantastic match to watch that is for sure. But Taker has said he only wants one person to end it.


Winner: CM Punk


The Rock Vs John Cena – WWE Championship Match


I’m not going to complain, much. This match has the words “Obvious Winner” printed on it. It was clear who was going to win at the Rumble when Rock beat Punk for the title and “Super Cena” won the Rumble itself. Even when Punk vs Cena happened a few weeks ago on RAW, it was close but Cena won after taking all that attacking and he hit one “AA” out of nowhere and won. Last year was the match that will be most remembered, it was unpredictable, it was epic and it had magic to it. This year, it’s lacking. WWE themselves are prepping for the whole arena to boo Cena in and out of the arena, because we as the fans are sick of him being spoonfed everything. Kurt Angle said it himself a few years back, Cena has entertaining talent not Wrestling skills.


I really want Rock to win as he’s sticking around to Extreme Rules, and it would shock the arena for a change. We all predict Cena to win, and Rock wins instead. No-one would see it coming that is for sure, and it would be a Mania moment for sure.


But I don’t see that happening myself, which is a shame.


Winner: John Cena (and gets booed out of the arena/chairs/litter thrown at him/in the ring as the old days occurred)

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Fandango is Johnny Curtis, winner of NXT season whatever. I'm actually glad they're finally using him, since he was doing backstage videos for god knows how long...I think the Fandango character is surprisingly good, reminds me a bit of Disco Inferno.


I think WM is going to be quite boring this year. So many matches that have almost certain outcomes:


Triple HHH vs. Lesnar: now that they added the retirement clause to the match, there's pretty much no way Triple HHH is going to lose. No idea why they added that, it only hurts the credibility of the match...


Del Rio vs. Swagger: boring. First of all, the whole "America is in danger" rhetoric seems quite outdated, and second the fact that Dutch Mantel is doing most of the speaking makes Swagger look like his bodyguard, not a world heavyweight contender.


Ryback vs. Henry: might actually be an interesting match.


Rock vs. John Cena: my god am I sick of John Cena. I just had to skip his promo on raw, because I've heard the same crap a millions times already. I mean the guy has been a nonstop face since late 2003, i.e. 9 years now! Getting incredibly stale...and the worst thing is, he's going to beat the Rock at WM. Sure, someone threw out the possibility of Cena losing and turning heel, but I don't think WWE have the balls to do that, especially when Cena's still selling a ton of merchandise.


Punk vs. Taker: well, it's going to be an interesting match, yes, but after Monday's humiliation, I just don't see Punk winning. Plus the streak, what would Punk gain from cutting it? Much more valuable to keep it intact...

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I'm going to watch this event on Monday night. I simply can't see the reason of ordering this event. The card is one of the worst. I'm hoping for "suprises" but WWE hasn't delivered this in a while for me.


I know many fans are sick of hearing this but the PG-13 rating is really hurting it in a lot of areas. I'm hoping the brock lesnar and HHH match will surprise me but Summerslam last year was so bad.


I'm really excited for Undertaker and CMPunk


It's really not the same without Shawn Michaels wrestling is it ? :(

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Well the dirt sheets say that a couple of heel turns have been planned, which should liven it up a bit. Earlier, there was talk of Kofi Kingston turning heel, which I really hope happens at some point as his face character is really bland and not going anywhere. Also about John Cena, he stated in an interview that he doesn't really even want to be a bad guy, since it would mess up his charity work...so great, we're stuck with the Fruity Pebbles Hero forever then.


Anyway, I'll probably buy WM half price at the next day.

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All about the waiting game now. Match of the day 2 to keep me entertained for a while.



For some reason I thought the pre-show started at 11pm.


Any news on Cessaro getting a last minute match in the pre-show? how can they drag Miz vs Barrett for 45 Minutes?

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