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Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes (Wii/Wii U Online RPG)

killer kirby

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Given the lateness of the release for the Wii version in Japan, I'd say it's very unlikely that that version will come to the west. Think we'll have to wait for the WiiU version, which I doubt will be a launch title but I bet Nintendo have a team of their own developers working on the game with Square-Enix to get the game ready as soon as.


With online looking like it's going to be a big push for the WiiU (and clearly becoming a big push on the 3DS now with previous retail titles in Japan now coming as downloads), I'd expect Nintendo to ush this pretty hard and get it out early next year.

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..does anyone else think it looks a bit.. terrible..? ::shrug: It seems so bland..


Granted, images have been looking a bit odd. But then I went and checked out that trailer. The game looks gorgeous in it!


I also agree on the fact that western world won't get the Wii version. Then again, this could be one big game on Wii U. Nintendo should really push this game here, and should definietly consider making the online play free.

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The trailer brought out the Dragon Quest fanboy in me. :heh: I'm still sceptical about the combat and mandatory online, don't get me wrong, but I think I might be able to play this, even if not as much as the other games.


On a superficial level, the graphics do actually look quite bad, but the good news is the Wii U version should presumably fix this, as the style itself is good. Also, the game appears to have an abysmal frame-rate, or is that just online lag?

Edited by Grazza
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- beta is being played by 17,000 people

- hoping to have between 30,000 and 50,000 people playing by the beta's end

- for phase 2.1 of the beta, Square Enix plans on sending out 3,000 to 5,000 additional test kits

- phase 2.1 will see 24 hour server operation test, the implementation of the Jar Alchemy system, communication updates, and new team features

- game's peak usage time occurs at 22:00

- male Wedi is the most used race, followed by male Ogre, male Pikuripo, female elf and female Wedi

- Warrior is the most used job, followed by monk, thief, martial artist and mage

- game will allow players to register 100 friends

- keep track of your friends' server and location



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What race and job do people here want to take on?


Personally, I like strength and being able to wear the most "armour" type clothing, so I'm going for Ogre (making a lot of assumptions there, admittedly). For a job, I like to be a Paladin (assuming it's in this game). The negative side there is they are not very "deft", so not good at stealing, critical hits or boss drops (and not agile either, so those Metal King Slimes will get away more often than not!)

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I'd probably go for a Warrior or Mage. I like to deal high damage but I also like being the support type in these types of games aswell.


It's interesting that (in DQ IX, at least) Warrior has the highest Resilience, and obviously can wear all the armour, so is a good choice. Actually, DQ VI gave me new insight into what the classes really are, which combinations etc, especially as the "advanced" classes literally need combinations of other classes to unlock (eg. Sage = Mage + Priest).


In Dragon Quest X, I wonder if your race determines stats (Deftness, Agility etc), and then the job gives you skills?

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What race and job do people here want to take on?
I don't remember what my favourite class was on DQIX. :blank:

Think it was Martial Artist, or Minstrel... ::shrug:

One of those anyway. :heh:


Does anyone know if this game will continue the customisation features of DQIX? I'm getting the impression that it won't. :sad:

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I don't remember what my favourite class was on DQIX. :blank:

Think it was Martial Artist, or Minstrel... ::shrug:

One of those anyway. :heh:


Pretty sure you were a Minstrel!


For the record, the confirmed vocations so far (from Dragon's Den) are:



Martial Artist






...So I'm looking towards Warrior first of all and seeing whether I can then unlock Paladin (Warrior + Priest?) or Gladiator (Warrior + Martial Artist?) And of course, there should be Sage, Armamentalist, Ranger and Luminary too. I am doubtful they'll have "Dragon" or "Liquid Metal Slime" - hopefully we can scout one for back-up though!




Does anyone know if this game will continue the customisation features of DQIX? I'm getting the impression that it won't. :sad:


That is a good point. I suppose it's all linked to if/when humans are unlocked, because the other races are all one type. It might actually be the worst of both worlds, in that the characters are generic, but not customisable.


I've never played any Dragon's Quest apart from a bit of one of the slime adventures on the DS. Sell the game to me!


Get a PS2 and play VIII. :heh: I've no idea whether X will be any good! No, seriously, DQ X aside, this is simply the best RPG series in existence. Best tone, best gameplay, best music etc.

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Get a PS2 and play VIII. :heh: I've no idea whether X will be any good! No, seriously, DQ X aside, this is simply the best RPG series in existence. Best tone, best gameplay, best music etc.


Errrrr... you wanna give me the money for it? :laughing:


And hey, I was expecting a bit more than "it's good" as a pitch. Be a bit more descriptive!

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OK, OK...


When I played the first Dragon Quest that was released in Europe (VIII), it was like I was playing the RPG I'd always dreamed of. Maybe "it's the best" or "it's perfect" don't describe it very well, but if you think of what an RPG should be like, Dragon Quest is that series.


For a start, the tone is superlative - the exact right level between "adult" and "cartoony" (actually, I think they've gone a bit too kiddie since IX). There is not really any blood or gore, or gratuitous violence, but at the same time there is plenty of fighting, with the story often being sad, dark, uplifting or any other emotion you can think of.


