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The Wrasslin' thread


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Regarding HHH/Taker. The nearfall after Taker took a Sweet Chin Music quickly followed by a Pedigree was amazing, though it was COMPLETELY ruined by Michael Cole yelling "The streak is over, the streak is over" during the count.


I hate when announcers do that as you know it's not really going to be the end of the match.


I just hate Michael Cole in general. He was good before the Anonymous GM, then he started to suck.


Re-watching Mania, god the WHC match. What were they thinking

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My 2cents


My god did they frak up the WHC match or what... I thought that 8 man tag they had one year that last two mins was bad but this was stupid.


FOr starters WHY THE FRAK was it the FIRST MATCH :mad: It wasn;t just a WHC match it was the bloody Royal Rumble Winners match. That "title" is meant to be for a main event title match. It's like not only are they now devaluing titles that aren't the main two belts but they are now devaluing the Royal Rumble winner title :mad:


And then they bloody have it only last 18 frakking seconds. WTF.


On the plus I am happy Seamus is champ but jesus christ why bother with the Rumble and the build up and rivarly if all your gonna give it is 18 frakking seconds. :mad:


The Orton/Kane match should have been the first match, remove some time from that and make that womens thing like less than a minute and then there's loads of time for the WHC match, it's not bloody rocket science, GAH.


Anyway other than that travesty I enjoyed the event overall.


The Taker/HHH match was the best for me and damn I don't know how they manage to have Taker win every year and everyone knows he's gonna win yet still manage to make you think during the match that the other guy might be about to do it. As was mentioned before the near fall from the Sweet Chin Music to Pedigree I was actually thinking, shit that is it :heh:


Seeing him and HBK carry HHH out then was cool, I hope Taker sticks around for a bit before he disappears again. He should have another title run too... I mean damn if Hogan and Flair can keep going why not Taker and HH :heh:


And of course Cena vs Rock.... damn I was jumping round when Rock won, haha. That was awesome and Rock certainly showed no signs of ring rust.... any chance he might stick around for a few more matches/appearances?

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As far as i've heard, Rock is signed for a few more PPV's after Mania. Which are most likely Summerslam, Survivor Series and Wrestlemania 29, bigger PPV's as such. It does make sense to have a rematch at either of these events between Rock and Cena. Heck, if they had a Rock-Hogan II why not a Rock-Cena II.


As for Taker and Triple H. I don't expect to see Taker anytime soon, not until at least Summerslam. Thats IF he decides to return then, who knows. All i can guess is that Taker isn't done yet, he may have a few more matches left. Triple H, well we all know what he's upto. He'll certainly wrestle again this year. HBK, don't see WWE using him again anytime soon.


These guys are old, and unlike TNA, WWE know how to use the older guys really. Not every week like Hogan and Sting (not discrediting either guy), but at shows like Mania and possibly once or twice else in the year.


Same as Happenstance, it is humorous reading everyones comments about Rock. All saying he's off to make more crappy movies, seriously some of the comments are funny.

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Watched it not too long ago. I know Barret was injured, but what the hell happened with Rey Mysterio? Is he out too?


Sheamus vs. Bryan was lol. Reminds me of Benoit/Orlando from a few years back. Except then was for the US title, this is for the WHC.


Kane/Orton was the one that should've ended like that. Man, so boring. At least Kane won.


Show/Rhodes was entertaining. Hooray for Show, I hope he stays a dominant champion. I like him like that, and the IC title could use the prestige.


Taker/HHH was...tame for a Hell in the Cell, expected more out of that. The storyline involvement of Shawn was good stuff, though. I do hope "The End of an Era" is the correct title for this match.


Laurinaitis/Long was blergh. Worst match on the show (No, Diva matches don't count)


Punk/Jericho underwhelmed a little. They played the "personal" angle a bit too much. Should've stuck with the "Best in the World" side of things, would've been far better.


Cena/Rock was very entertaining. And FUCK YEAH, ROCK BOTTOM! :yay:

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wow, last nights raw was probably the best RAW in ages, i almost can't believe what I was seeing at the end lol


Tell me about it, I've only seen a few MNR's in the past few years, but the crowd last night...WOW! screaming, booing, chanting, cheering and of course YES! YES! YES! (and sí sí sí with Del Rio) haven't seen a crowd like that in a very long time.


