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Urgh, i still can't see love for Mario Galaxy, i hate it even more than RE:UC (and that's saying something)


Well, i still have some love for it, though, because it was the reason why i bought my dear Wii.


But yes, i think the rest of your top 5 is pretty much very good.

I would like to see your complete collection, though, but you probably have a giant one, so it would waste 3 hours of your life counting it.

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My collection:


Godfather - Completed

Metroid Prime 3 - Completed

Okami - Not Completed

Super Mario Galaxy - Completed

Super Paper Mario - Completed

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Completed

Trauma Center: Second Opinion - Not Completed

Wii Sports - What do you call completing this game?

Zack & Wiki - Not Completed

Zelda TP - Completed




Urgh, i still can't see love for Mario Galaxy, i hate it even more than RE:UC (and that's saying something)


What the fuck...? :wtf:

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Mostly because the Wii controls proved very superior and we don't get gimped ports from 360 and PS3 that often :P




So let's have a great Wii Resi game built from the start to take advantage of the Wii hardware, and leave the games built from the start to take advantage of the 360/PS3 alone. Why would you want Resi5 ported? Aside from the graphics as previously stated;


Online co-op as well; the number of enemies you can have on-screen at one time; destructible scenery, physics - we're using Havok this time. We can do more complex stuff with AI


If they couldn't get this stuff with the GC on Resi4, they aren't going to make particularly huge strides on Wii. Havok; isn't that the same physics engine used in 360/PS3 Force Unleashed, but not in the Wii port? AI and destructible environments are also massive things to think about, bearing in mind the AI of Sheva is going to be hugely important (especially considering the Wii online infrastructure is so poor).


I just can't comprehend why people would pine for a Resi5 Wiimake faced with all these issues instead of asking for a full Wii game. Especially when, like yourself Hellfire, you have a 360 anyway.

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Is your collection by order of what you love the most at up and what you hate the most down?


And not bait flaming, i just think Super Mario Galaxy its really too easy for me

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Urgh, i still can't see love for Mario Galaxy, i hate it even more than RE:UC (and that's saying something)

You are now no longer an official Portuguese Mafia member. It is a priviledge that was given to you and that you disgraced.




So let's have a great Wii Resi game built from the start to take advantage of the Wii hardware, and leave the games built from the start to take advantage of the 360/PS3 alone. Why would you want Resi5 ported? Aside from the graphics as previously stated;




If they couldn't get this stuff with the GC on Resi4, they aren't going to make particularly huge strides on Wii. Havok; isn't that the same physics engine used in 360/PS3 Force Unleashed, but not in the Wii port? AI and destructible environments are also massive things to think about, bearing in mind the AI of Sheva is going to be hugely important (especially considering the Wii online infrastructure is so poor).


I just can't comprehend why people would pine for a Resi5 Wiimake faced with all these issues instead of asking for a full Wii game. Especially when, like yourself Hellfire, you have a 360 anyway.


I'm not making any war to have RE5 on Wii, but it seems like a great game that would benefit a lot from Wii controls. Having it on Wii would be yet another great game and would need to push the Wii to keep similar results. Seems win-win. It would either have to be made ground up for the Wii or in a way, a version of the other engine (not very feasible unless that's the plan from the start), either way, it would be a great new game, not a PS2 port and it wouldn't exclude the possibility of other RE Wii games.


Honestly I haven't seen anything special about the AI in RE5 yet, online co-op could work, even if it didn't cut that out. The graphics are obviously not possible, but saying that if they couldnt do it on GC they can't make strides on Wii is a pretty bad way to look at things. Wii is more powerful than GC, considering that Capcom already knows quite a lot about it's architecture, it can certainly make a graphically wonderful game on Wii, this would be a chance to do it.


Havok is on many Wii games, Star Wars PS360 used Euphoria, a Lucas Arts physics engine.


I'd be glad to play a mainline RE with Wii controls, it's not hard to follow. To me, this would more than make up for lesser graphics and one or two things removed. It's not happening, though, I'll play it on 360, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have loved it on the Wii. It's not like I'm making petitions or feeling outraged I was just responding to what was said.



Also, Top 5


1-Twilight Princess

2-Mario Galaxy


4-Metroid Prime

5-Zack & Wiki


Sketchy after Prime really :P

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You are now no longer an official Portuguese Mafia member. It is a priviledge that was given to you and that you disgraced


Wait, since when was i a official Portuguese Mafia member?


I was always the unnoficial troll that appears as the official member and you try to kill but fail miserably

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I'd say getting "pro" at all the sports.

I thought so, but still wouldn't consider that completing it, since a bad run can bring you down from Pro and you can always keep on upping your score, I guess. I don't consider Wii Sports a "completable" game, it's one you just play.



Is your collection by order of what you love the most at up and what you hate the most down?


Nope, alphabetically. :awesome: Why would you assume I hate Zelda the most?

