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I was reading on Gaf that it's October for us in the UK.


I was quite excited about the whole thing until I realised there's no RAW or Smackdown on the service. I doubt i'll bother with it now.


The financials came out a couple of days ago and it wasn't happy reading. What with that news and the TNA news it seems wrestling is a dying entertainment. I blame Cena. :D


Crazy to think how huge it was when I was younger and now it's a shell of it's former self.


Raw and Smackdown are both on there, you just dont get the latest episodes for about a month after they air because of the TV deals in place.

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Raw and Smackdown are both on there, you just dont get the latest episodes for about a month after they air because of the TV deals in place.


Sorry, I should have clarified that's what I meant. My bad.


It's annoying because you get the PPVs but whats the point of watching them if you have no context to the matches?

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Sorry, I should have clarified that's what I meant. My bad.


It's annoying because you get the PPVs but whats the point of watching them if you have no context to the matches?


Yeah it is annoying. At the moment I just plan to use it for the back catalogue and PPVs as they are, I'll stick with Sky to watch RAW for now.

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Yeah it is annoying. At the moment I just plan to use it for the back catalogue and PPVs as they are, I'll stick with Sky to watch RAW for now.


Even if you watched it for the PPV's only, it's still a saving in the long run. If it is £9.99 a month, that's something like a £5 saving on a PPV (comparing it to America, they get the better deal, i think a PPV is something like $40 and the Network is $9.99 a month)


I'm using it at present as Unblock US support access to the Network, and it's great. There are a few issues i wish they'd sort out. Mainly the search features for matches and wrestlers. There are many matches for say Triple H on the Network, but if you search for him you get highlights and the odd match.

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I'm interested in the network but if they do here what they're doing in Canada they can fuck off. Its exclusive to one cable company and the only way to watch it is through them.


Hopefully (and most likely) it will be as it is in the US, watch via WWE.com or via a supported console (aka PS4, XBone).

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Yup get ready for that Sky exclusivity :heh:


I'm expecting this as well.




And the price to be £14.99 or something a month. If that's the case, i'll stick to the WWE Network via my US PSN account. Only £6 a month.


If WWE want someone to promote and sell the WWE Network, instead of plugging it 41+ times in one evening. Get Steve Ballmer to do it, this guy could sell ice to eskimos.

Edited by Jimbob
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has that been confirmed? I was worried they would do something like that


Not confirmed but I feel it in my nuggets. Its the type of thing Sky would do.


Plus its launching in these countries this month Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mexico, Spain, Canada and the Nordics. I can see Sky wanting to wait so they can announce some bullshit deal when they're good and ready.

Edited by bryanee
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I would love to get the network, if however, what people are suggesting does come to light and it's only through Sky, I won't be getting it. I use Virgin broadband and until sky can match their speed, I'll stick with it. Also it needs to be priced decently. £9.99 a month would be great, if it is bumped up to what a normal PPV is on sky (or more) then it's just not worth it.

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if they did make it through Sky how would that work with the App they have on phones and on some of the consoles, where you can watch it on those devices? would that feature just not be available in the UK?


I hope that isn't the case, i'd love them to release the app on the Wii U and I could just watch old WWF stuff on the gamepad when I'm bored.

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if they did make it through Sky how would that work with the App they have on phones and on some of the consoles, where you can watch it on those devices? would that feature just not be available in the UK?


I hope that isn't the case, i'd love them to release the app on the Wii U and I could just watch old WWF stuff on the gamepad when I'm bored.


Sky can throw enough money to make it so the Network is exclusive to them. And even if it did come to apps, they could (again) throw money to make it £14.99 (or something) across board.

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If what i read about the altercation is true, then the Social Media rep needs to be sacked as well.


The name of Alberto Del Rio remains a hot topic after the four-time world champion was released from his WWE contract on Thursday.


Shortly after WWE announced that Del Rio was let go "due to unprofessional conduct and an altercation with an employee," Ring of Honor founder and RF Video owner Rob Feinstein claimed that Del Rio slapped a member of WWE's social media team at a television taping this week. This claim was backed up by both F4WOnline.com and PWInsider.com. To add a new layer to the story, the identity of the person Del Rio had the backstage altercation with has apparently been revealed.