Koichi Sugiyama's music deserves its own paragraph. Put simply, he is the best composer in video games. Dragon Quest IX was a bit weak in this regard, but anything of his with a true orchestral soundtrack (even the "Monsters" games) shows off loads of brass and sweeping strings. Check out the soundtracks to V and VIII for his best work so far.


The towns and villages in Dragon Quest have an uncanny charm, and are full of inns, houses and shops. Again, an RPG cliché perhaps, but done so well you shouldn't care. the best towns have elaborate castles to explore. If there is a game with better castles than Dragon Quest VIII, I haven't played it.


I haven't mentioned the combat yet. In the games up to and including VIII, it is traditional as can be - random and turn-based. The series is abandoning random battles, and perhaps even turn-based combat, so I can't endorse X yet, but in general the series gets it just right. Combat is never too simple, yet never too complicated. As well as standard moves like "Attack" or "Defend", there are Special Moves and Spells - both very different and easy to distinguish. Obviously, spells are things like fire and ice, whereas the special moves help you do things like steal, lower enemy defence and defeat the high-defence creatures that give you the most EXP.


Speaking of which, those high-EXP monsters are called Metal King Slimes, and the best recurring armour set is named after them. The Metal King Armour (Helm, Armour, Shield, Boots and Gauntlets + Spear and Sword) is technically the 2nd-best in each game, making way for something specific to each installment, but we all know it's the coolest!


At the end of the day, if you want a traditional RPG where you explore large continents, fight evil (and not so evil) monsters and wear the niftiest armour; an RPG full of charm, where everything works exactly the way you'd want it to, Dragon Quest is the game to play.

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In a Dragon Quest game usually, you mean?


I played Dragon Quest VIII quite much back then when I still had it. I thought that the game needed exessive amounts of grinding whenever you moved to a new area. I quit as I reached Rhapthorne's castle, for the enemies were too powerful, and nowhere were there a grinding place, where you would level up quickly enough. I will complete the game one day, tough. But I'm starting it over then.


As for Dragon Quest X, I think that the character models make the game look worse than it actually is. T really think those character models look like they are from late PS1/early PS2 era. I don't know why Square-Enix did not put more in those models, but made the monsters look cool, and scenery look awesome. Maybe it was because of Wii's processing power, and they wanted it to run smoothly online. Hopefully this will be corrected in the Wii U version, which should definietly reach western shores soon.

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You only have to grind if you're a complete twonk.


Or if you like to go through new areas without being killed or having to rest, heal and revive your party after each handful of random encounters. As you can hardly move through a corridor without at least two of these, that means you're constantly interrupted (edit: and confronted with all the charm of a game mechanic from the beginning of console RPGs).

Edited by Burny
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In a Dragon Quest game usually, you mean?


I played Dragon Quest VIII quite much back then when I still had it. I thought that the game needed exessive amounts of grinding whenever you moved to a new area. I quit as I reached Rhapthorne's castle, for the enemies were too powerful, and nowhere were there a grinding place, where you would level up quickly enough. I will complete the game one day, tough. But I'm starting it over then.


Sorry dude, I didn't mean to insult you, only Burny, as I thought he was rather rude.


I'm sorry you hit a brick wall at that point. Personally, I only grind in Dragon Quest games in that I run out of MP. Eg. Go through a dungeon, keep healing, but eventually run out of MP. Therefore I have to go to an inn, then go back through the dungeon again, but I wouldn't say I ever purposely grind just to get stronger (not in the main game - the post-game is a different matter).


PS - There are Metal King Slimes in that dungeon. If you meet one, try the "Lightning Thrust" or "Hatchet Man" skills.


As for Dragon Quest X, I think that the character models make the game look worse than it actually is. T really think those character models look like they are from late PS1/early PS2 era. I don't know why Square-Enix did not put more in those models, but made the monsters look cool, and scenery look awesome. Maybe it was because of Wii's processing power, and they wanted it to run smoothly online. Hopefully this will be corrected in the Wii U version, which should definietly reach western shores soon.


I totally agree. Whilst I like what they're going for with the character models, it seems like they don't have enough grunt to pull it off. It looks like they wanted a very sophisticated form of cel-shading for the characters, but couldn't manage it (and have shaded the scenery differently too).


Oh well, it could be a bad game. I'm honestly very sceptical about the whole thing. There seem to be so many compromising factors (that it's on Wii; that it needs to work online), when all I really wanted after VIII was an offline, single-player RPG on PS3-type technology. Wii U would do, but this game has already been designed for the Wii, so any improvements will be wholly superficial (but welcome nonetheless).

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Sorry dude, I didn't mean to insult you, only Burny, as I thought he was rather rude.


None taken, I was just saying how I felt. I usually grind in my own way: I just keep collecting money in battles until I can buy the best armors for all party members. Altough in Dragon Quest VIII, I just couldn't, too expensive!


But I will finish it one day, as it was one hell of a game. Dragon Quest IV for DS also heavily interests me. I still feel a bit bad Square-Enix did not bring Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary game outside of Japan. I would have bought that instantly!

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