ReZourceman Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 Hello friends. This is for all your weight loss stories as so many peoples resolutions is to lose weight. We have some new scales so I can actually track myself now! Wicked. So about two months ago....or just over, just before I started my pseudo-diet I weighed 15 stone ish. I just weighed myself and I weigh 14 stone ish. Great! The diet will commence again for me within the next week once all the Christmas food is finished.
Beast Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 Well, I weighed myself yesterday and my weight is 16 stone (I know I'm fat but I've been bigger) and I'm planning to lose at least a stone. People say I'm an average weight for my height (6 foot 3) but I don't feel it. The DDR and the running should get it off in no time
nightwolf Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 I've been meaning to get fit for a while and for once I'm actually going to do something about it. It just happens to fall with the new year, so I suppose it could be a ny resolution so to speak. I've shot up to 10 and a half stone since starting uni because I ate way too much crap to begin with when really it was easy to eat healthy and for cheaper. I'd like more than anything to go down to 10stone, although it won't be difficult nor very long for me to do. But I also wish to get into a size 12 (currently I'm 12/14) in trousers, but I'm not sure how much weight I would have to loose to get that. I plan to get started again once I'm back at university. My parents worry way too much and eat bad food all the damn time for me to get any form of weight loss on the table!
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 I want to embark on a sort of Atkins Diet. Just basically drastically lower carbohydrate intake but not as extreme as having nil. Reason being, consuming to much carbs causes your body to use these stored carbs as your main energy source, as opposed to using your fat and inconjunction, 'burning' it off. This is basically why no matter how hard some people starve or "diet", they never make any real gains or their weight fluctuates, even during times when you thought you were eating and exercising right. So-called vegetarians also experience such or see an increase in weight mainly due to a higher comsumption of carbohydrates. So, rice, bread, biscuits, crisps, fizzy drinks, sweets and sugar, chips all have to go. Limiting my carbs to oats for breakfast and pastas. Everything else will be protein and fat.
nightwolf Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 King_V said: So, rice, bread, biscuits, crisps, fizzy drinks, sweets and sugar, chips all have to go. Limiting my carbs to oats for breakfast and pastas. Everything else will be protein and fat. That's a good plan. Doesn't having lots of carbs in you diet mean that it's then turned into muscle rather than losing any weight? I think thats what my mother ended up doing. Eating less but because it was all carbs she ended up muscley for a while and in tow gained weight in which she didn't want. . EDIT: which scales do you have rez? I was looking at some at argos..but there's some many bloody bad reviews on there!
Beast Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 I'd advise to stick to natural healthy eating and regular exercise. I'm going to do something like an exercise timetable and I'm going to stick to it, lmao. I'm going to play boxing on the wii, DDR (obviously) and do some weightlifting, running, crunches and I might even go so far as to buy some exercise DVDs, haha. I heard Davina McCall's one is great, lmao.
Daft Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 What about the Jaffa Cakes people?! They need a home! I'm cycling now on Chopper Hicks so that should take care of my exercise. Well it's better than last year.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 nightwolf said: That's a good plan. Doesn't having lots of carbs in you diet mean that it's then turned into muscle rather than losing any weight? I think thats what my mother ended up doing. Eating less but because it was all carbs she ended up muscley for a while and in tow gained weight in which she didn't want. . EDIT: which scales do you have rez? I was looking at some at argos..but there's some many bloody bad reviews on there! Carbohydrates are just basically energy sources, but a lot of the carbs we consume are not used efficiently enough by our bodies. Carbohydrates won't make you 'bigger' but its just that carbs are used as your frontline energy source, so its like it blocks fat from being used and being burned off. So you could even eat no fat foods, but as long as you have a lot of carbs stored, you won't be losing much fat, if any at all. This is why all these dodgy "no fat" foods are cunningly filled to the brim with sugars - carbs - which turn into glucose: what carbs turn into for our energy.
nightwolf Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 King_V said: Carbohydrates are just basically energy sources, but a lot of the carbs we consume are not used efficiently enough by our bodies. Carbohydrates won't make you 'bigger' but its just that carbs are used as your frontline energy source, so its like it blocks fat from being used and being burned off. So you could even eat no fat foods, but as long as you have a lot of carbs stored, you won't be losing much fat, if any at all. This is why all these dodgy "no fat" foods are cunningly filled to the brim with sugars - carbs - which turn into glucose: what carbs turn into for our energy. Ahh makes alot of sense. I was wondering about snacks. What do you guys eat for snacks these days? I usually just eat whatever is around, being at uni it's always full meals or yogarts because I don't buy much else. I was thinking white melon for something different. I want something healthy that I don't feel sick everytime I eat the damn stuff!
ReZourceman Posted January 2, 2009 Author Posted January 2, 2009 nightwolf said: EDIT: which scales do you have rez? I was looking at some at argos..but there's some many bloody bad reviews on there! Can't locate a box so I don't know exactly what it is, but its a Salter, glass panel, blue LCD screen.
nightwolf Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 This one? Damn expensive.
