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Post your christmas tree.


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Good luck with that. If they're anythnig like my cats, the decorations will be all over the place within seconds of it being up. xD


When we had cats in our house, we just made sure there were no decorations on the lowest branches. Because indeed, those would not survive. =P

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Well, our cats can be really lazy, but they can also be VERY playful. They normally get tired of the Christmas tree after the initial excitement, but we still have to pull them away from it once in a while. It's part of the Christmas tradition in our house, I guess. :)

You can buy sprays which make them not want to play with it i believe.

google it =]

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Why do you people have your trees up? It's the twelve days of christmas god dammit. You people are the reason we have to put up with shitty christmas stock in shops in september.


The 12 days of christmas is referring to when you take your tree and decorations down, not put them up.

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I blame our council for having the town decorations up on the 4th November. That's Christmas spirit for you.


Yeah, my council were also of similar "nobbishness" and put them up far too early. Of course, the shops don't help either, having their decs up as early as September in some cases! Totally bonkers!

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Never heard of the 12 days-before-xmas thingum. Back when I lived with my mum the day we put the tree up gradually got closer and closer until one year I went out at 8pm xmas eve and it wasn't up yet. But since i left home I hear my mum puts the tree up on the first. I imagine her with her deranged face on, asking the candle-santa to "pass the tinsel, James"...

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Never heard of the 12 days-before-xmas thingum. Back when I lived with my mum the day we put the tree up gradually got closer and closer until one year I went out at 8pm xmas eve and it wasn't up yet. But since i left home I hear my mum puts the tree up on the first. I imagine her with her deranged face on, asking the candle-santa to "pass the tinsel, James"...


That last part creeped me out. And why were you out at 8pm on Xmas eve, you know that Santa won't come if you're not in bed!

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When we had cats in our house, we just made sure there were no decorations on the lowest branches. Because indeed, those would not survive. =P


Good idea! I might put that idea forward to my parents, I really want a tree this year.


Well, our cats can be really lazy, but they can also be VERY playful. They normally get tired of the Christmas tree after the initial excitement, but we still have to pull them away from it once in a while. It's part of the Christmas tradition in our house, I guess. :)


Ours are far from lazy, and I'm sure they'd keep coming back to the Christmas Tree if/when we have one.

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That last part creeped me out. And why were you out at 8pm on Xmas eve, you know that Santa won't come if you're not in bed!

Went out, got drunk on a boat on the beach and shouted "MERRRRRRRY CHRISTMAAAS!" to underaged drinkers, fuckers with no bed and the homeless. Gooood times. Planning a re-enactment (not that LARP shit) this year, too.

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The 12 days of christmas is referring to when you take your tree and decorations down, not put them up.


That was my understanding of it too.


You're supposed to put them up 12 days before and take them down 12 days afterwards.


Hmm, why that would make 24 days of Christmas.. considering my decorations are already up and will be up 12 days after Christmas Day I guess my household are going for 31 days.

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