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Xpert Eleven Season 8: Villan still a loser


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Okay, so it's down to this:


If I beat Moogle:

I stay up. Moogle and Gaggle go down regardless of gaggle's result.


If I lose to Moogle:

Moogle stays up. Gaggle and I go down regardless of gaggle's result.


If I draw with Moogle, but gaggle beats j7:

gaggle stays up. Moogle and I go down.


If I draw with Moogle, and gaggle either loses or draws with j7:

I stay up. Gaggle and Moogle go down.



Bring on Friday.

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Darn you Haden. You killed my main player in the second minute, and scored in the 93rd minute (why was there so much extra time if so little happened?).


Hopefully I'll get some money for having the player selected as the Xpert11 Captain most times.

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I took a gamble in putting young Lewis Speller in the starting line-up. But he scored and provided an assist.


Hopefully now for a fuck-off mahoosive change report. :smile:


Now, up next for me is the eagerly-anticipated Speller V Speller match. Ooh, what shit's going to go down here?

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I lost a lot of skill points this season due to being too busy to participate in 90% of it. Shame considering when I actually did try I won all my games by about 5 goals :/


When I logged on for the first time in months my lineup consisted of about 3 players, with no goalkeeper -_-

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