DomJcg Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 I do fencing two nights a week, a fitter trimmer dom if there ever was one! but now the lack of hitting things with swords has caught up with me and i need to get back to running around =[
ReZourceman Posted January 2, 2009 Author Posted January 2, 2009 Ah here we go. I discovered they were from Debenhams sale £20
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 What is all this mad talk about stones? Weight is measured in kilograms, I tell you - kilograms! I weigh about 60 kilograms. I'm very slim and look anorexic. I'd like to build up some muscles. I just find it hard to find the time and motivation for regular exercise. I want to, but *insert lame excuse*. It's not that I can't be arsed, I just can't arse myself to it. I'm rambling. *wanders off*
Raining_again Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 yaay diet thread! Wiifit measured me as 16st7 a few days ago. I was nearer the 16st mark, but sure Christmas is a time for letting go a little bit! By christmas 09 I'd like to be nearer to 13/14 stone @danny a stone is 14 lbs, and 1kg = 2.2lbs =)
nightwolf Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 60kg would make you near 10stone. That's reasonable weight. Raining that's awesome. I remember you telling me things about your diet, but what are you doing exercise wise? Because whatever it is seems to be doing you wonders.
Raining_again Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 nightwolf said: 60kg would make you near 10stone. That's reasonable weight. Raining that's awesome. I remember you telling me things about your diet, but what are you doing exercise wise? Because whatever it is seems to be doing you wonders. At the meet (sept 10th) I was 17 st 7. Down to 16st then up to 16st 7 I did well to get this far but by fuck its hard to come off the christmas greed. TBH, I don't really do a LOT of exercise, just walking to places rather than getting a lift or whatever. Just little changes every now and then are far far easier to maintain. And I swapped all dairy products for their low fat alternative, that's very helpful. On my weight watchers weigh in day (tues night) I go out after for pizza/chinese/chip shop. I *try* to minimize the damage by maybe not having pepperoni, and having lots of veg. But I still make sure I go out of the way to treat myself once a week. Then if i have it right after my weigh in, it gives me the whole week to recover from the greed session. I just CANT keep a diet going all the time. It doesn't work! Simple as. PS - soup is win, because everyone likes some kind of soup, and you can easily make it low fat if you minimise the amount of meat and fat! (I'm a big fan of heinz tomato soup!)
RoadKill Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 Dannyboy-the-Dane said: What is all this mad talk about stones? Weight is measured in kilograms, I tell you - kilograms! No, mass is measured in kilograms, but yes, I do agree in principle
Strider Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 Just weighed myself for the first time since November and i've put on 6 pounds, i'm now 15st13. Gaaaaah. I'm going to buy a bike. I think if i got stuck into exercise it would fall off me, i do bugger all at the minute.
Ganepark32 Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 It's not that I need to lose weight, it's just more that I really need to cut out the crap in my diet. If I lost anymore weight, my jeans would be falling off me worse than they are at the moment. Doesn't really help that I slowed my metabolism right down seeing as I eat very little (a very small breakfast of a piece of toast and a moderate dinner). I've lost quite a bit of weight since joining Uni and it's probably attributed to all of the walking I've been doing. People may think this is silly but I find a good way to lose weight is to cut out the middle meal in the day, so no lunch. I've done it and never really have lunch at all anymore. I occasionally have the odd sandwich but other than that, nothing. It may seem hard but it's really not. Just keep your mind elsewhere and don't think about it. Not only will you eat less but you'll save money. It may also attribute to loosing a little weight.
nightwolf Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 Skipping a meal is always a bad idea, considering when you do start eating that healthy meal again it'll pile back on.
Raining_again Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 Strider said: Just weighed myself for the first time since November and i've put on 6 pounds, i'm now 15st13. Gaaaaah. I'm going to buy a bike. 6 pounds aint too bad Strider, well certainly not over a space of 2 months (and christmas!) Get to it and the weight will be off before you know it! Besides aren't you relatively tall anyway? I love being tall, you get away with carrying more weight :P also: I agree with nightwolf, NEVER cut out meals, even if you have something, like a piece of toast! your metabolism dies a death because its not getting food, and its very bad for your body as a whole
Strider Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 Raining_again said: 6 pounds aint too bad Strider, well certainly not over a space of 2 months (and christmas!) Get to it and the weight will be off before you know it! Besides aren't you relatively tall anyway? I love being tall, you get away with carrying more weight :P I'm about 6,3 so it's not too bad with clothes on. I'd just like to feel better with my top off
Daft Posted January 2, 2009 Posted January 2, 2009 Raining_again said: PS - soup is win, because everyone likes some kind of soup, and you can easily make it low fat if you minimise the amount of meat and fat! (I'm a big fan of heinz tomato soup!) Never a truer world t'were said. I took up bring soup for lunch at work and uni to save money but fills me up until dinner at the least. Covent Garden Company Chicken Soup, I love.
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