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Uhh, I'm pretty sure he'd have you arrested, Coolness.




I'd personally jump in & decapitate the police who were trying to handcuff him with my Beam Katana MK III. Then probably be disappointed at the amount of blood that gushes out of their necks (& blame it on being in PAL territory).

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Captain Falcon

Dispatched today!!!


Well providing I finish PoP tomorrow (I probably will as I need to finish it before writing it up on Friday) I'll be picking this up on Friday. It still baffles me that its taken so long for it to be released here ::shrug: At least it is getting released and I'm sure it'll be entertaining.


Picked this up yesterday (after having totally forgotten this came out).


First impressions after about an hour and a half in? Way better than NMH1, which is still a cult classic IMO. It's better looking, it plays better and smoother, the blood is intact and makes for more 'sensible' cutscenes, and though I was initially put off by the fact that you don't get to drive around... trust me, it's a blessing. It's way more streamlined this way and better for it.


And the training you do with Jeanne, your cat, is hilarious! Yes, I'm easily amused when it comes to cats. :D


Oh, and small detail: you get to walk around freely in your appartment, store, gym, etc. Small, but pleasant.


Picked up my pre-order for this today, was only 25 euro, couldn't believe it, plus I put tenner down on it so only had 15 left... i was expecting it to be round the regular 40/50 euro mark... store only got in 10 copies too they said, there was a woman in before me looking to buy it but didn't have a preorder down, only copies they had were for preorders... lucky I did, haha.


Don't know how I'm gonna divid my time though as I'm still loving Monster Hunter 3 and want to play that more, but of course now I got this... gggrrrrr... maybe have to alternate between them on different days...least the weekend is tomorrow... but I'm working half day tomorrow... so Sunday should get a good play time period for both :)


Bought it. Got the last copy in my local GAME (Gamestation didn't have it and don't seem to be getting in many new Wii games lately ::shrug: That particular store never has been very keen on putting out many Wii titles). Cheaper than I thought it'd be as well, £29.99 but I got money off because of my reward card points so I was happy.


And it's good. Love how they break the fourth wall at the start. Rather amusing. Just beat Nathan Copeland who wasn't hard, although those laser things were a tad annoying. But as good as it is, I have one grudge against the game already. The cutscenes. For all the good Rising Star have done with distributing games in Europe, the cutscenes have been badly converted. Constantly slowing in frame rate, and not just by a tiny bit. It doesn't really affect the game but it's just annoying that they've made such a poor attempt at converting the cutscenes (which IIRC aren't running on the game engine, rather being pre-recorded so it's even more baffling that this issue has cropped up).


Still, look forward to playing more of it. The little Bizarre Jelly 5 game was a nice little distracter when I first booted up.


You can buy this for an incredible £16.93 at TheHut by using the discount code 'BANK10'




Would buy, but with Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Rune Factory to play over the next few weeks, and Modern Warfare Reflex still keeping me busy, I havent got the time.


no more heroes 2 (just like all the latest rising star games) is nowhere to be found in the netherlands, some retailers dont even know when they will get it in and some others list july 2010:nono:. Will import it from the UK.....

But as good as it is, I have one grudge against the game already. The cutscenes. For all the good Rising Star have done with distributing games in Europe, the cutscenes have been badly converted. Constantly slowing in frame rate, and not just by a tiny bit. It doesn't really affect the game but it's just annoying that they've made such a poor attempt at converting the cutscenes (which IIRC aren't running on the game engine, rather being pre-recorded so it's even more baffling that this issue has cropped up).


Did it look like a 60-50hz conversion problem (ie. 5 or 6 regular jerks every second) or do you think it'll be like that on the NTSC version too?


Had a good session on this last night, loving it. I do kinda missing the overworld but though, I loved the bike myself (considering I drive a bike in the real world too), but I guess if they kept it it would feel too similar to the 1st game. Took me awhile to get back into the controls, kept getting kicked around by the very first guy when the game starts (playing on Mild). Loved Travis and Sylvia's first conversation (won't spoil it), was bloody funny they jumped right into it, haha. The weird cutscenes in the sexchat-like place though are weirding me out a bit... and getting a very Killer7 vibe from them especially with the similar sounds effects when the game is loading the next part.

The 2D side jobs are fun, but hard, only finsihed all 4 stages on the coconut one so far everything else I can get to the 4th stage but can't beat it :heh:

Posted (edited)

So disappointed with this waste of time. NMH 1 is possibly my favorite game ever, but number 2 is just disgusting. The gameplay is rubbish, the cutscenes are less interesting, and generally the game is just pathetic.


The 8 bit minigames are fun, but as they are not part of the main game, what's the point? Its like they made the ranking battles and sugar coated the rest with gimmicks. What is the point in getting rid of the open world? The crappy map system should be for the easy mode. I played for like 3 hours and none of the bosses lasted for longer than 5 mins. There seems to be barely any strategy to beating these assassins. Dr... for example, I just ran over to him, sliced for ages and then did the same untill he died. Why is really weak game parading as a sequel to a true masterpiece!?


I have no fault with the presentation, the story seems really cool. The music is pretty good, but lacking the charm of the first games music.


Something is missing from the game, something which made the last one transcend criticism and genre. By trying to make a more streamlined game, they have lost part of their soul in the process. Grasshopper should change there motto to 'Punx died, and we killed it with NMH2'


With the first one, I didn't want it to end. I'm trying to finish this one as soon as possible, so I can wash the bad taste out of my mouth.