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My collection? Yeah it's pretty big, just shy of 50. Not including another 50 VC/WiiWare games.....I will have to say though, that barring GT Pro and Fifa 09, I have enjoyed them all :)


And not liking Galaxy because it's too easy? Did you get dropped on your head as a small child? Have you got 120 stars?


It being hard or easy isn't the point thought, it's the sheer genius, fun, excitement and wonder just playing the thing!

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I would post my collection of Wii games that I have played and completed over the 2 years I've had it but it would literally make for one huge post. I think I'd be encrotching(sp?) on 50 games. I'll post my top 5 games so far though.


1. Okami

2. Super Mario Galaxy

3. Metroid Prime 3

4. Zelda: Twilight Princess

5. Zack and Wiki


Some people may ask why I put Okami first over say Super Mario Galaxy but the thing is that its close. Both games are beautifully presented, both graphically and musically. I enjoyed both games greatly (so much so that I've got other run throughs on Okami and 120 stars under my belt) but I enjoyed Okami more so than the others because it felt fresh to me.


Brawl and Mario Kart are only just edged out of the top 5. Really, its a packed top 5 with very little between the titles in terms of how high they rate.

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My collection? Yeah it's pretty big, just shy of 50. Not including another 50 VC/WiiWare games.....I will have to say though, that barring GT Pro and Fifa 09, I have enjoyed them all :)


And not liking Galaxy because it's too easy? Did you get dropped on your head as a small child? Have you got 120 stars?


It being hard or easy isn't the point thought, it's the sheer genius, fun, excitement and wonder just playing the thing!


Yes to all of your questions


But anyways, i won't discuss anymore, i would get flamed by the entire community of this forum

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Just been cleaning my nunchunks. God, they get filthy easily.


Over the last few weeks, I've been playing Wario Land and House of the Dead, and now I'm playing Disaster along with Tetris Party. Shall probably complete Disaster very soon, but doubt I'll go back to it, but I'll probably keep it as I have a feeling this could be a rare game in the future. Tetris Party is awesome, and it'll keep me going over the next weeks, along with the weekly 12 player Mario Kart sessions. Don't plan on buying anymore games before Christmas, so I may go back to Wii Fit next month, so I can loose some calories for Christmas and I still need to finish Okami, Super Mario RPG and playing as Luigi on Galaxy.

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....details regarding the Harmonix game starring the Beatles, the band who is too good to play with the rest of the class in Rock Band. Unveiled just yesterday, the yet-to-be named title will feature 45 songs from their EMI years of 1962 to 1969. Former Beatles producer George Martin and his son Giles will be overseeing the catalog's transition into the new medium, but didn't elaborate on whether the recordings will the remastered. The deal also cost a pretty penny, as noted by Martin Bandier, chairman-CEO of Sony/ATV Music Publishing. "We signed a deal that would be considered very rich by the video game company but fair for the artists." (Taken from PS3 Fanboy)


Wow...I hope this comes to Wii. Truly love just about all Beatles tracks so this is amazing!

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Ooo, top 5 games?


I don't own too many, but going on what I've got, I'd have to say:


1. Twilight Princess - Fucking loved every second of it.

2. Super Mario Galaxy - like TP, but I haven't finished it all, yet.

3. Guitar Hero 3

4. ExciteTruck

5. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - Its the only version of this game I've played, and its so awesome. Great controls.

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This very nearly made me lol. Most of that list is brand newly unveiled 1st Party titles, and the most we have on many of the games is just a couple of seconds from a montage. But there's nothing to capture interest straight away, so we'll dismiss them all for good? If I said Dynamic Slash was developed by the same team that created the cult PS2 classic Global Defence Force, would it mean anything to you? Would you care?


You can't find quality if you don't look for it.


Interestingly enough, most of the "quality" that is available on other systems are all the games that are crowbarred down gamers necks for months on end with 'flashy' CGI trailers and too much press than is healthy.


Whatever happened to the sleeper hits of the industry? The hidden gems in gaming? No, if it's not got thirty billion pounds of sub-Hollywood marketing behind it as well as "gritty realism", then the cool kids are not interested, thank you very much.


That thanks to D_prodigy. Finishing this from the WiiMusic thread.


1. I'm not dismissing those newly shown titles, they just don't excite me yet. You're right we've just seen clips. Show me something I like and they'll be added to my list. Not unfair is it?


2. Other systems are producing solid games for this christmas. The publicity is irrelevant.


3. When did this get onto marketing. I'm not looking forward to these Wii titles because they don't exist yet.


4. My point about the Wiimote is that, yeah so an FPS CAN be better (though the majority still aren't) and yeah wii sports is fun but why is it that wiisports still shows of the wii possibilities better than anything else two years in. There are few games still that allow me to do things I couldn't do with a 360 controller just as easily.


I'm just not satisfied. I honestly wish I was, I queued up at midnight to get this. I'm an old-school fanboy for Ninty. Where's the love?

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