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Probably hacked a load of Pokémon on Diamond/Pearl. I want to know why Galaxy being "easy for him" equates to it being an awful game.

I hate this thing going on that games can't be easy to be good. Not to mention the definition of easy. I mean, take all those 1-ups away and people would say it'd be hard, while the only thing it would accomplish would be making the game less fun and more frustrating.

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I hate this thing going on that games can't be easy to be good. Not to mention the definition of easy. I mean, take all those 1-ups away and people would say it'd be hard, while the only thing it would accomplish would be making the game less fun and more frustrating.


That bit of extra difficulty can make a game feel more rewarding though.

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I personally thought SMG had a perfectly pitched difficulty curve. Seems that Nintendo are going the route of adding another mode or specific option to make their games harder. Not like in ye olde days!


There are still difficult sections in all of their games, some of the secret routes in NSMB are pretty difficult to obtain as well as some of the stars in SMG. I guess I just think Nintendo hide their secrets through difficulty now. Which (take the warp whistles in SMB3) is something perhaps they have always hinted at.


Either way, I'm more than happy at the difficulty levels, means I can actually complete the games when, coupled with my adult life, I have less time.

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I personally thought SMG had a perfectly pitched difficulty curve. Seems that Nintendo are going the route of adding another mode or specific option to make their games harder. Not like in ye olde days!


There are still difficult sections in all of their games, some of the secret routes in NSMB are pretty difficult to obtain as well as some of the stars in SMG. I guess I just think Nintendo hide their secrets through difficulty now. Which (take the warp whistles in SMB3) is something perhaps they have always hinted at.


Either way, I'm more than happy at the difficulty levels, means I can actually complete the games when, coupled with my adult life, I have less time.


This is EXACTLY how I feel; I thought the difficulty on Prime 3, Twilight Princess and Galaxy were all perfect, not too easy, but not infuriatingly hard. AND, controversially maybe, I think each of these is the best version in the respective franchises :)


Now I'm older I just dont have the time to dedicate to games, that coupled with the fact I have much more money means I'd rather buy more games and finish them all; then play for 100 hours - though Football Manager and Animal Crossing are exceptions to this rule! But they don't feel like games :D

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LOL, nice spoted, Dazzybee

Fix'd, i actually love Godfather, though, its just nothing compared to most of the other games i have on my Wii.

And i don't hate Mario Galaxy only for being easy, its for being boring too (probably because of the difficulty, but whatever)

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LOL, nice spoted, Dazzybee

Fix'd, i actually love Godfather, though, its just nothing compared to most of the other games i have on my Wii.

And i don't hate Mario Galaxy only for being easy, its for being boring too (probably because of the difficulty, but whatever)


Oh brilliant, now I look stupid!!


You not liking Mario Galaxy means you were blatantly dropped on your head as a small child, so everyone should give you a patronising "Ah bless 'im" every time you post :p

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Damn right, its so underated, everyone is looking up ahead trying to find good games coming out when one of the best is already out for one year...




Also, Dazzybee, i just think the game is boring, i'm sorry, but i really think it is.

The Legend of Zelda: TP on the other hand *drools*

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Damn right, its so underated, everyone is looking up ahead trying to find good games coming out when one of the best is already out for one year...




Also, Dazzybee, i just think the game is boring, i'm sorry, but i really think it is.

The Legend of Zelda: TP on the other hand *drools*


Dude, you don't need to apologise for your tastes. :smile:

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I plan on going into town and trading in a few rubbish games tomorrow, not sure what to get though. I've pre-emptively preordered Wii Music and Star Wars: The Clone Wars (which I get the impression from that it might not be as fun in single player), but what else is coming out tomorrow or has been out recently which is worthy of my moneys?


I may have a bit extra too, so is there anything really good going for a low price in Gamestation? Boom Blox was £9 the other week, was it not?

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Dude, you don't need to apologise for your tastes. :smile:


lol, not sorry for my tastes, just sorry for don't liking Mario Galaxy has much as i wanted to like it

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I plan on going into town and trading in a few rubbish games tomorrow, not sure what to get though. I've pre-emptively preordered Wii Music and Star Wars: The Clone Wars (which I get the impression from that it might not be as fun in single player), but what else is coming out tomorrow or has been out recently which is worthy of my moneys?


I may have a bit extra too, so is there anything really good going for a low price in Gamestation? Boom Blox was £9 the other week, was it not?


I thought you were one of the ones that had Boom Blox...? My bad. As for what's out and coming out, take a gander in the stickied thread pertaining to releases and see if you can find some inspiration! Personally I kinda feel tempted to get the new Guitar Hero... but I will most probably be giving it a miss.

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I plan on going into town and trading in a few rubbish games tomorrow, not sure what to get though. I've pre-emptively preordered Wii Music and Star Wars: The Clone Wars (which I get the impression from that it might not be as fun in single player), but what else is coming out tomorrow or has been out recently which is worthy of my moneys?


I may have a bit extra too, so is there anything really good going for a low price in Gamestation? Boom Blox was £9 the other week, was it not?


Call of Duty? Guitar Hero? Rayman 3? Manhunt 2? Shaun White Snowboarding? Facebreaker?

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^ lol. I doubt RRR3 will be worth anyone's money. The second one certainly wasn't worth mine. Shame, as the first one wasn't too bad.


I'm the same as you; loved the first, still play it to this day. 2nd one was shit though. I'm hopeful for this version, balance board support, 8 player multi?! yup yup!

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