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I've seen a few foxes walking the streets near where i live. One of them saw me and started to move towards me until i started to walk forwards then it ran for the hills.


Might be because i live so near fields and woodland where they live is most likely as to why i see them every few weeks or months.

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But..why? It can be an utterly cruel "sport". I mean, I don't see how chasing an animal down, and killing it can be considered a sport in this day an age. (For the record, before someone calls me something like "dynasty girl" - I love meat. I also just realised that sounds a little wrong. I'm going to stop typing now..)


I'd agree there. I've got nothing against hunting animals for food, but hunting for sport/fur/ivory/etc. is wrong.


I see a lot of foxes out here, then again there's good reason for them to be here. My whole area is infested with Pheasants!

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But..why? It can be an utterly cruel "sport". I mean, I don't see how chasing an animal down, and killing it can be considered a sport in this day an age. (For the record, before someone calls me something like "dynasty girl" - I love meat. I also just realised that sounds a little wrong. I'm going to stop typing now..)


You do realise that thats exactly what foxes do most of the time - foxes quite reguarly kill lambs and chickens not to eat but just for fun, hunts and farmers kill foxes to stop this because theyre livestock and livelihoods are at stake.

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I'd agree there. I've got nothing against hunting animals for food, but hunting for sport/fur/ivory/etc. is wrong.


I see a lot of foxes out here, then again there's good reason for them to be here. My whole area is infested with Pheasants!


Pheasant problem + cars = no pheasant problem + dented cars

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