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Apocalypse: What are your views about the end of the world?


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I SO hope it'll be this, I really do. Even if we'll obviously lose, at least we'll feel like we're putting up a fight against these beings/computers.


All Terminator Like.


Plus it would give me an excuse to put my Ellen Ripley/Kyle Reese impressions to use, but with actual guns, and actual enemies.


We'll obviously loose? I'm not so sure. Its possible we could beat robots. We would have advantages over them.

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We'll obviously loose? I'm not so sure. Its possible we could beat robots. We would have advantages over them.


Not just robots, I'm talking Skynet-esque.


We'd be beat, incomplete. We'd be had, sad and blue.


In any eventually, as long as I got a gattling gun-cum-flamethrower, and got to run around all sweaty with anxiety, I'd be happy.

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People stop wasting your time decided when we'll all die and enjoy your life :heh:


Probably won't happen in our lifetime anyway! ^^


I realise I just defeated the whole thinking about it thing by writing this post, but shush.


Surely the actual and true realisation of an inevitable and inescapable death with nothing beyond is the perfect motivation to wish to live one's life? No? Just me? Ok.


I don't know how or when, maybe a zombie cat invasion that comes out of a black hole caused by the LHC or something. Personally, I'd like an apocaplypse I can see coming. Like say, 24 hours, we all know the world is about to end; humanity, mankind, will be completely wiped out. Anarchy and Chaos will ensue, just for one day, for one day we'll let go of everything we know and believe and just act according to our truest of natures and desires. That's what I reckon anyway, and I'd love to see it, at least just once. I'd love to be it too, doing all those ridiculous things I've always said I would, though I doubt 24hours is enough time to get half of the things sorted.

Though what if in the end...it never came? An apocalypse that doesn't occur is still going to be pretty damn damaging!

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Well, the answer to this is overpopulation. Eventually, it will get to a point where there are more people than humanity can cater for which will in inevitably see a rapid population decline. As there will be very few people alive, humanity will again fail to cater for itself and eventually fizzle out. "The world will end, not with a bang, but with a whimper".



But enough with common sense; maybe there will be a virus which sends the world into a homicidal rage.

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You can't fight in here, Dan. This is the War Room!


Personally I love the idea of;




... But in reality all these 'cool' end-of-the-world scenarios like post-terminator, Fallout 3 or fuckin' zombies... well they're no doubt utterly depressing and slow, painful existences to experience. Unless you are actually Chuck Norris or the dude from Evil Dead, it would suck.


Seriously speaking, though; capitalism isn't going to be around forever. I think we'll eventually return to more stable, sustainable societies but it is just a question of whether this happens before or after the apocalypse. Do we return to tribal lives because three quarters of teh world's population is dead, or do we choose to reduce our demand on teh earth's resources and stop wanting all the time in order to save ourselves?


I do take comfort in the fact that I won't be around to see the end of humanity, as that would be a truly sucky day.

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well, i have seen dozens, if not hundreds of different clutural predicitons of the end of days, as well as the multitude of world ending events forcast by sicence, the press and media, as well as nut jobs on the street. that kinda makes me feel safe, i mean, if we always feared our own desturction was inevitable yet never hapened, it makes it seem less likly to happen now.


it seems to be a human fixation, id guess its some form of projection of our own helplessness in the world around us ("us" being the working/lower classes, the many whos existance is dictated by the ruling few).


and any opne who thinks the hydrogen colider will end the world is indeed a twat.


also, weeyellowblokes post made me appreciate how bad ass vikings were.

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The apocalypse I would most like to see happen is the Nordic one. It would so badass to have ancient viking warriors and gods rising up leading an army against the sons of Muspelland his army who set sail in the dreaded ship Naglfar, made out of human toe and finger nails, while the giant serpent Jörmungandr breaks free of its prison around the earth causing worldwide destruction and the Fenris wolf eats the moon. It would be like an 80's metal album cover come to life.


Loki was just an ass not a general.


I felt like I should be an asshole about this :Þ

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Simple, because if the world ends we can't play games anymore.


If the world ends, you won't be doing anything anymore. Never mind gaming.


So, my views on the end of the world. The saying is that what goes up, must eventually come down. Well, it seems like mankind has been building and building for many years. Like a house of cards. We've progressed so far ahead, from the time when the monkey first threw up a bone into the air (2001: A Space Odyssey) til today, where we're communicating through computers against people from all around the world. We've encountered so many different problems. Years ago, the great threat was the Spanish Armada. Now, it's suicide bombers.


There's always going to be a threat, and then a resolution. Essentially, it's a stalemate. Thinking back to World War II, what the hell would have happened if the Nazis had won? Look at the damage they did when they lost anyway. So, in my honest opinion, I've always seen war as the greatest threat to people. Mother nature is an almighty thing, but think of all the wars that have occurred over the struggle for more power.


So, it'll happen. If not tomorrow, then years into the future. We'll find a way to mess things up. Of course, there's plenty of humans out there who want to do good for the world. But, I do honestly believe there's more who want to do bad.

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