Lesnar's back!? I didn't expect it. The crowd went nuts!


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Awesome isn't the word i can say. A great week in WWE. The crowd made it even better. All them yes's, si's and cheers and boos. That crowd were electric, like they never left the Sun Life Arena.


I wonder if that kid and his Dad who were crying when Cena lost ended up doing the same again with Lesnars F5 upon him. Here comes the Pain once more, welcome back Lesnar. Make the most of him, he's here for the next year at the very least.


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  • 9 months later...

Anyone stay up and watch the Royal Rumble on Sunday?


I made the effort for it, mainly due to the Rock being back. Nice surprise to see Y2J in the rumble.


So as I've not watched WWE in some time, Is John Cena still the big ticket seller? I'm assuming that the Headlining event at Wrestlemania will be Cena vs Rock. But isn't that a repeat of last year?


As I've not seen WWE in ages... what's the state of play with the superstars now, Who are the show sellers? From watching the Rumble I'd take a guess at Sheamus, Ryback, Orton.


Is Ziggler considered a headliner? And The Miz? And who's the little guy that is Kanes tag team partner?, If i heard correctly He was WWE Champion at last wrestlemania?


And... Alberto Rio?? as Heavy Weight champion?? What?? Who is he? Is he considered big draw too?



I've lost touch so badly with it all

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I had Sky+'d it and watched it last night.


RUmble was decent but not great. Kofi tried way too hard to try replicate his handstand moment from last year.


I think was was meant to try jump from the table to the ring but changed his mind so did that silly chair jumping. I thought he was gonna ask JBL for a piggy back over, that would have been better :heh:


Seeing The Godfather back was good though, shame he didn't last long :(


Enjoyed the Punk vs Rock fight, that was mainly the only reason I ordered it. Not watched WWE properly since I cancelled my Sky Sports to save some money last summer.


When Cena won the rumble, it was like garuanteeing The Rock would win the title so they could have a rematch from last years Mania with the Title on the line this time.


Though the little "lights out" bit they pulled where Punk "won" the match had me confused for a bit. I had a feeling Vince would come out and restart the match but they let Punk celebrate for a good while it almost seemed like they were gonna let it end like that. Thank gods they didn't. Would have been pissed to see The Rock lose out like that.


I figure Rock will likely keep the title till Mania now, hopefully will mean he's more regular on Raw too till then instead of teh odd weekly promo section. Kinda wish I still ahd Sky Sports now, haha. I normally don't watch Superstars on the weekends cause I don't like the "abridged" recapps they do but guess will have to start watching for The Rock now :D


Though I am a bit disappointed they seem to be going for a repeat of last years Mania main event of Rock vs Cena. Mainly cause it is so painfully obvious given that Rock won last year this year you can tell already what they are doing.


Rock gets one last (albiet short) run as WWE Champ and to headline Mania as Champ. But Cena will get "revenge" for last years Mania defeat AND take the title in the process in a huge 2 year long "passing of the torch from Rock to Cena" :mad:


I had hoped Seamus would win the Rumble again. I know he only won it last year, but I would have prefered to see Seamus vs The Rock at Mania for the title...hell I wouldn't have minded Ryback vs Rock so long as it wasn;t a repeat of last years show :heh:

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Anyone stay up and watch the Royal Rumble on Sunday?


I made the effort for it, mainly due to the Rock being back. Nice surprise to see Y2J in the rumble.


So as I've not watched WWE in some time, Is John Cena still the big ticket seller? I'm assuming that the Headlining event at Wrestlemania will be Cena vs Rock. But isn't that a repeat of last year?


As I've not seen WWE in ages... what's the state of play with the superstars now, Who are the show sellers? From watching the Rumble I'd take a guess at Sheamus, Ryback, Orton.


Is Ziggler considered a headliner? And The Miz? And who's the little guy that is Kanes tag team partner?, If i heard correctly He was WWE Champion at last wrestlemania?


And... Alberto Rio?? as Heavy Weight champion?? What?? Who is he? Is he considered big draw too?



I've lost touch so badly with it all


Man, you really have no idea, do you? : D


-John Cena: he's been out of the title picture for a moment, thus why I'm quite disappointed to see him win the Rumble. It's pretty obvious he's going over the Rock at WM, really boring...


