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my dutch cousn is a bit of a party boy, he often goes to allnight raves. in holland, if your at a bar and are the designted driver, you get stamped, meaning that you cannot buy alcohal, but all soft drinks are free. this led to him drinking roughly 50 cans of red bull. he couldent sleep and his heart beat was irratic, he ended up going to the drs and was told hed had the equivilent of 100 or so cups of coffee, that he could have died and that he'd have been better off taking an E.


Moral of the story Flameboy - take some E and review uncharted 2. Can't wait to see you dancing to the theme tune! :laughing:

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Just had an email from ShopTo saying that because of the Royal Mail strikes they're offering Next Day Delivery with UKMail for £1.99 so I decided to switch to that


Me too. If it was any other game I probably would not bother, but its Uncharted 2. I need this game.

Just got a e-mail from GAME. My order has been dispatched!


So jealous right now! grrrr :angry:


*edit* just checked shopto and my copy has been despatched woohoo! :bouncy:

People who ordered via ShopTp, did you choose the free delivery or the next day UKMail?


UKMail. For a couple of quid its worth it to get the game guaranteed next day.


ShopTo have put dispatched next to my order as well but no email yet.


I'm going with the free delivery because they had already dispatched before I woke up. I'm fairly sure it will still come tomorrow, strikes aren't until next week at the earliest and every other time it's come on time so...

Posted (edited)

Yep strikes are starting next thursday..so this should be unaffected...there are however some small strikes around London i believe! Should be ok! Fingers crossed!


Oh and if you've used GAME (Like me) this is there latest: 'Just to let you know we are working on a postal strategy for online orders if Royal Mail strikes. We'll let you know when it's confirmed. We understand from the news that the strike may start on the 22nd Oct, so this week's new releases shouldn't be affected.'

Edited by Owen

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