As members of the F4WOnline.com message board were discussing Del Rio's termination and speculating which WWE employee was on the receiving end of his slap, Wrestling Observer editor Dave Meltzer remarked "Cody Barbierri."


On LinkedIn and Twitter, Barbierri identifies himself as WWE's manager of social media live events. Though not identified by name, F4WOnline.com's updated story on Del Rio's termination says the altercation involved the social media manager of WWE.


According to the new report, WWE's social media manager was supposedly asked to wipe his plate clean following a meal in catering. He allegedly joked that it was Del Rio's job to clean the plate, which could be perceived as racist by Hispanic people. Del Rio was informed of the comment, and confronted him. The individual did not apologize for his remark and then smiled at him. Fuming, Del Rio slapped him.


Addressing the matter Friday evening, WWE released a statement via Twitter asking fans to direct their anger toward Del Rio since he did not conduct himself in a professional matter: "@VivaDelRio is responsible for his own actions. If you're angry at anyone, be angry at Alberto. There's no excuse for a pro athlete not to conduct themselves in a professional manner."


Paul "Triple H" Levesque, WWE's Executive Vice President, Talent, Live Events and Creative, re-Tweeted the comment in its entirety.

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Seems like they have one rule for the wrestlers and one for everyone else, they've had backstage fights before between wrestlers (eg Booker T and Batista) and nobody got fired. Obviously it wouldn't have been much of a fight, Del Rio is a big dude and pretty legit hard, but that shouldn't be a license for presumebly weedy non wrestling staff to make off colour remarks to the wrestlers.


I can understand a company trying to maintain a professional non violent environment, and I guess they have no choice as the social media guy could probably sue WWe if they condoned what Del Rio did. But at the same time, heels should be slapping people.


Which reminds me about something that really annoys me about wrestling these days, WWe's own output is kayfabe one minute, then shoot the next. For examlple they'll tell you a diva's name is one thing during the show, and encourage you to watch her on Total Divas, then you watch Total Divas (not that I do) and she's using her real name. So which is it? Del Rio can break peoples arms with steel chairs in the ring just to be a dick, but when he slaps a guy with a decent reason he get's fired.


Obviously we all know it's fake but these inconsistancies and general blending of shoot and kayfabe that stops the viewer from being able to suspend their disbelief. Late WCW was the worst for it with the commentators talking about angles that weren't part of the script, utter stupidity. Although many of the fans are as much to blame aswell, they won't boo a heel because they respect his 'work' and shoot personaility, they're not that interested in believing in the character.

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I'm expecting this as well.


Get Steve Ballmer to do it, this guy could sell ice to eskimos.


If Ballmer came to my house with a big pile of ice, I'd tell him EXACTLY where to stick it...



...around the back with all the rest of my ice treasure! Us Eskimos LOVE ice!

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That was a weird match for me, I feel like I hate both of them equally lol


I read the results, it was a little weird for me as well


I mean, with Lesnar giving Cena 16 German Suplex's and an F5 to take the crown (and crusing Cena in the process, it goes with his dominance this year. First the Streak, now the title. Who is next for Lesnar to conquer?


On RAW, Brock was given the new look WWE title (new logo). And i think it finally means the end of the World Heavyweight Title.


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Thought SummerSlam was a pretty good PPV overall. I found the Wyatt vs Jericho match a little stale, but that was on after the awesome Ambrose and Rollins match so it kinda killed the high intensity and crowd momentum.


Really happy overall with the title changes that happened. I'm still deeply in love with Paige so that was awesome, and Ziggler is finally getting his props after unfortunate injury scuppered his push last year.


I'm hoping Barrett is back soon, as would love to see Ziggler vs Barrett for the IC title.



Kind of confused why Mark Henry is being brought into feud with Rusev now, Sure Swagger lost both PPV encounters against Rusev but they weren't clean pinfall victories, so I thought they'd go one more and have either Swaggs or Rusev lose properly.


Brock's build to look a machine is pretty cool, but there is no way what so ever they can have Rollins cash in on Brock. No Chance.

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With Brock Lesnar now the way they've built him up as this unstoppable monster its going to be hard to believe anyone coming in and beating him one on one for the title. If I was writing this story I would have HHH and Steph end up regretting backing Lesnar for the title after they realise they cant control him (or something along those lines) and end up having him lose the title in a triple threat or fatal fourway match where he doesnt actually have to be pinned.

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