-Ziggler: Mr. Money in the Bank, still waiting for him to cash it in and become a world champion.


-Orton: just hovering around aimlessly, hope they turn him heel.


-Miz: turned face a while ago, doing a lot of promos, i.e. hosting his own talk show "Miz TV".


-Kane's partner: is Daniel Bryan. Came from the indies, through NXT, was fired, then rehired, won titles and then became world champion. Was face, then heel, now face again with Kane doing comedy stuff. Great ring ability, uses catchphrases like YES and NO, and constantly doing some sort of new angles. Really a breath of fresh air in the WWE...


-Alberto Del Rio: the Mexican JBL : D Has always been heel thus far, now turned face and won the title from the Big Show. Replacing Rey Mysterio as the representer / draw of the Hispanic demographic. His 3rd world title win now...

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Man, you really have no idea, do you? : D


-John Cena: he's been out of the title picture for a moment, thus why I'm quite disappointed to see him win the Rumble. It's pretty obvious he's going over the Rock at WM, really boring...


-Ziggler: Mr. Money in the Bank, still waiting for him to cash it in and become a world champion.


-Orton: just hovering around aimlessly, hope they turn him heel.


-Miz: turned face a while ago, doing a lot of promos, i.e. hosting his own talk show "Miz TV".


-Kane's partner: is Daniel Bryan. Came from the indies, through NXT, was fired, then rehired, won titles and then became world champion. Was face, then heel, now face again with Kane doing comedy stuff. Great ring ability, uses catchphrases like YES and NO, and constantly doing some sort of new angles. Really a breath of fresh air in the WWE...


-Alberto Del Rio: the Mexican JBL : D Has always been heel thus far, now turned face and won the title from the Big Show. Replacing Rey Mysterio as the representer / draw of the Hispanic demographic. His 3rd world title win now...


Cheers for clearing that up dude.


So for comparisons sake then....


Are Daniel Bryan, Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio, Sheamus now considered the main stars of the WWE universe like how Austin, Undertaker, HHH, Rock, Angle etcwere in the Attitude era days.



I think I stopped watching it when Edge became champion, Saw lots of other champions like Guerrero, Benoit, Orton, Batista, Lesnar etc...


hmm.. could be that maybe Wrestlemania XX was the last ppv I watched...


Lesnar vs Goldberg, Taker vs Kane...That's when Benoit & Guerrero won their titles wasn't it? Guerrero beating Angle, Benoit beating HHH?? Guerrero coming out and hugging Benoit at the end?

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My Opinion on the Royal Rumble 2013 PPV


US Title Pre-show match - Antonio Cesaro vs The Miz


Pretty decent match, makes me wonder why it wasn't on the card. Goes to show what WWE think of this title. Antonio is one of my favourite new stars, talented and getting quite over with the crowd. Miz going face, it's going well but i don't see it lasting.




World Heavyweight Championship Last Man Standing - Alberto Del Rio vs Big Show


I see WWE gave up with Botch Cara as the new Mysterio and gone with my favourite living mexican wrestler. It's nice to see Del Rio in face form, and i can see this lasting a while. As for the match in general, i laughed with the ending. Thats one way to keep a giant down. I thought that Show was going to win to be honest, he showed dominance throughout. And when he chokeslammed Del Rio from the stage to the table, i thought that were it. And Del Rio winning with duct-tape, classic.




World Tag Team Championship Match - Team Hell No vs Team Rhode Scholers


Wasn't too fussed on this match. An easy win for Team Hell No, even though i thought it was time for Rhode Scholers to take the titles. Am really starting to like Damien Sandow. A few good moments, but something to calm the crowd before the main event(s)




The Royal Rumble Match


Highlights for me

  • Chris Jericho coming in at Number 2, how WWE kept that quiet i will never know.
  • Goldust returning, again didn't know he was coming back.
  • Nice to see Godfather, even for a few minutes.
  • Kofi Kingston using JBL's chair to get back in the ring.
  • Kane dropping Daniel Bryan after Bryan eliminated Kane.

With the winner, boy was i miffed that John "i have 5 moves of doom" Cena won. It set the most predictable main event in Wrestlemania history up, which confirmed the result of the next match for me as well. I know Cena hasn't been in the title picture for a while (which is lovely), but neither has Sheamus or Randy Orton. I honestly thought Ziggler was going to win, but alas WWE said their ass kisser had to be the winner. Crowd were miffed as well, i could tell.




