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Dead Space


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I've become so shit scared of this game, I can't physically play it.


Haha, problem is, when you go back to it, the tension just skyrockets to the same levels as it was when you left it. I found that the longer I played a session, the more I was able to cope, but if I turned it off and went back to it, I was back at square one.

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Haha, problem is, when you go back to it, the tension just skyrockets to the same levels as it was when you left it. I found that the longer I played a session, the more I was able to cope, but if I turned it off and went back to it, I was back at square one.


I guess it doesn't help that Im a pussy and hate zombies/disfigured insane humans/28 days later style thingies....

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i find that in scary moments, i do better if i go into my angry/violent state. bassicly i sit with teeth bared, shoulders broad and play like a mother fucker. anything in my path gets mullered, try n be as violent as possible. dart in, no catious peering round courners, just kill kill KILL! unfortunatly, i couldent get out of that state once. really ruined that game of pictonary...

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Just finished chapter10. Its really more screaming at the tv to reload faster or run faster as the guy who doesnt die runs after you rather than jumping, ive only done that a few times. Especially when you have to pull stuff out of the way to get through.

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*sigh*, I was in chapter 2 and got fucking owned by these parasite things. Haven't gone back yet and really want to. Its just terrifying. Scary movies don't scare me... Scary games do.

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well, finnished the game last night. all in all, id say it was an excelent game.


the presentation is an obvious point of praise, the graphics, story and audio were all top notch.


gameplay was actualy pretty limited, all "go there, put that there" with very few excpetions. that said, it worked well. it kept you going deeper into the ship, and taking you back into rooms that had previously been empty only to find a room full of evil was neat. a couple of the puzzles were clever, but with the exception of one mid way moment in the game, i never got stuck. (i jsut didnt think to walk on the outside of the asteroid!) combat was always fun, and stopping the automatic head shot was tricky. tactical dissmemberment was lots of fun.


in terms of scaryness, it put it just abouve resi 4. lots of not wanting to turn a corner, but when you do, its not so bad. did get a couple of shocks that made me jump, but it wasn't overdone.


all in all, a very good game. don't be afraid, jump in!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally finished this today, only about 6 weeks after getting it!


Overall very impressed. Took me awhile to get into it (just didn't have the immediate appeal of Mirrors Edge or Banjo Kazooie unfortunately) but when I did I thoroughly enjoyed it. Never quite reached the heights of obvious camparisons like Bioshock or Resi4, but fantastic nonetheless.


Just a shame that the final boss came down to a simple strafe attacks, pound weakspot with machine gun affair. Armed myself to the teeth beforehand and did it in one go without so much as a med kit.

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Finally finished this today, only about 6 weeks after getting it!


Overall very impressed. Took me awhile to get into it (just didn't have the immediate appeal of Mirrors Edge or Banjo Kazooie unfortunately) but when I did I thoroughly enjoyed it. Never quite reached the heights of obvious camparisons like Bioshock or Resi4, but fantastic nonetheless.


Just a shame that the final boss came down to a simple strafe attacks, pound weakspot with machine gun affair. Armed myself to the teeth beforehand and did it in one go without so much as a med kit.


Was gonna perfect the boss first time but actually screwed up one time where he grabbed me, and then I could not shoot the right bits in time before I was eaten. Bit pissed as I knew he was close to death. Well chuffed when I completed it though and it really is an awesome game. Wonder if a sequel is possible.

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Was gonna perfect the boss first time but actually screwed up one time where he grabbed me, and then I could not shoot the right bits in time before I was eaten. Bit pissed as I knew he was close to death. Well chuffed when I completed it though and it really is an awesome game. Wonder if a sequel is possible.


im sure i read that it was part of a serise


read the wikipedia, they seem to think so.






so this is a replicant of somthing older, how about games set throught human history, kinds like eternal darkness? id like to see the creatures taken on with a sword


that said, the endeing was rather ambigious (did issac escape?) so theres a chance of returning there again.


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So after the disaster-purchase that was Tom Clancy's EndWar, tommorow I shall be going into GameStation receipt in hand ready to claim back my £25 to get another game.


I'm split on purchasing this or Prince of Persia, the biggest factor is I'm a bit of a pussy. Dead Space looks great but I'm not sure how much of the scary-alien stuff I can take, so I ask, will I need to grow a pair to play this? Should I just go for the safe Prince of Persia option or take the risk? I know the game is hyped as brilliant mind you.


I think I'll risk the scariness and go for it, I've become more atoned to this sort of game lately. The odd thing is I used to play the original Silent Hill's and Resident Evil's no problem as a kid 0_o.

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between prince of persian and dead sapce (boh are very good but totaly different) my recomendation would go to dead space.


im a bit of a pussy (or was), but if im honest, i think i got about 4 shocks the whole time i played, and there werent many moments that scared me.


in terms of scares, its scarier the RE4, but i didnt find that scary.


prince of persia is good, but it lacks real challenge.


prince of persia looks amazine, but dead space is more satisfying to play.

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Dead Space is a grand mixture of Bioshock, Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime. Prince of Persia is a 7-hour-long Quick-time event.


Couldn't agree more with this...

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finally got round to play this and it's f****** awesome.. was a bit annoyed by some of the secondary firing of the weapons.. like the pulse rifle.. untill i got rushed in a cramped space by 4 monsters.. was about to give up and reload when i remembered the 360 overhead sweep.. tried it and it tore them to shreds

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