I love Suda, but there truly are no more heroes left in the games industry...

Edited by starscream316
Posted (edited)

That's... harsh, but fair, I suppose. If everyone felt the same about games, this would be a boring place indeed.


Oddly enough, I have quite the opposite experience. Whereas I just chopped, chopped away in the first game, not incorporating any real strategy (except for a few boss-battles), here I really have to think about using high/low attack, evading, etc. I feel it's more diverse than the first game.


I personally don't find the tone any less punky than the first one too. Sure, some corners have been cut, though I don't think anyone misses the sometimes tedious going back and forth for some jobs. I think that system is better handles in NMH2, and dare I say, more fun.


Also love that it actaully gets hard to max out your stats. In the first game, it was just going through the motions (pun intended). Here, you have to work HARD!! ... and evade kisses. :p


But I can agree the bosses are less strategic than in the first. On the other hand, the 'regular' enemies are way better. It actually is less repetitive and more fun to get to your target this time. Give some, take some, eh.

Edited by Strange Cookie
Posted (edited)

I got a bit carried away...but I am really disappointed with NMH 2!! It has not delivered anything worth while for me!! Its cool that your enjoying this one more.


I think the biggest problem with the game is that there is a lack of breaking up the gameplay. In the first you had the sprinklers, the 2-d Glastonberry game, and the part with the bike in Destroy stadium. This one is just constant fighting, with nothing Suda like added on top to make this a Grasshopper game. For example before fighting one of the assassins your in a supermarket. Why didn't he make a section where you ride a shopping trolley whilst attacking all the enemies? This is what I expect from such a genius, not more fighting...


Also the bike section was just a waste of time. There were no enemies! I think the main problem with the game, is that the gameplay lacks Suda's charm. You can still see its a Suda51 game, ie turning into a tiger and the mech etc, but in the end it feels shallow and normal.


I think Suda should stay away from sequels in the future, and that's saying a lot, as Travis is like my favourite character ever!!

Edited by starscream316
Guest Captain Falcon

Hey starscream, can you just be a bit careful when you're throwing names around as some people, such as myself, haven't finished the game yet. By all means share your opinion, but bear that in mind please.


I will say this though, and yes I haven't finished the game yet (rank 8), but I know where you are coming from.


I don't think it's as bad as you are making it sound but I share some of the fundamental feelings you seem to be exhibiting.


Part of the problem with Travis is that in the first game, although he was cocky, he was constantly finding himself out of his depth but somehow make it through and grew a little as a result. Here, he knows he's the best and is used to the games and shenanigans played by both Sylvia and the other assassins - nothing is really a surprise to him anymore.


And I preferred the overworld too instead of the map, though the music that plays over it is cool.


Oh, and I miss hearing this too


Broadcast Yourself


Of course, I've not finished yet, but I can't imagine any of my points being affected based on what I know of the game.


Sorry about that...I got too carried away...


Yeah, in the first, Travis was the rookie looking up to these weird and wonderful assassins or heroes if you will...but in the second he is the legend, the No More Hero and the assassins are below him...which I'm fine with...


I probably am overreacting, but I feel this game was made by a Suda wannabe rather than Suda himself maybe to do with the fact he didn't direct it...


No problem, and you raise some good points, actually.


Have to admit the bosses are rather short. Whereas in the prequel they were genuin 'events', now they are just some harder-then-usual enemies. There are some great personalities inthere, but unlike NMH1, not all of them are memorable... just beamfodder.

Guest Captain Falcon

I finished this today on mild - didn't bother with sweet.


So, honestly, I'm not too sure. It might be that the first took me so much by surprise that this was never going to be able to live up it... and well, it didn't. It was still very enjoyable though and given the cheap price it can be had for, it is hard not to recommend but given the first can be had for loose change, it is still the one to get first.


Just finished the game enjoyed it. Not as great as the first but still pretty awesome.


The final boss was bloody annoying at first, I was thinking "jesus, this is the crapiest final boss EVER"




I thought I was killing him and pretty easy, he didn't have much to work out in terms of patterns or how to get his car down. Then after getting his life past the half way mark it just seemed to stick... it wasn't going down any further. I was thinking maybe I have to use a different sword, tried switching, nothing, then thought, maybe it has to be a certain one at a certain time, and thought maybe using a katana that matched the color of a picture on the TV wall would work....nothing again.


Took me ages to think about playing chicken with his car and maybe that would enter a power struggle, haha.


Thought it was over, still thinking worst boss ever, then he took on a 2nd stage which was much better. Hell he bloody punched me out the window inside the first minute, that pissed me off. Haha. Had to work pretty hard to kill him this time, when I finally did, thought WOOT, now that's a final boss.... AND THEN he took on a 3rd form, holly frak, haha.


Thought the ending was alright, the shock with the heads, which made me angry too... having Henry appear during the fight was cool... though he didn't help much after the first part... yet he seemed to suggest he did.


Also disappointed Shinobu didn't make an appearence in the ending of the game. Thought there would be more to the ending given how awesome it was in the first. And the bit with Sylvia being the girl in the sex shop place behind the glass... WTF was that all about? Was that taking place after the events of the game? How did she get there? Or was the game just her imagination or something?



Is the a "Real" ending like in the 1st game... like do I have to get 100% items or beat the game on Bitter?

Guest Captain Falcon

Is the a "Real" ending like in the 1st game... like do I have to get 100% items or beat the game on Bitter?


There is only the one ending... unless the other is so hidden that no one has discovered it yet.

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