That score should have been an 8, but John Cena won the match and has probably ruined Wrestlemania because of this for me.


WWE Title Match - The Rock vs CM Punk


Outcome was set, Rock was going to win because the ass-kisser John Cena won the Rumble and wants his "revenge" on Rock for beating him last year. Going into the match itself, it was good. Rock sold Punks moves better than i thought. I expected the Shield to interfere from the word go, and that happened as predicted (the lights off gave it away, and the subsequent pictures on Wrestling fan-sites show the Shield). Ending was better, because i would have been even more miffed if Punk was stripped of the title instead of Rock winning fair. And beating Punk with an elbow, i wanted a Rock bottom followed by elbow.




Overall, it was good. My main gripes are as follows. Cena and Rock won the 2 main matches, setting up the Wrestlemania rematch which John Cena will win. Even though Rock is available for more dates in 2013 after Mania, i just can't see him beating Cena twice. Hopefully they've saved time and just asked Rock to hand over the belt to Cena on last nights RAW (which i've recorded, don't spoil it for me). Save us waiting 50 days for the most predictable Mania match ever.


I can see it now, Cena takes 3 Rock Bottoms and/or a few Peoples elbows and kicks out. He hits Rock with 1 AA and wins. I mean, who writes this garbage.


Cheers for clearing that up dude.




So for comparisons sake then....




Are Daniel Bryan, Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio, Sheamus now considered the main stars of the WWE universe like how Austin, Undertaker, HHH, Rock, Angle etcwere in the Attitude era days.






I think I stopped watching it when Edge became champion, Saw lots of other champions like Guerrero, Richards, Orton, Batista, Lesnar etc...




hmm.. could be that maybe Wrestlemania XX was the last ppv I watched...




Lesnar vs Goldberg, Taker vs Kane...That's when Richards & Guerrero won their titles wasn't it? Guerrero beating Angle, Richards beating HHH?? Guerrero coming out and hugging Richards at the end?


Fixed for you.


Daniel Bryan is more like a mid-carder at present than a main eventer, same as Miz. Both are former World Champions as well, both from Money in the Bank contracts.

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Yeah I've gotten the impression that Benoits name is mud on the majority of WWE forums (Which I do completely understand)



I don't get the need to completely write him out of the history though, like the Royal Rumble victory and such.

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Cheers for clearing that up dude.


So for comparisons sake then....


Are Daniel Bryan, Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio, Sheamus now considered the main stars of the WWE universe like how Austin, Undertaker, HHH, Rock, Angle etcwere in the Attitude era days.


Well, if we look at the near title histories, we have CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, John Cena, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, the Miz etc. Still, WWE's problem is that a lot of the new stars are waning in and out, i.e. they win a world title and after the run they're back to midcard. There really aren't any megastars on the level of Austin and co., hence why guys like the Rock and Jericho keep coming and going. The PG setting isn't really doing the wrestlers any favours, too many boring characters reading their very predictable lines word to word o_O CM Punk is maybe the only new guy who has really shaken up things and made it to the top level. Daniel Bryan is another one who's clearly making the most out of his situation, i.e. actually developing and pushing his character instead of just being content to have a job...



I think I stopped watching it when Edge became champion, Saw lots of other champions like Guerrero, Benoit, Orton, Batista, Lesnar etc...


hmm.. could be that maybe Wrestlemania XX was the last ppv I watched...


Lesnar vs Goldberg, Taker vs Kane...That's when Benoit & Guerrero won their titles wasn't it? Guerrero beating Angle, Benoit beating HHH?? Guerrero coming out and hugging Benoit at the end?

That's pretty funny, you were last watching when Lesnar was still wrestling, and this year he came back again : D
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Well, if we look at the near title histories, we have CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, John Cena, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, the Miz etc. Still, WWE's problem is that a lot of the new stars are waning in and out, i.e. they win a world title and after the run they're back to midcard. There really aren't any megastars on the level of Austin and co., hence why guys like the Rock and Jericho keep coming and going. The PG setting isn't really doing the wrestlers any favours, too many boring characters reading their very predictable lines word to word o_O CM Punk is maybe the only new guy who has really shaken up things and made it to the top level. Daniel Bryan is another one who's clearly making the most out of his situation, i.e. actually developing and pushing his character instead of just being content to have a job...




