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I think it's worth changing the font, it's really difficult to read IMO.


Did you hand draw or trace these, they're good, very accurate/good proportions, which is why I ask.

I think it's worth changing the font, it's really difficult to read IMO.


Did you hand draw or trace these, they're good, very accurate/good proportions, which is why I ask.


The text is their logo, Chimera as an ambigram:



I made the team myself.


I hand drew/paint them, and remixed the proportions in Photoshop.


I agree that the font is awful. It doesn't matter if it's an ambigram if it's completely illegible. Your friends need a better logo. :hmm:


I really wish you'd color your artwork on the computer. Otherwise I'm just reminded of those cheap t-shirts with photographs printed on them that you can buy at fairs.


But maybe that's just me.


Just taken as regular drawings, though, they're very good.

I really wish you'd color your artwork on the computer. Otherwise I'm just reminded of those cheap t-shirts with photographs printed on them that you can buy at fairs.

Oooh they don't come out like that dodgy iron-on transfer look. Not if you make it a proper png file with a transparent background. Otherwise it will have that dodgy look. If you changed the t-shirt colour on Redbubble it won't retain the black background.


Oh yeah, I meant to say, but maybe they look better in real life.


That's my complaints taken care of, then.


Except the logo, but I suppose not much can be done about that.

Oh yeah, I meant to say, but maybe they look better in real life.


Here's a semi representation of them in real life:



And that was with a massive logo. I reduced it since they started acting like dicks towards us Pokémon players.

That's my complaints taken care of, then.


Except the logo, but I suppose not much can be done about that.

I feel that. I don't think I'll bother with them next time.

  • 2 weeks later...
Azel from Panzer Dragoon Saga:

I need to learn how to use Photoshop to do this shit :( How does one learn quickly?!

Oh yeah, I meant to say, but maybe they look better in real life.

Have a look chap, waddaya think, mine finally arrived:





You can see the design raping its way into the fabric. The only downside is that for some reason Redbubble have decided to ramp the brightness to the max when it's not needed, taking away some nice shading.

Too bad they arrived after you needed them. :heh:

Only mine really. The ladies' and thankfully the kids did. Ironically the creator did not recieve his in time :( But I wore my Nationals shirt so didn't look too out of place. Proclaimed myself the Official Chimera Artist so should hopefully get that title in the next N-Gamer.

I need to learn how to use Photoshop to do this shit :( How does one learn quickly?!


YouTube videos is how I learn new things in Photoshop. The tools I used for the shirt were the pen tool for the general shape, layer effects for the black outline/fade, layer blending for the texture and masks to stop the texture being applied to everything.


My friend Eoin wanted me to design a Peppa Pig shirt for him, specifically Daddy Pig. I'd first like to mention that he is in his early 20's. I'd secondly like to mention that I am a dick and will always find a way to take the piss with the design.








Drawn entirely with the pen tool, polygonal lasso and paint brush.

  • 1 month later...

Need some help constructing a design here. I'm working my way towards my Zelda Sage series and it's nearly done. But I'm wondering about the Sage Medallion placement (if at all)


Here is Rauru:



This is what the original design was thought to be:



However some of the characters eclipse the medallions, so I thought I could shrink them and have them all except the relevant one is a little larger:


[Don't worry about the medal designs themselves, they're just prototypes]


Which do you think looks better? Or just scrap the medallions altogether?


I’d personally get rid of them altogether. And I’m sure people already commented on this in regards to your previous t-shirt designs.. But this could really do with some digital colouring. This would look so much better on t-shirts if you just stuck with flat colours.

Posted (edited)

To explain it in a few sentences:

- draw in pencil.

- you could ink it on paper (trace it with a black pen), or do this digitally as well

- scan your drawing, and clean it up by deleting grey spots, and playing with the contrast. You need to get a clean image with black lines from your drawing, and everything else should be white.

- zoom in 2 or 4 times, the use the free-select tool (or what it’s called in photoshop), “trace” your black lines, and select an area that’s supposed to be one continuous colour. Make sure the selected area overlaps the black lines (so you don’t get transparent spots), but obviously don’t go outside of them.

- select your preferred colour and use the full bucket.

- oh forgot: set your original drawing on “muliply” mode. This is a seperate layer, and once cleaned up, should be kept at the top, and you won’t do any editing in this layer anymore. All the colours go beneath it.

- Rinse & repeat; use a new layer for each piece of colouring.


I’m not great in explaining things. Look for a tutorial.. Images should help immensly with these kind of things.

Edited by Sméagol
To explain it in a few sentences:

- draw in pencil.

- you could ink it on paper (trace it with a black pen), or do this digitally as well

- scan your drawing, and clean it up by deleting grey spots, and playing with the contrast. You need to get a clean image with black lines from your drawing, and everything else should be white.

- zoom in 2 or 4 times, the use the free-select tool (or what it’s called in photoshop), “trace†your black lines, and select an area that’s supposed to be one continuous colour. Make sure the selected area overlaps the black lines (so you don’t get transparent spots), but obviously don’t go outside of them.

- select your preferred colour and use the full bucket.

- oh forgot: set your original drawing on “muliply†mode. This is a seperate layer, and once cleaned up, should be kept at the top, and you won’t do any editing in this layer anymore. All the colours go beneath it.

- Rinse & repeat; use a new layer for each piece of colouring.


I’m not great in explaining things. Look for a tutorial.. Images should help immensly with these kind of things.


You're not a fan of traditional painting/drawing shizzle are you?


Oh no, that’s absolutely not it. If you’d put this in the general gallery thread, it’d be fine, but since this is the t-shirt thread.. I don’t like the typical hand-coloured look on t-shirt designs.


On a t-shirt related note, has anyone else noticed redbubble bump up their prices? Really annoying, seeings as it's only worth selling tshirts if you get a good 3 - 4 quid off each one, and to do so you're now having to charge 18 19 quid for a tee... urgh.

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