The amount of hype leading up to Rumble about CM Punk and his spell as champion had given the impression he was one of the higher status stars.


And despite not really following for a few years, Sheamus name has always been around the radar for me, and I recognized Bryant purely from the "YES YES YES" Chants.


It's a shame the PG certificate was enforced, No more hardcore matches akin to the likes of Mankind vs Taker, or TLC with Hardys, E&C and The Dudleys.


Hardcore matches use to be so boss. Blood, trash cans, sledge hammers, tacs, barbed wire.



I know Big Show / Rio match was last man standing, and weapons did get involved, but it's not a patch on what use to fly.

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The days of PG do seem to be over, i heard that RAW is going to be more "pushing" the limits than before due to lacking ratings. I heard last nights RAW was a TV-14 rating over PG, i'll see for myself tonight though.


And the days of Hardcore are over, WWE are trying to avoid headshots with weapons as to avoid another Benoit incident. So the days of Mankind/Cactus Jack and awesome TLC matches like the Dudleys/E+C and Hardy's are well and truely over.


If you want Hardcore, there is still a market for it. You've gotta go to the indys for that these days.


Yeah I've gotten the impression that Benoits name is mud on the majority of WWE forums (Which I do completely understand)



I don't get the need to completely write him out of the history though, like the Royal Rumble victory and such.


Don't get me wrong, Benoit was a good wrestler. Very technical in what he did in-ring and all that. But his head wasn't right after taking all them bumps (i mean, who has a headbutt as a finishing move) and top that with other elements whiring around the system, which is what caused him to do what he did.


The Wrestling community tend to replace Benoit's name with the name of Steven Richards, and the meme's going around at the time of Benoits suicide show the time when Randy Orton found the WHC at Summerslam after it mysteriously vanished at Wrestlemania after Triple H tapped out to nothing.

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Watched the rumble, as usual (even when I'm not watching WWE regularly, I still bother to see it). I'm pleased.


-Team Hell No is hilarious for me. I love it when a good catchphrase just comes so naturally (YES! NO!).


-I don't like Alberto Del Rio that much. But if he's going to take the "cheating face" route, I can see him becoming more interesting.


-Great to see Jericho :) Dolph Ziggler making it to the final four was great, too. Mysterio looked awful, though.


-As much as I like CM Punk, I didn't mind what happened. The screwjob-y nature of the match bothered me a bit more, though it made sense and sets up the rematch.


I wonder what they're doing with Brock Lesnar, now. Hopefully they won't have him dominate a match only to lose to a move at the end again :blank:


@Murr: Daniel Bryan works like a charismatic Benoit, I think. Also, him, Antonio Cesaro, Miz, Wade Barrett (he was injured before returning recently) and Dolph Ziggler are the midcarders that are being built right now (though Miz had the title for a while, and a really good reign before plunging to the midcard for some reason).

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@Murr Yeah Punk is a genuinely big star now, there's actually been talks about him maybe doing a WM match with Austin at some point. Pure speculation though, it seems that Steve doesn't want to do it unless he can give it his all, which might not be possible anymore due to his injuries...


Well, I don't really blame them for limiting the hardcore stuff, they just want to protect their talent from sudden injuries. The ban on chairshots to the head is actually a very good one, prevents concussions...Still, the WWE has the occasional HC match as well, Ryback vs The Shield in a TLC match was pretty good...


Anyway, I see the PG limiting the wrestlers more in the promo department. Characters are too toned-down and similar to each other, boring cookie-cutter "I'm gonna beat you" crap every time. The genius of the ECW and the Attitude era was that it gave the talent a relatively free platform to improvise, creating some great energy and fiery promos. Now it's totally opposite: PG limiting the material, and writers making scripts for the wrestlers to memorise and repeat. So darn bland, and it suffocates all originality and creativity from the wrestlers' part...


@Jimbob Raw was TV-14? Didn't really see any difference... o_O

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I like CM Punk, he's fresh and original. When they let him have the microphone to vent 2 years ago was great. That was genuine, he confirmed it via his DVD documentary. He provides something different that the likes of John Cena cannot.


@Ville, apparantly they are pushing it a little harder and above the boundries. Thats what i heard anyway.

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